Variable Label
CNR_WM Contrast-to-noise ratio for total white matter
SNR_WM Signal-to-noise ratio for total white matter
CNR_GM Contrast-to-noise ratio for total gray matter
SNR_GM Signal-to-noise ratio for total gray matter
Contrast_WM_GM Measure of the contrast difference between white matter and gray matter in the MRI scan.
PHC_WMHVOL Total volume of white matter hyperintensities (WMH) in the brain

T1 - FreeSurfer

Variable Label
EstimatedTotalIntraCranialVol_combat Estimated Total Intracranial Volume harmonized with combat
Left_Lateral_Ventricle_combat Left Lateral Ventricle harmonized with combat
Left_Inf_Lat_Vent_combat Left Inferior Lateral Ventricle harmonized with combat
Left_Cerebellum_White_Matter_combat Left Cerebellum White Matter harmonized with combat
Left_Cerebellum_Cortex_combat Left Cerebellum Cortex harmonized with combat
Left_Thalamus_Proper_combat Left Thalamus Proper harmonized with combat
Left_Caudate_combat Left Caudate harmonized with combat
Left_Putamen_combat Left Putamen harmonized with combat
Left_Pallidum_combat Left Pallidum harmonized with combat
X3rd_Ventricle_combat Third Ventricle harmonized with combat
X4th_Ventricle_combat Fourth Ventricle harmonized with combat
Brain_Stem_combat Brain Stem harmonized with combat
Left_Hippocampus_combat Left Hippocampus harmonized with combat
Left_Amygdala_combat Left Amygdala harmonized with combat
CSF_combat CSF harmonized with combat
Left_Accumbens_area_combat Left Accumbens Area harmonized with combat
Left_VentralDC_combat Left Ventral Diencephalon harmonized with combat
Left_vessel_combat Left Vessel harmonized with combat
Left_choroid_plexus_combat Left Choroid Plexus harmonized with combat
Right_Lateral_Ventricle_combat Right Lateral Ventricle harmonized with combat
Right_Inf_Lat_Vent_combat Right Inferior Lateral Ventricle harmonized with combat
Right_Cerebellum_White_Matter_combat Right Cerebellum White Matter harmonized with combat
Right_Cerebellum_Cortex_combat Right Cerebellum Cortex harmonized with combat
Right_Thalamus_Proper_combat Right Thalamus Proper harmonized with combat
Right_Caudate_combat Right Caudate harmonized with combat
Right_Putamen_combat Right Putamen harmonized with combat
Right_Pallidum_combat Right Pallidum harmonized with combat
Right_Hippocampus_combat Right Hippocampus harmonized with combat
Right_Amygdala_combat Right Amygdala harmonized with combat
Right_Accumbens_area_combat Right Accumbens area harmonized with combat
Right_VentralDC_combat Right Ventral Diencephalon harmonized with combat
Right_vessel_combat Right Vessel harmonized with combat
Right_choroid_plexus_combat Right Choroid Plexus harmonized with combat
WM_hypointensities_combat White Matter Hypointensities harmonized with combat
Optic_Chiasm_combat Optic Chiasm harmonized with combat
CC_Posterior_combat CC Posterior harmonized with combat
CC_Mid_Posterior_combat CC Mid-Posterior harmonized with combat
CC_Central_combat CC Central Posterior harmonized with combat
CC_Mid_Anterior_combat CC Mid-Anterior harmonized with combat
CC_Anterior_combat CC Anterior harmonized with combat
BrainSegVol_combat Brain Seg Volume harmonized with combat
BrainSegVolNotVent_combat Brain Segmentation Volume Without Ventricles harmonized with combat
BrainSegVolNotVentSurf_combat Brain Segmentation Volume Without Ventricles from Surf harmonized with combat
lhCortexVol_combat Left Hemisphere Cortex Volume harmonized with combat
rhCortexVol_combat Right Hemisphere Cortex Volume harmonized with combat
CortexVol_combat Cortex Volume harmonized with combat
lhCerebralWhiteMatterVol_combat Left Hemisphere Cerebral White Matter Volume harmonized with combat
rhCerebralWhiteMatterVol_combat Right Hemisphere Cerebral White Matter Volume harmonized with combat
CerebralWhiteMatterVol_combat Cerebral White Matter Volume harmonized with combat
SubCortGrayVol_combat Subcortical Gray Matter Volume harmonized with combat
TotalGrayVol_combat Total Gray Matter Volume harmonized with combat
SupraTentorialVol_combat Supratentrorial Volume harmonized with combat
SupraTentorialVolNotVent_combat Supratentrorial Volume excluding ventricles, CSF, and dura, harmonized with combat
SupraTentorialVolNotVentVox_combat Brain Segmentation Volume Without Ventricles from Vox harmonized with combat
MaskVol_combat Mask Volume harmonized with combat
BrainSegVol_to_eTIV_combat Brain Seg Volume to Estimated Total Intracranial Volume harmonized with combat
MaskVol_to_eTIV_combat Mask Volume to Estimated Total Intracranial Volume harmonized with combat
lhSurfaceHoles_combat Left Hemisphere Surface Holes harmonized with combat
rhSurfaceHoles_combat Right Hemisphere Surface Holes harmonized with combat
SurfaceHoles_combat Surface Holes harmonized with combat
lh_bankssts_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Bankssts Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Caudalanteriorcingulate Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Caudalmiddlefrontal Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_cuneus_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Cuneus Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_entorhinal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Entorhinal Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_fusiform_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Fusiform Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_inferiorparietal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Inferiorparietal Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_inferiortemporal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Inferiortemporal Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_isthmuscingulate_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Isthmuscingulate Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_lateraloccipital_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Lateraloccipital Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_lateralorbitofrontal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Lateralorbitofrontal Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_lingual_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Lingual Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_medialorbitofrontal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Medialorbitofrontal Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_middletemporal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Middletemporal Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_parahippocampal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Parahippocampal Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_paracentral_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Paracentral Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_parsopercularis_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Parsopercularis Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_parsorbitalis_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Parsorbitalis Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_parstriangularis_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Parstriangularis Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_pericalcarine_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Pericalcarine Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_postcentral_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Postcentral Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_posteriorcingulate_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Posteriorcingulate Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_precentral_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Precentral Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_precuneus_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Precuneus Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_rostralanteriorcingulate_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Rostralanteriorcingulate Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_rostralmiddlefrontal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Rostralmiddlefrontal Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_superiorfrontal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Superiorfrontal Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_superiorparietal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Superiorparietal Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_superiortemporal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Superiortemporal Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_supramarginal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Supramarginal Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_frontalpole_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Frontalpole Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_temporalpole_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Temporalpole Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_transversetemporal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Transversetemporal Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_insula_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Insula Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_MeanThickness_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Mean Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_bankssts_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Bankssts Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_caudalanteriorcingulate_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Caudalanteriorcingulate Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_caudalmiddlefrontal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Caudalmiddlefrontal Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_cuneus_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Cuneus Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_entorhinal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Entorhinal Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_fusiform_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Fusiform Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_inferiorparietal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Inferiorparietal Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_inferiortemporal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Inferiortemporal Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_isthmuscingulate_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Isthmuscingulate Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_lateraloccipital_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Lateraloccipital Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_lateralorbitofrontal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Lateralorbitofrontal Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_lingual_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Lingual Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_medialorbitofrontal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Medialorbitofrontal Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_middletemporal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Middletemporal Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_parahippocampal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Parahippocampal Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_paracentral_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Paracentral Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_parsopercularis_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Parsopercularis Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_parsorbitalis_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Parsorbitalis Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_parstriangularis_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Parstriangularis Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_pericalcarine_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Pericalcarine Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_postcentral_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Postcentral Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_posteriorcingulate_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Posteriorcingulate Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_precentral_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Precentral Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_precuneus_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Precuneus Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_rostralanteriorcingulate_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Rostralanteriorcingulate Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_rostralmiddlefrontal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Rostralmiddlefrontal Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_superiorfrontal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Superiorfrontal Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_superiorparietal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Superiorparietal Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_superiortemporal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Superiortemporal Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_supramarginal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Supramarginal Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_frontalpole_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Frontalpole Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_temporalpole_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Temporalpole Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_transversetemporal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Transversetemporal Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_insula_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Insula Thickness harmonized with combat
rh_MeanThickness_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Mean Thickness harmonized with combat
lh_bankssts_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Bankssts Volume harmonized with combat
lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Caudalanteriorcingulate Volume harmonized with combat
lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Caudalmiddlefrontal Volume harmonized with combat
lh_cuneus_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Cuneus Volume harmonized with combat
lh_entorhinal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Entorhinal Volume harmonized with combat
lh_fusiform_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Fusiform Volume harmonized with combat
lh_inferiorparietal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Inferiorparietal Volume harmonized with combat
lh_inferiortemporal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Inferiortemporal Volume harmonized with combat
lh_isthmuscingulate_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Isthmuscingulate Volume harmonized with combat
lh_lateraloccipital_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Lateraloccipital Volume harmonized with combat
lh_lateralorbitofrontal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Lateralorbitofrontal Volume harmonized with combat
lh_lingual_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Lingual Volume harmonized with combat
lh_medialorbitofrontal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Medialorbitofrontal Volume harmonized with combat
lh_middletemporal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Middletemporal Volume harmonized with combat
lh_parahippocampal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Parahippocampal Volume harmonized with combat
lh_paracentral_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Paracentral Volume harmonized with combat
lh_parsopercularis_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Parsopercularis Volume harmonized with combat
lh_parsorbitalis_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Parsorbitalis Volume harmonized with combat
lh_parstriangularis_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Parstriangularis Volume harmonized with combat
lh_pericalcarine_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Pericalcarine Volume harmonized with combat
lh_postcentral_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Postcentral Volume harmonized with combat
lh_posteriorcingulate_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Posteriorcingulate Volume harmonized with combat
lh_precentral_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Precentral Volume harmonized with combat
lh_precuneus_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Precuneus Volume harmonized with combat
lh_rostralanteriorcingulate_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Rostralanteriorcingulate Volume harmonized with combat
lh_rostralmiddlefrontal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Rostralmiddlefrontal Volume harmonized with combat
lh_superiorfrontal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Superiorfrontal Volume harmonized with combat
lh_superiorparietal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Superiorparietal Volume harmonized with combat
lh_superiortemporal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Superiortemporal Volume harmonized with combat
lh_supramarginal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Supramarginal Volume harmonized with combat
lh_frontalpole_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Frontalpole Volume harmonized with combat
lh_temporalpole_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Temporalpole Volume harmonized with combat
lh_transversetemporal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Transversetemporal Volume harmonized with combat
lh_insula_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Insula Volume harmonized with combat
rh_bankssts_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Bankssts Volume harmonized with combat
rh_caudalanteriorcingulate_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Caudalanteriorcingulate Volume harmonized with combat
rh_caudalmiddlefrontal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Caudalmiddlefrontal Volume harmonized with combat
rh_cuneus_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Cuneus Volume harmonized with combat
rh_entorhinal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Entorhinal Volume harmonized with combat
rh_fusiform_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Fusiform Volume harmonized with combat
rh_inferiorparietal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Inferiorparietal Volume harmonized with combat
rh_inferiortemporal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Inferiortemporal Volume harmonized with combat
rh_isthmuscingulate_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Isthmuscingulate Volume harmonized with combat
rh_lateraloccipital_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Lateraloccipital Volume harmonized with combat
rh_lateralorbitofrontal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Lateralorbitofrontal Volume harmonized with combat
rh_lingual_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Lingual Volume harmonized with combat
rh_medialorbitofrontal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Medialorbitofrontal Volume harmonized with combat
rh_middletemporal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Middletemporal Volume harmonized with combat
rh_parahippocampal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Parahippocampal Volume harmonized with combat
rh_paracentral_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Paracentral Volume harmonized with combat
rh_parsopercularis_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Parsopercularis Volume harmonized with combat
rh_parsorbitalis_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Parsorbitalis Volume harmonized with combat
rh_parstriangularis_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Parstriangularis Volume harmonized with combat
rh_pericalcarine_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Pericalcarine Volume harmonized with combat
rh_postcentral_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Postcentral Volume harmonized with combat
rh_posteriorcingulate_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Posteriorcingulate Volume harmonized with combat
rh_precentral_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Precentral Volume harmonized with combat
rh_precuneus_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Precuneus Volume harmonized with combat
rh_rostralanteriorcingulate_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Rostralanteriorcingulate Volume harmonized with combat
rh_rostralmiddlefrontal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Rostralmiddlefrontal Volume harmonized with combat
rh_superiorfrontal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Superiorfrontal Volume harmonized with combat
rh_superiorparietal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Superiorparietal Volume harmonized with combat
rh_superiortemporal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Superiortemporal Volume harmonized with combat
rh_supramarginal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Supramarginal Volume harmonized with combat
rh_frontalpole_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Frontalpole Volume harmonized with combat
rh_temporalpole_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Temporalpole Volume harmonized with combat
rh_transversetemporal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Transversetemporal Volume harmonized with combat
rh_insula_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Insula Volume harmonized with combat


Variable Label
PHC_ICV Intra-Cranial Volume
HMUSE_4 3rd Ventricle (B Hemisphere)
HMUSE_11 4th Ventricle (B Hemisphere)
HMUSE_23 Right Accumbens Area
HMUSE_30 Left Accumbens Area
HMUSE_31 Right Amygdala
HMUSE_32 Left Amygdala
HMUSE_35 Brain Stem (B Hemisphere)
HMUSE_36 Right Caudate
HMUSE_37 Left Caudate
HMUSE_38 Right Cerebellum Exterior
HMUSE_39 Left Cerebellum Exterior
HMUSE_40 Right Cerebellum White Matter
HMUSE_41 Left Cerebellum White Matter
HMUSE_47 Right Hippocampus
HMUSE_48 Left Hippocampus
HMUSE_49 Right Inf Lat Vent
HMUSE_50 Left Inf Lat Vent
HMUSE_51 Right Lateral Ventricle
HMUSE_52 Left Lateral Ventricle
HMUSE_55 Right Pallidum
HMUSE_56 Left Pallidum
HMUSE_57 Right Putamen
HMUSE_58 Left Putamen
HMUSE_59 Right Thalamus Proper
HMUSE_60 Left Thalamus Proper
HMUSE_61 Right Ventral DC
HMUSE_62 Left Ventral DC
HMUSE_71 Cerebellar Vermal Lobules I-V (B Hemisphere)
HMUSE_72 Cerebellar Vermal Lobules VI-VII (B Hemisphere)
HMUSE_73 Cerebellar Vermal Lobules VIII-X (B Hemisphere)
HMUSE_75 Left Basal Forebrain
HMUSE_76 Right Basal Forebrain
HMUSE_81 Frontal lobe WM right
HMUSE_82 Frontal lobe WM left
HMUSE_83 Occipital lobe WM right
HMUSE_84 Occipital lobe WM left
HMUSE_85 Parietal lobe WM right
HMUSE_86 Parietal lobe WM left
HMUSE_87 Temporal lobe WM right
HMUSE_88 Temporal lobe WM left
HMUSE_89 Fornix right
HMUSE_90 Fornix left
HMUSE_91 Anterior limb of internal capsule right
HMUSE_92 Anterior limb of internal capsule left
HMUSE_93 Posterior limb of internal capsule inc. cerebral peduncle right
HMUSE_94 Posterior limb of internal capsule inc. cerebral peduncle left
HMUSE_95 Corpus callosum (B Hemisphere)
HMUSE_100 Right ACgG - anterior cingulate gyrus
HMUSE_101 Left ACgG - anterior cingulate gyrus
HMUSE_102 Right AIns - anterior insula
HMUSE_103 Left AIns - anterior insula
HMUSE_104 Right AOrG - anterior orbital gyrus
HMUSE_105 Left AOrG - anterior orbital gyrus
HMUSE_106 Right AnG - angular gyrus
HMUSE_107 Left AnG - angular gyrus
HMUSE_108 Right Calc - calcarine cortex
HMUSE_109 Left Calc - calcarine cortex
HMUSE_112 Right CO - central operculum
HMUSE_113 Left CO - central operculum
HMUSE_114 Right Cun - cuneus
HMUSE_115 Left Cun - cuneus
HMUSE_116 Right Ent - entorhinal area
HMUSE_117 Left Ent - entorhinal area
HMUSE_118 Right FO - frontal operculum
HMUSE_119 Left FO - frontal operculum
HMUSE_120 Right FRP - frontal pole
HMUSE_121 Left FRP - frontal pole
HMUSE_122 Right FuG - fusiform gyrus
HMUSE_123 Left FuG - fusiform gyrus
HMUSE_124 Right GRe - gyrus rectus
HMUSE_125 Left GRe - gyrus rectus
HMUSE_128 Right IOG - inferior occipital gyrus
HMUSE_129 Left IOG - inferior occipital gyrus
HMUSE_132 Right ITG - inferior temporal gyrus
HMUSE_133 Left ITG - inferior temporal gyrus
HMUSE_134 Right LiG - lingual gyrus
HMUSE_135 Left LiG - lingual gyrus
HMUSE_136 Right LOrG - lateral orbital gyrus
HMUSE_137 Left LOrG - lateral orbital gyrus
HMUSE_138 Right MCgG - middle cingulate gyrus
HMUSE_139 Left MCgG - middle cingulate gyrus
HMUSE_140 Right MFC - medial frontal cortex
HMUSE_141 Left MFC - medial frontal cortex
HMUSE_142 Right MFG - middle frontal gyrus
HMUSE_143 Left MFG - middle frontal gyrus
HMUSE_144 Right MOG - middle occipital gyrus
HMUSE_145 Left MOG - middle occipital gyrus
HMUSE_146 Right MOrG - medial orbital gyrus
HMUSE_147 Left MOrG - medial orbital gyrus
HMUSE_148 Right MPoG - postcentral gyrus medial segment
HMUSE_149 Left MPoG - postcentral gyrus medial segment
HMUSE_150 Right MPrG - precentral gyrus medial segment
HMUSE_151 Left MPrG - precentral gyrus medial segment
HMUSE_152 Right MSFG - superior frontal gyrus medial segment
HMUSE_153 Left MSFG - superior frontal gyrus medial segment
HMUSE_154 Right MTG - middle temporal gyrus
HMUSE_155 Left MTG - middle temporal gyrus
HMUSE_156 Right OCP - occipital pole
HMUSE_157 Left OCP - occipital pole
HMUSE_160 Right OFuG - occipital fusiform gyrus
HMUSE_161 Left OFuG - occipital fusiform gyrus
HMUSE_162 Right OpIFG opercular part of the inferior frontal gyrus
HMUSE_163 Left OpIFG opercular part of the inferior frontal gyrus
HMUSE_164 Right OrIFG orbital part of the inferior frontal gyrus
HMUSE_165 Left OrIFG orbital part of the inferior frontal gyrus
HMUSE_166 Right PCgG - posterior cingulate gyrus
HMUSE_167 Left PCgG - posterior cingulate gyrus
HMUSE_168 Right PCu - precuneus
HMUSE_169 Left PCu - precuneus
HMUSE_170 Right PHG - parahippocampal gyrus
HMUSE_171 Left PHG - parahippocampal gyrus
HMUSE_172 Right PIns - posterior insula
HMUSE_173 Left PIns - posterior insula
HMUSE_174 Right PO - parietal operculum
HMUSE_175 Left PO - parietal operculum
HMUSE_176 Right PoG - postcentral gyrus
HMUSE_177 Left PoG - postcentral gyrus
HMUSE_178 Right POrG - posterior orbital gyrus
HMUSE_179 Left POrG - posterior orbital gyrus
HMUSE_180 Right PP - planum polare
HMUSE_181 Left PP - planum polare
HMUSE_182 Right PrG - precentral gyrus
HMUSE_183 Left PrG - precentral gyrus
HMUSE_184 Right PT - planum temporale
HMUSE_185 Left PT - planum temporale
HMUSE_186 Right SCA - subcallosal area
HMUSE_187 Left SCA - subcallosal area
HMUSE_190 Right SFG - superior frontal gyrus
HMUSE_191 Left SFG - superior frontal gyrus
HMUSE_192 Right SMC - supplementary motor cortex
HMUSE_193 Left SMC - supplementary motor cortex
HMUSE_194 Right SMG - supramarginal gyrus
HMUSE_195 Left SMG - supramarginal gyrus
HMUSE_196 Right SOG - superior occipital gyrus
HMUSE_197 Left SOG - superior occipital gyrus
HMUSE_198 Right SPL - superior parietal lobule
HMUSE_199 Left SPL - superior parietal lobule
HMUSE_200 Right STG - superior temporal gyrus
HMUSE_201 Left STG - superior temporal gyrus
HMUSE_202 Right TMP - temporal pole
HMUSE_203 Left TMP - temporal pole
HMUSE_204 Right TrIFG triangular part of the inferior frontal gyrus
HMUSE_205 Left TrIFG triangular part of the inferior frontal gyrus
HMUSE_206 Right TTG - transverse temporal gyrus
HMUSE_207 Left TTG - transverse temporal gyrus
HMUSE_301 Frontal Inferior Gray Matter
HMUSE_302 Frontal Insular Gray Matter
HMUSE_303 Frontal Lateral Gray Matter
HMUSE_304 Frontal Medial Gray Matter
HMUSE_305 Frontal Opercular Gray Matter
HMUSE_306 Limbic Cingulate Gray Matter
HMUSE_307 Limbic Medialtemporal Gray Matter
HMUSE_308 Occipital Inferior Gray Matter
HMUSE_309 Occipital Lateral Gray Matter
HMUSE_310 Occipital Medial Gray Matter
HMUSE_311 Parietal Lateral Gray Matter
HMUSE_312 Parietal Medial Gray Matter
HMUSE_313 Temporal Inferior Gray Matter
HMUSE_314 Temporal Lateral Gray Matter
HMUSE_315 Temporal Supratemporal Gray Matter
HMUSE_316 Left Frontal Inferior Gray Matter
HMUSE_317 Left Frontal Insular Gray Matter
HMUSE_318 Left Frontal Lateral Gray Matter
HMUSE_319 Left Frontal Medial Gray Matter
HMUSE_320 Left Frontal Opercular Gray Matter
HMUSE_321 Left Limbic Cingulate Gray Matter
HMUSE_322 Left Limbic Medialtemporal Gray Matter
HMUSE_323 Left Occipital Inferior Gray Matter
HMUSE_324 Left Occipital Lateral Gray Matter
HMUSE_325 Left Occipital Medial Gray Matter
HMUSE_326 Left Parietal Lateral Gray Matter
HMUSE_327 Left Parietal Medial Gray Matter
HMUSE_328 Left Temporal Inferior Gray Matter
HMUSE_329 Left Temporal Lateral Gray Matter
HMUSE_330 Left Temporal Supratemporal Gray Matter
HMUSE_331 Right Frontal Inferior Gray Matter
HMUSE_332 Right Frontal Insular Gray Matter
HMUSE_333 Right Frontal Lateral Gray Matter
HMUSE_334 Right Frontal Medial Gray Matter
HMUSE_335 Right Frontal Opercular Gray Matter
HMUSE_336 Right Limbic Cingulate Gray Matter
HMUSE_337 Right Limbic Medialtemporal Gray Matter
HMUSE_338 Right Occipital Inferior Gray Matter
HMUSE_339 Right Occipital Lateral Gray Matter
HMUSE_340 Right Occipital Medial Gray Matter
HMUSE_341 Right Parietal Lateral Gray Matter
HMUSE_342 Right Parietal Medial Gray Matter
HMUSE_343 Right Temporal Inferior Gray Matter
HMUSE_344 Right Temporal Lateral Gray Matter
HMUSE_345 Right Temporal Supratemporal Gray Matter
HMUSE_401 Basal Ganglia
HMUSE_402 Deep Gray Matter
HMUSE_403 Deep White Matter
HMUSE_404 Frontal Gray Matter
HMUSE_405 Frontal White Matter
HMUSE_406 Limbic Gray Matter
HMUSE_407 Occipital Gray Matter
HMUSE_408 Occipital White Matter
HMUSE_409 Parietal Gray Matter
HMUSE_410 Parietal White
HMUSE_411 Temporal Gray Matter
HMUSE_412 Temporal White Matter
HMUSE_413 Left Basal Ganglia
HMUSE_414 Left Deep Gray Matter
HMUSE_415 Left Deep White Matter
HMUSE_416 Left Frontal Gray Matter
HMUSE_417 Left Frontal White Matter
HMUSE_418 Left Limbic Gray Matter
HMUSE_419 Left Occipital Gray Matter
HMUSE_420 Left Occipital White Matter
HMUSE_421 Left Parietal Gray Matter
HMUSE_422 Left Parietal White Matter
HMUSE_423 Left Temporal Gray Matter
HMUSE_424 Left Temporal White Matter
HMUSE_425 Right Basal Ganglia
HMUSE_426 Right Deep Gray Matter
HMUSE_427 Right Deep White Matter
HMUSE_428 Right Frontal Gray Matter
HMUSE_429 Right Frontal White Matter
HMUSE_430 Right Limbic Gray Matter
HMUSE_431 Right Occipital Gray Matter
HMUSE_432 Right Occipital White Matter
HMUSE_433 Right Parietal Gray Matter
HMUSE_434 Right Parietal White Matter
HMUSE_435 Right Temporal Gray Matter
HMUSE_436 Right Temporal White Matter
HMUSE_501 Corpus Callosum
HMUSE_502 Cerebellum
HMUSE_503 Deep White Matter Gray Matter
HMUSE_504 Fronal
HMUSE_505 Limbic
HMUSE_506 Occipital
HMUSE_507 Parietal
HMUSE_508 Temporal
HMUSE_509 Ventricle
HMUSE_510 Left Cerebellum
HMUSE_511 Left Deep White Matter Gray Matter
HMUSE_512 Left Frontal
HMUSE_513 Left Limbic
HMUSE_514 Left Occipital
HMUSE_515 Left Parietal
HMUSE_516 Left Temporal
HMUSE_517 Left Ventricle
HMUSE_518 Right Cerebellum
HMUSE_519 Right Deep White Matter Gray Matter
HMUSE_520 Right Frontal
HMUSE_521 Right Limbic
HMUSE_522 Right Occipital
HMUSE_523 Right Parietal
HMUSE_524 Right Temporal
HMUSE_525 Right Ventricle
HMUSE_601 Gray Matter
HMUSE_604 White Matter
HMUSE_606 Left Gray Matter
HMUSE_607 Left White Matter
HMUSE_613 Right Gray Matter
HMUSE_614 Right White Matter
HMUSE_701 Total Brain


Variable Label
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_parietal_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_parietal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_parietal_wm_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_parietal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_occipital_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_parietal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_parietal_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_parietal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_caudate_nucleus_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of caudate_nucleus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_caudate_nucleus_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of caudate_nucleus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_body_of_corpus_callosum_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of caudate_nucleus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_caudate_nucleus_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of caudate_nucleus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_cerebellar_peduncle_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_frontal_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of inferior_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_frontal_wm_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_frontal_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of precentral_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of precentral_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of precentral_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of precentral_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of postcentral_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of postcentral_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of postcentral_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of postcentral_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of angular_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of angular_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of angular_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of angular_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pre_cuneus_wm_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of pre_cuneus_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pre_cuneus_wm_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of pre_cuneus_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pre_cuneus_wm_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of pre_cuneus_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pre_cuneus_wm_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of pre_cuneus_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cuneus_wm_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of cuneus_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cuneus_wm_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of cuneus_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cuneus_wm_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of cuneus_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cuneus_wm_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of cuneus_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_lingual_wm_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of lingual_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_lingual_wm_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of lingual_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_lingual_wm_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of lingual_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_lingual_wm_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of lingual_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_caudate_nucleus_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of caudate_nucleus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_caudate_nucleus_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of caudate_nucleus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_caudate_nucleus_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of caudate_nucleus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_caudate_nucleus_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of caudate_nucleus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_occipital_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_occipital_wm_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_occipital_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_occipital_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of inferior_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_occipital_wm_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_occipital_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_occipital_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of middle_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_occipital_wm_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_occipital_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_parietal_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_occipital_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of putamen_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of putamen_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of putamen_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of putamen_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_corticospinal_tract_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of corticospinal_tract_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_corticospinal_tract_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of corticospinal_tract_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_hippocampus_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of corticospinal_tract_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_corticospinal_tract_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of corticospinal_tract_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_medial_lemniscus_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of medial_lemniscus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_medial_lemniscus_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of medial_lemniscus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_occipital_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of medial_lemniscus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_medial_lemniscus_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of medial_lemniscus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_cerebellar_peduncle_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_cerebellar_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_cerebellar_peduncle_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_cerebellar_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_splenium_of_corpus_callosum_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_cerebellar_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_cerebellar_peduncle_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_cerebellar_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cerebral_peduncle_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of cerebral_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cerebral_peduncle_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of cerebral_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_caudate_nucleus_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of cerebral_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cerebral_peduncle_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of cerebral_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_corona_radiata_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_thalamic_radiation_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of posterior_thalamic_radiation_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_thalamic_radiation_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_thalamic_radiation_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_thalamic_radiation_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_thalamic_radiation_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_thalamic_radiation_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_cerebellar_peduncle_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_corona_radiata_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of posterior_corona_radiata_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_corona_radiata_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_corona_radiata_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_corona_radiata_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_corona_radiata_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_corona_radiata_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_cingulate_gyrus_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of cingulum_(cingulate_gyrus)_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_cingulate_gyrus_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(cingulate_gyrus)_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cerebral_peduncle_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(cingulate_gyrus)_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_cingulate_gyrus_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(cingulate_gyrus)_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_hippocampus_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of cingulum_(hippocampus)_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_hippocampus_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(hippocampus)_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_cingulate_gyrus_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(hippocampus)_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_hippocampus_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(hippocampus)_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornixcres_stria_terminalisleft_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of fornix(cres)_stria_terminalisleft in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornixcres_stria_terminalisleft_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of fornix(cres)_stria_terminalisleft in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornixcres_stria_terminalis_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of fornix(cres)_stria_terminalisleft in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornixcres_stria_terminalisleft_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of fornix(cres)_stria_terminalisleft in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_frontal_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of external_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of external_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_corticospinal_tract_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of external_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of external_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_uncinate_fasciculus_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of uncinate_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_uncinate_fasciculus_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of uncinate_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of uncinate_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_uncinate_fasciculus_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of uncinate_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pontine_crossing_tract_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of pontine_crossing_tract_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pontine_crossing_tract_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of pontine_crossing_tract_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pontine_crossing_tract_a_part_of_mcp_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of pontine_crossing_tract_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pontine_crossing_tract_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of pontine_crossing_tract_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_cerebellar_peduncle_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of middle_cerebellar_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_cerebellar_peduncle_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_cerebellar_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_medial_lemniscus_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_cerebellar_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_cerebellar_peduncle_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_cerebellar_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_genu_of_corpus_callosum_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of genu_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_genu_of_corpus_callosum_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of genu_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornixcres_stria_terminalisleft_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of genu_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_genu_of_corpus_callosum_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of genu_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_body_of_corpus_callosum_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of body_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_body_of_corpus_callosum_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of body_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of body_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_body_of_corpus_callosum_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of body_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_splenium_of_corpus_callosum_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of splenium_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_splenium_of_corpus_callosum_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of splenium_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of splenium_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_splenium_of_corpus_callosum_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of splenium_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_right_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of putamen_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_right_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of putamen_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_right_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of putamen_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_right_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of putamen_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_tapatum_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of tapatum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_tapatum_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of tapatum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_tapatum_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of tapatum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_tapatum_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of tapatum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of globus_pallidus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of globus_pallidus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_genu_of_corpus_callosum_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of globus_pallidus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of globus_pallidus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of globus_pallidus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of globus_pallidus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of globus_pallidus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of globus_pallidus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_thalamus_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of thalamus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_thalamus_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of thalamus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_thalamus_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of thalamus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_thalamus_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of thalamus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_thalamus_right_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of thalamus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_thalamus_right_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of thalamus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_thalamus_right_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of thalamus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_thalamus_right_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of thalamus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_midbrain_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of midbrain_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_midbrain_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of midbrain_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_midbrain_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of midbrain_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_midbrain_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of midbrain_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_parietal_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_parietal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_parietal_wm_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_parietal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_parietal_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_parietal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_parietal_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_parietal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_frontal_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of inferior_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_frontal_wm_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_frontal_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_frontal_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_right_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of precentral_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_right_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of precentral_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_right_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of precentral_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_right_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of precentral_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of postcentral_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of postcentral_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of postcentral_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of postcentral_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_right_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of angular_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_right_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of angular_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_right_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of angular_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_right_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of angular_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fusiform_wm_right_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of fusiform_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fusiform_wm_right_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of fusiform_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fusiform_wm_right_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of fusiform_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fusiform_wm_right_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of fusiform_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_occipital_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_occipital_wm_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_occipital_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_occipital_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_occipital_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of inferior_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_occipital_wm_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_occipital_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_occipital_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_occipital_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of middle_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_occipital_wm_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_occipital_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_occipital_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_corticospinal_tract_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of corticospinal_tract_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_corticospinal_tract_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of corticospinal_tract_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_corticospinal_tract_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of corticospinal_tract_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_corticospinal_tract_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of corticospinal_tract_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_medial_lemniscus_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of medial_lemniscus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_medial_lemniscus_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of medial_lemniscus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_medial_lemniscus_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of medial_lemniscus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_medial_lemniscus_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of medial_lemniscus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_cerebellar_peduncle_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_cerebellar_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_cerebellar_peduncle_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_cerebellar_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_cerebellar_peduncle_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_cerebellar_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_cerebellar_peduncle_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_cerebellar_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cerebral_peduncle_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of cerebral_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cerebral_peduncle_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of cerebral_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cerebral_peduncle_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of cerebral_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cerebral_peduncle_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of cerebral_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_thalamic_radiation_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of posterior_thalamic_radiation_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_thalamic_radiation_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_thalamic_radiation_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_thalamic_radiation_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_thalamic_radiation_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_thalamic_radiation_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_thalamic_radiation_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_corona_radiata_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of posterior_corona_radiata_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_corona_radiata_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_corona_radiata_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_corona_radiata_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_corona_radiata_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_corona_radiata_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_corona_radiata_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_cingulate_gyrus_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of cingulum_(cingulate_gyrus)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_cingulate_gyrus_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(cingulate_gyrus)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_cingulate_gyrus_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(cingulate_gyrus)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_cingulate_gyrus_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(cingulate_gyrus)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_hippocampus_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of cingulum_(hippocampus)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_hippocampus_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(hippocampus)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_hippocampus_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(hippocampus)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_hippocampus_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(hippocampus)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornixcres_stria_terminalis_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of fornix(cres)_stria_terminalis_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornixcres_stria_terminalis_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of fornix(cres)_stria_terminalis_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornix_column_and_body_right_md_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of fornix(cres)_stria_terminalis_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornixcres_stria_terminalis_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of fornix(cres)_stria_terminalis_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of external_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of external_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of external_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of external_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_uncinate_fasciculus_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of uncinate_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_uncinate_fasciculus_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of uncinate_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_uncinate_fasciculus_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of uncinate_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_uncinate_fasciculus_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of uncinate_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pontine_crossing_tract_a_part_of_mcp_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of pontine_crossing_tract_(a_part_of_mcp)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pontine_crossing_tract_a_part_of_mcp_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of pontine_crossing_tract_(a_part_of_mcp)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of pontine_crossing_tract_(a_part_of_mcp)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pontine_crossing_tract_a_part_of_mcp_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of pontine_crossing_tract_(a_part_of_mcp)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_cerebellar_peduncle_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of middle_cerebellar_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_cerebellar_peduncle_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_cerebellar_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_cerebellar_peduncle_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_cerebellar_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_cerebellar_peduncle_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_cerebellar_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornix_column_and_body_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of fornix_(column_and_body)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornix_column_and_body_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of fornix_(column_and_body)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of fornix_(column_and_body)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_genu_of_corpus_callosum_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of genu_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_genu_of_corpus_callosum_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of genu_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_genu_of_corpus_callosum_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of genu_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_genu_of_corpus_callosum_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of genu_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_body_of_corpus_callosum_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of body_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_body_of_corpus_callosum_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of body_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_body_of_corpus_callosum_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of body_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_body_of_corpus_callosum_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of body_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_splenium_of_corpus_callosum_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of splenium_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_splenium_of_corpus_callosum_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of splenium_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_splenium_of_corpus_callosum_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of splenium_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_splenium_of_corpus_callosum_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of splenium_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_tapatum_right_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of tapatum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_tapatum_right_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of tapatum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_tapatum_right_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of tapatum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_tapatum_right_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of tapatum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_midbrain_right_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of midbrain_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_midbrain_right_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of midbrain_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_midbrain_right_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of midbrain_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_midbrain_right_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of midbrain_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pons_right_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of pons_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pons_right_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of pons_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pons_right_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of pons_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pons_right_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of pons_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_left_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of precentral_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of precentral_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_thalamic_radiation_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of precentral_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of precentral_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of postcentral_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of postcentral_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pontine_crossing_tract_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of postcentral_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of postcentral_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of angular_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of angular_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of angular_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of angular_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_left_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of putamen_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of putamen_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of putamen_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of putamen_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_left_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of external_capsule_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of external_capsule_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_left_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of external_capsule_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of external_capsule_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of putamen_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of putamen_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of putamen_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of putamen_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of globus_pallidus_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of globus_pallidus_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_left_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of globus_pallidus_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of globus_pallidus_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of globus_pallidus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of globus_pallidus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of globus_pallidus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of globus_pallidus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of precentral_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of precentral_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of precentral_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of precentral_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of postcentral_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of postcentral_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of postcentral_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of postcentral_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of external_capsule_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of external_capsule_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of external_capsule_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of external_capsule_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_3rd_ventricle_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of 3rd_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_3rd_ventricle_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of 3rd_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_3rd_ventricle_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of 3rd_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_3rd_ventricle_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of 3rd_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_brain_stem_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of brain_stem in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_brain_stem_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of brain_stem in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_brain_stem_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of brain_stem in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_brain_stem_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of brain_stem in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_caudate_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_caudate in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_caudate_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_caudate in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_caudate_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_caudate in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_caudate_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_caudate in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_caudate_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_caudate in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_caudate_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_caudate in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_caudate_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_caudate in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_caudate_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_caudate in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebellum_exterior_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_cerebellum_exterior in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebellum_exterior_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_cerebellum_exterior in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebellum_exterior_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_cerebellum_exterior in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebellum_exterior_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_cerebellum_exterior in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebellum_exterior_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_cerebellum_exterior in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebellum_exterior_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_cerebellum_exterior in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebellum_exterior_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_cerebellum_exterior in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebellum_exterior_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_cerebellum_exterior in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebral_white_matter_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_cerebral_white_matter in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebral_white_matter_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_cerebral_white_matter in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebral_white_matter_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_cerebral_white_matter in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebral_white_matter_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_cerebral_white_matter in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebral_white_matter_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_cerebral_white_matter in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebral_white_matter_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_cerebral_white_matter in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebral_white_matter_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_cerebral_white_matter in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebral_white_matter_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_cerebral_white_matter in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_hippocampus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_hippocampus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_hippocampus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_hippocampus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_hippocampus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_hippocampus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_hippocampus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_hippocampus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_hippocampus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_hippocampus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_hippocampus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_hippocampus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_hippocampus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_hippocampus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_hippocampus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_hippocampus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_inf_lat_vent_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_inf_lat_vent in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_inf_lat_vent_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_inf_lat_vent in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_inf_lat_vent_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_inf_lat_vent in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_inf_lat_vent_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_inf_lat_vent in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_inf_lat_vent_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_inf_lat_vent in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_inf_lat_vent_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_inf_lat_vent in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_inf_lat_vent_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_inf_lat_vent in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_inf_lat_vent_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_inf_lat_vent in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lateral_ventricle_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_lateral_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lateral_ventricle_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_lateral_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lateral_ventricle_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_lateral_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lateral_ventricle_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_lateral_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lateral_ventricle_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_lateral_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lateral_ventricle_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_lateral_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lateral_ventricle_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_lateral_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lateral_ventricle_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_lateral_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_putamen_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_putamen in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_putamen_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_putamen in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_putamen_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_putamen in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_putamen_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_putamen in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_putamen_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_putamen in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_putamen_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_putamen in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_putamen_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_putamen in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_putamen_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_putamen in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_thalamus_proper_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_thalamus_proper in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_thalamus_proper_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_thalamus_proper in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_thalamus_proper_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_thalamus_proper in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_thalamus_proper_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_thalamus_proper in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_thalamus_proper_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_thalamus_proper in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_thalamus_proper_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_thalamus_proper in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_thalamus_proper_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_thalamus_proper in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_thalamus_proper_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_thalamus_proper in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ventral_dc_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_ventral_dc in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ventral_dc_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ventral_dc in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ventral_dc_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ventral_dc in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ventral_dc_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ventral_dc in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ventral_dc_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_ventral_dc in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ventral_dc_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ventral_dc in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ventral_dc_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ventral_dc in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ventral_dc_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ventral_dc in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_cerebellar_vermal_lobules_i_v_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of cerebellar_vermal_lobules_i_v in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_cerebellar_vermal_lobules_i_v_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of cerebellar_vermal_lobules_i_v in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_cerebellar_vermal_lobules_i_v_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of cerebellar_vermal_lobules_i_v in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_cerebellar_vermal_lobules_i_v_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of cerebellar_vermal_lobules_i_v in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_trifg_triangular_part_of_the_ifg_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ains_anterior_insula_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_ains_anterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ains_anterior_insula_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ains_anterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ains_anterior_insula_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ains_anterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ains_anterior_insula_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ains_anterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ains_anterior_insula_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_ains_anterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ains_anterior_insula_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ains_anterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ains_anterior_insula_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ains_anterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ains_anterior_insula_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ains_anterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_aorg_anterior_orbital_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_aorg_anterior_orbital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_aorg_anterior_orbital_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_aorg_anterior_orbital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_aorg_anterior_orbital_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_aorg_anterior_orbital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_aorg_anterior_orbital_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_aorg_anterior_orbital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ang_angular_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_ang_angular_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ang_angular_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ang_angular_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ang_angular_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ang_angular_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ang_angular_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ang_angular_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ang_angular_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_ang_angular_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ang_angular_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ang_angular_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ang_angular_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ang_angular_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ang_angular_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ang_angular_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_calc_calcarine_cortex_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_calc_calcarine_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_calc_calcarine_cortex_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_calc_calcarine_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_calc_calcarine_cortex_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_calc_calcarine_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_calc_calcarine_cortex_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_calc_calcarine_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_calc_calcarine_cortex_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_calc_calcarine_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_calc_calcarine_cortex_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_calc_calcarine_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_calc_calcarine_cortex_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_calc_calcarine_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_calc_calcarine_cortex_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_calc_calcarine_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_co_central_operculum_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_co_central_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_co_central_operculum_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_co_central_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_co_central_operculum_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_co_central_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_co_central_operculum_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_co_central_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_co_central_operculum_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_co_central_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_co_central_operculum_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_co_central_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_co_central_operculum_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_co_central_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_co_central_operculum_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_co_central_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cun_cuneus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_cun_cuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cun_cuneus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_cun_cuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cun_cuneus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_cun_cuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cun_cuneus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_cun_cuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cun_cuneus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_cun_cuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cun_cuneus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_cun_cuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cun_cuneus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_cun_cuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cun_cuneus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_cun_cuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ent_entorhinal_area_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_ent_entorhinal_area in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ent_entorhinal_area_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ent_entorhinal_area in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ent_entorhinal_area_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ent_entorhinal_area in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ent_entorhinal_area_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ent_entorhinal_area in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ent_entorhinal_area_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_ent_entorhinal_area in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ent_entorhinal_area_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ent_entorhinal_area in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ent_entorhinal_area_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ent_entorhinal_area in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ent_entorhinal_area_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ent_entorhinal_area in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fo_frontal_operculum_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_fo_frontal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fo_frontal_operculum_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_fo_frontal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fo_frontal_operculum_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_fo_frontal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fo_frontal_operculum_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_fo_frontal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fo_frontal_operculum_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_fo_frontal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fo_frontal_operculum_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_fo_frontal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fo_frontal_operculum_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_fo_frontal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fo_frontal_operculum_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_fo_frontal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_fug_fusiform_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_fug_fusiform_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_fug_fusiform_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_fug_fusiform_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_fug_fusiform_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_fug_fusiform_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_fug_fusiform_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_fug_fusiform_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_gre_gyrus_rectus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_gre_gyrus_rectus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_gre_gyrus_rectus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_gre_gyrus_rectus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_gre_gyrus_rectus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_gre_gyrus_rectus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_gre_gyrus_rectus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_gre_gyrus_rectus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lig_lingual_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_lig_lingual_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lig_lingual_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_lig_lingual_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lig_lingual_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_lig_lingual_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lig_lingual_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_lig_lingual_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lig_lingual_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_lig_lingual_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lig_lingual_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_lig_lingual_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lig_lingual_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_lig_lingual_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lig_lingual_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_lig_lingual_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lorg_lateral_orbital_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_lorg_lateral_orbital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lorg_lateral_orbital_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_lorg_lateral_orbital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lorg_lateral_orbital_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_lorg_lateral_orbital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lorg_lateral_orbital_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_lorg_lateral_orbital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mpog_postcentral_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_mpog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mpog_postcentral_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mpog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mpog_postcentral_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mpog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mpog_postcentral_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mpog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mpog_postcentral_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_mpog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mpog_postcentral_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mpog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mpog_postcentral_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mpog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mpog_postcentral_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mpog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_mprg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mprg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mprg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mprg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_mprg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mprg_precentral_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mprg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mprg_precentral_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mprg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mprg_precentral_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mprg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ocp_occipital_pole_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_ocp_occipital_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ocp_occipital_pole_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ocp_occipital_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ocp_occipital_pole_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ocp_occipital_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ocp_occipital_pole_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ocp_occipital_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ocp_occipital_pole_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_ocp_occipital_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ocp_occipital_pole_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ocp_occipital_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ocp_occipital_pole_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ocp_occipital_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ocp_occipital_pole_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ocp_occipital_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcu_precuneus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_pcu_precuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcu_precuneus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pcu_precuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcu_precuneus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pcu_precuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcu_precuneus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pcu_precuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcu_precuneus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_pcu_precuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcu_precuneus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pcu_precuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcu_precuneus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pcu_precuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcu_precuneus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pcu_precuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pins_posterior_insula_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_pins_posterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pins_posterior_insula_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pins_posterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pins_posterior_insula_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pins_posterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pins_posterior_insula_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pins_posterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pins_posterior_insula_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_pins_posterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pins_posterior_insula_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pins_posterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pins_posterior_insula_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pins_posterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pins_posterior_insula_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pins_posterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_po_parietal_operculum_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_po_parietal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_po_parietal_operculum_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_po_parietal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_po_parietal_operculum_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_po_parietal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_po_parietal_operculum_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_po_parietal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_po_parietal_operculum_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_po_parietal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_po_parietal_operculum_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_po_parietal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_po_parietal_operculum_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_po_parietal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_po_parietal_operculum_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_po_parietal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pog_postcentral_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_pog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pog_postcentral_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pog_postcentral_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pog_postcentral_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pog_postcentral_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_pog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pog_postcentral_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pog_postcentral_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pog_postcentral_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pp_planum_polare_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_pp_planum_polare in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pp_planum_polare_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pp_planum_polare in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pp_planum_polare_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pp_planum_polare in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pp_planum_polare_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pp_planum_polare in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pp_planum_polare_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_pp_planum_polare in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pp_planum_polare_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pp_planum_polare in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pp_planum_polare_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pp_planum_polare in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pp_planum_polare_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pp_planum_polare in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_prg_precentral_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_prg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_prg_precentral_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_prg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_prg_precentral_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_prg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_prg_precentral_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_prg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_prg_precentral_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_prg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_prg_precentral_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_prg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_prg_precentral_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_prg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_prg_precentral_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_prg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pt_planum_temporale_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_pt_planum_temporale in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pt_planum_temporale_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pt_planum_temporale in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pt_planum_temporale_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pt_planum_temporale in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pt_planum_temporale_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pt_planum_temporale in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pt_planum_temporale_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_pt_planum_temporale in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pt_planum_temporale_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pt_planum_temporale in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pt_planum_temporale_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pt_planum_temporale in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pt_planum_temporale_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pt_planum_temporale in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_prg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_smg_supramarginal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_smg_supramarginal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_smg_supramarginal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_smg_supramarginal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_sog_superior_occipital_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_sog_superior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_sog_superior_occipital_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_sog_superior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_sog_superior_occipital_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_sog_superior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_sog_superior_occipital_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_sog_superior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_spl_superior_parietal_lobule_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_spl_superior_parietal_lobule in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_spl_superior_parietal_lobule_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_spl_superior_parietal_lobule in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_spl_superior_parietal_lobule_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_spl_superior_parietal_lobule in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_spl_superior_parietal_lobule_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_spl_superior_parietal_lobule in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_spl_superior_parietal_lobule_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_spl_superior_parietal_lobule in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_spl_superior_parietal_lobule_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_spl_superior_parietal_lobule in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_spl_superior_parietal_lobule_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_spl_superior_parietal_lobule in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_spl_superior_parietal_lobule_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_spl_superior_parietal_lobule in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_tmp_temporal_pole_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_tmp_temporal_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_tmp_temporal_pole_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_tmp_temporal_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_tmp_temporal_pole_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_tmp_temporal_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_tmp_temporal_pole_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_tmp_temporal_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_tmp_temporal_pole_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_tmp_temporal_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_tmp_temporal_pole_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_tmp_temporal_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_tmp_temporal_pole_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_tmp_temporal_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_tmp_temporal_pole_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_tmp_temporal_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_trifg_triangular_part_of_the_ifg_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_trifg_triangular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_trifg_triangular_part_of_the_ifg_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_trifg_triangular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_trifg_triangular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_trifg_triangular_part_of_the_ifg_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_trifg_triangular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_ticv_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of ticv in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_ticv_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of ticv in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_ticv_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of ticv in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_ticv_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of ticv in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_posteriorfossa_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of posteriorfossa in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_posteriorfossa_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of posteriorfossa in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_posteriorfossa_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of posteriorfossa in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_posteriorfossa_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of posteriorfossa in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_putamen_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_putamen_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_putamen_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_putamen_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_putamen_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_putamen_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_putamen_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_putamen_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_putamen_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_putamen_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_putamen_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_putamen_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_putamen_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_putamen_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_putamen_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_putamen_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_uncinate_fasciculus_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcu_precuneus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_pcu_precuneus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcu_precuneus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_pcu_precuneus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcu_precuneus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_pcu_precuneus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcu_precuneus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_pcu_precuneus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_po_parietal_operculum_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_po_parietal_operculum_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_po_parietal_operculum_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_po_parietal_operculum_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_po_parietal_operculum_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_po_parietal_operculum_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_po_parietal_operculum_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_prg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_prg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_prg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_prg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_po_parietal_operculum_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_prg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_prg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_prg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)
PHC_t1_segmentation_left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized)