
Memory Anchor
Knight ADRC
Variable Label Cohort
PHC_MEM Harmonized Composite Memory Score Harmonized
PHC_MEM_SE Standard Error of Harmonized Composite Memory Score Harmonized
PHC_MEM_PreciseFilter Precision Filter to isolate Harmonized Composite Memory Scores Harmonized
mmarea_A4 MMSE What county (district, borough, area) are we in? A4
mmday_A4 MMSE What day of the week is today? A4
mmfloor_A4 MMSE What floor are we on? A4
mmhospit_A4 MMSE What is the name of this hospital (clinic, place)? A4
mmseason_A4 MMSE What season is it? A4
mmball MMSE repeat ball A4
mmflag MMSE repeat flag A4
mmtree MMSE repeat tree A4
mmballdl MMSE recall ball A4
mmflagdl MMSE recall flag A4
mmtreedl MMSE recall tree A4
ldeltotal_A4 WMS-R Logical Memory immediate recall. A4
limmtotal_A4 WMS-R Logical Memory delayed recall. A4
mmcity_A4 MMSE What city are we in? A4
mmstate_A4 MMSE What state are we in? A4
mmdate_A4 MMSE What is today's date? A4
mmmonth_A4 MMSE What is the month? A4
mmyear_A4 MMSE What is the year? A4
w_lm_ima WMS-R:Logical Mem I-immediate recall total story (AT*) ACT
w_lm_dea WMS-R:Logical Mem II-delayed recall total story (AT) ACT
yr CASI: What is today's date?-year ACT
mo CASI: What is today's date?-month ACT
casi_dat CASI: What is today's date?-day ACT
day CASI: What day of week? ACT
casi_ssn CASI: What season is it? ACT
spa CASI: What state and city? ACT
limmtotal_ADNI WMS-R: Logical Memory-Immediate Recall (AT) ADNI
ldeltotal_ADNI WMS-R: Logical Memory-Delayed Recall (AT) ADNI
mmdate_ADNI MMSE: What is today's date? ADNI
mmyear_ADNI MMSE: What is the year? ADNI
mmmonth_ADNI MMSE: What is the month? ADNI
mmday_ADNI MMSE: What day of the week is today? ADNI
mmseason_ADNI MMSE: What season is it? ADNI
mmhospit_ADNI MMSE: What is the name of this hospital (clinic, place)? ADNI
mmfloor_ADNI MMSE: What floor are we on? ADNI
mmcity_ADNI MMSE: What town or city are we in? ADNI
mmarea_ADNI MMSE: What County (district, borough, area) are we in? ADNI
mmstate_ADNI MMSE: What state are we in? ADNI
immt1w1 Immediate (#1): Face ADNI
immt1w2 Immediate (#1): Velvet ADNI
immt1w3 Immediate (#1): Church ADNI
immt1w4 Immediate (#1): Daisy ADNI
immt1w5 Immediate (#1): Red ADNI
immt2w1 Immediate (#2): Face ADNI
immt2w2 Immediate (#2): Velvet ADNI
immt2w3 Immediate (#2): Church ADNI
immt2w4 Immediate (#2): Daisy ADNI
immt2w5 Immediate (#2): Red ADNI
delw1 Delayed: Face ADNI
delw2 Delayed: Velvet ADNI
delw3 Delayed: Church ADNI
delw4 Delayed: Daisy ADNI
delw5 Delayed: Red ADNI
m1totalrecall SRT: total of immediate recall trails 1-6 EFIGA
m3delayedrecall SRT: delayed recall trial EFIGA
m4delayedrecognition SRT: recognition EFIGA
m12bentonrecognition BVRT: recognition EFIGA
htablehwhattime SBT: what time is it? EFIGA
htablehrepeatname SBT: recall address - number of errors EFIGA
nsorientation MMSE: orientation composite EFIGA
craftvrs_KnightADRC Craft story 21, immediate recall Knight ADRC
craftdvr_KnightADRC Craft story 21, delayed recall Knight ADRC
udsbentd_KnightADRC Benson complex figure, delayed Knight ADRC
udsbenrs_KnightADRC Benson complex figure, recognition Knight ADRC
logimem_KnightADRC WMS-R: logical memory, immediate recall Knight ADRC
memunits_KnightADRC WMS-R: logical memory, delayed recall Knight ADRC
month_mmse MMSE: What month is it? Knight ADRC
year_mmse MMSE: What year is it? Knight ADRC
city_mmse MMSE: What city are we in? Knight ADRC
loca MMSE: What state are we in? Knight ADRC
seas MMSE: What season is it? Knight ADRC
date_mmse MMSE: What is the date? Knight ADRC
day_mmse MMSE: What day is it? Knight ADRC
place_mmse MMSE: What place is this? Knight ADRC
mmsetr1 MMSE: Repeat ball, flag, tree - combined Knight ADRC
ball MMSE: Repeat ball, flag, tree - ball Knight ADRC
flag MMSE: Repeat ball, flag, tree - flag Knight ADRC
tree MMSE: Repeat ball, flag, tree - tree Knight ADRC
ball2 MMSE: Recall ball, flag, tree - ball Knight ADRC
flag2 MMSE: Recall ball, flag, tree - flag Knight ADRC
tree2 MMSE: Recall ball, flag, tree - tree Knight ADRC
leve MMSE: What floor are we on? Knight ADRC
mmseorda MMSE Orientation subscale score - time NACC
mmseorlo MMSE Orientation subscale score - place NACC
mocaordt MoCA orientation - date NACC
mocaordy MoCA orientation - day NACC
mocaormo MoCA orientation - month NACC
mocaoryr MoCA orientation - year NACC
mocaorct MoCA orientation - city NACC
mocaorpl MoCA orientation - place NACC
mocarecn MoCA delayed recall - no cue NACC
logimem_NACC Logical Memory Immediate A: Story units recalled (Story A) NACC
memunits_NACC Logical Memory Delayed A: Story units recalled (Story A) NACC
mocaregi MoCA memory: registration (2 trials) NACC
story logical memory IA -- story score (Anna Thompson) NIA-AD FBS
delay logical memory IIA -- story score (story recall) NIA-AD FBS
mmse30_item1 MMSE: What is the year? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item2 MMSE: What is the season of the year? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item3 MMSE: What is the date? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item4 MMSE: What is the day of the week? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item5 MMSE: What is the month? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item6 MMSE: What state are we in? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item7 MMSE: What County are we in? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item8 MMSE: What city are we in? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item9 MMSE: What room are we in? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item10 What is the address of this place? Street number and name? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
cts_story WMS-R: Logical memory (AT) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
cts_delay WMS-R: Tell me the story again (AT) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
orient MMSE: orientation composite WHICAP
h29_rp SBT: what time is it? WHICAP
h29_n SBT: what time is it? WHICAP
h32_rp SBT: John Brown address - number of errors WHICAP
h32_n SBT: John Brown address - number of errors WHICAP
t1raw AVLT Trial 1 WRAP
t2raw AVLT Trial 2 WRAP
t3raw AVLT Trial 3 WRAP
t4raw AVLT Trial 4 WRAP
t5raw AVLT Trial 5 WRAP
t6raw AVLT Trial 6 WRAP
lbraw AVLT List B Raw WRAP
drraw AVLT Delayed Recall Raw WRAP
recraw AVLT Recognition raw WRAP
wmsrar Logical Memory Immediate A WRAP
wmsrbr Logical Memory Immediate B WRAP
wmsrar2 Logical Memory Delayed A WRAP
wmsrbr2 Logical Memory Delayed B WRAP
mmarea_A4 MMSE What county (district, borough, area) are we in? A4
mmday_A4 MMSE What day of the week is today? A4
mmfloor_A4 MMSE What floor are we on? A4
mmhospit_A4 MMSE What is the name of this hospital (clinic, place)? A4
mmseason_A4 MMSE What season is it? A4
mmball MMSE repeat ball A4
mmflag MMSE repeat flag A4
mmtree MMSE repeat tree A4
mmballdl MMSE recall ball A4
mmflagdl MMSE recall flag A4
mmtreedl MMSE recall tree A4
fcfreet1 Free and cued selective reminding test trial 1 free recall. A4
fccuedt1 Free and cued selective reminding test trial 1 cued recall. A4
fcfreet2 Free and cued selective reminding test trial 2 free recall. A4
fccuedt2 Free and cued selective reminding test trial 2 cued recall. A4
fcfreet3 Free and cued selective reminding test trial 3 free recall. A4
fccuedt3 Free and cued selective reminding test trial 3 cued recall. A4
ldeltotal_A4 WMS-R Logical Memory immediate recall. A4
limmtotal_A4 WMS-R Logical Memory delayed recall. A4
mmcity_A4 MMSE What city are we in? A4
mmstate_A4 MMSE What state are we in? A4
mmdate_A4 MMSE What is today's date? A4
mmmonth_A4 MMSE What is the month? A4
mmyear_A4 MMSE What is the year? A4
mat_mem DRS: Mattis Dementia Rating Scale Memory score ACT
w_in_c1 CERAD: Word list learning trial 1 total score ACT
w_in_c2 CERAD: Word list learning trial 2 total score ACT
w_in_c3 CERAD: Word list learning trial 3 total score ACT
w_rcl_c CERAD: Word List Recall-correct ACT
w_rcg_t CERAD: Word Recognition-total correct ACT
cp_re_ci CERAD: Constructional Praxis Delay-circle ACT
cp_re_di CERAD: Constructional Praxis Delay-diamond ACT
cp_re_re CERAD: Constructional Praxis Delay-rectangles ACT
cp_re_cu CERAD: Constructional Praxis Delay-cube ACT
w_lm_ima WMS-R:Logical Mem I-immediate recall total story (AT*) ACT
w_lm_imb WMS-R:Logical Mem I-immediate recall total story (RM*) ACT
w_lm_dea WMS-R:Logical Mem II-delayed recall total story (AT) ACT
w_lm_deb WMS-R:Logical Mem II-delayed recall total story (RM) ACT
w_vp_ine WMS-R:Verbal Paired Associates I easy ACT
w_vp_inh WMS-R:Verbal Paired Associates I hard ACT
w_vp_ree WMS-R:Verbal Paired Associates II easy ACT
w_vp_reh WMS-R:Verbal Paired Associates II hard ACT
rgs1 CASI: repeat words ACT
rc1a CASI: Word recall-something to wear - 1 ACT
rc1b CASI: Word recall-a color - 1 ACT
rc1c CASI: Word recall-personal quality - 1 ACT
yr CASI: What is today's date?-year ACT
mo CASI: What is today's date?-month ACT
casi_dat CASI: What is today's date?-day ACT
day CASI: What day of week? ACT
casi_ssn CASI: What season is it? ACT
spa CASI: What state and city? ACT
spb CASI: What is this place? ACT
rc2a CASI: Word recall-something to wear - 2 ACT
rc2b CASI: Word recall-a color - 2 ACT
rc2c CASI: Word recall-personal quality - 2 ACT
rcobj CASI: Recall of 5 objects ACT
limmtotal_ADNI WMS-R: Logical Memory-Immediate Recall (AT) ADNI
ldeltotal_ADNI WMS-R: Logical Memory-Delayed Recall (AT) ADNI
avtot1 Rey: AVLT Trial 1 Total ADNI
avtot2 Rey: AVLT Trial 2 Total ADNI
avtot3 Rey: AVLT Trial 3 Total ADNI
avtot4 Rey: AVLT Trial 4 Total ADNI
avtot5 Rey: AVLT Trial 5 Total ADNI
avtot6 Rey: AVLT Trial 6 Total ADNI
avtotb Rey: AVLT List B Total ADNI
avdel30min Rey: AVLT 30 Minute Delay Total ADNI
avdeltot Rey: AVLT Recognition Score ADNI
mmdate_ADNI MMSE: What is today's date? ADNI
mmyear_ADNI MMSE: What is the year? ADNI
mmmonth_ADNI MMSE: What is the month? ADNI
mmday_ADNI MMSE: What day of the week is today? ADNI
mmseason_ADNI MMSE: What season is it? ADNI
mmhospit_ADNI MMSE: What is the name of this hospital (clinic, place)? ADNI
mmfloor_ADNI MMSE: What floor are we on? ADNI
mmcity_ADNI MMSE: What town or city are we in? ADNI
mmarea_ADNI MMSE: What County (district, borough, area) are we in? ADNI
mmstate_ADNI MMSE: What state are we in? ADNI
mmword1 MMSE: ball-immediate recall ADNI
mmword2 MMSE: flag-immediate recall ADNI
mmword3 MMSE: tree-immediate recall ADNI
mmword1dl MMSE: ball-delayed recall ADNI
mmword2dl MMSE: flag-delayed recall ADNI
mmword3dl MMSE: tree-delayed recall ADNI
q1score ADAS-Cog: Word Recall-score ADNI
q4score ADAS-Cog: Delayed Word Recall ADNI
q7score ADAS-Cog: Orientation-score ADNI
q8score ADAS-Cog: Word Recognition-score ADNI
immt1w1 Immediate (#1): Face ADNI
immt1w2 Immediate (#1): Velvet ADNI
immt1w3 Immediate (#1): Church ADNI
immt1w4 Immediate (#1): Daisy ADNI
immt1w5 Immediate (#1): Red ADNI
immt2w1 Immediate (#2): Face ADNI
immt2w2 Immediate (#2): Velvet ADNI
immt2w3 Immediate (#2): Church ADNI
immt2w4 Immediate (#2): Daisy ADNI
immt2w5 Immediate (#2): Red ADNI
delw1 Delayed: Face ADNI
delw2 Delayed: Velvet ADNI
delw3 Delayed: Church ADNI
delw4 Delayed: Daisy ADNI
delw5 Delayed: Red ADNI
m1totalrecall SRT: total of immediate recall trails 1-6 EFIGA
m3delayedrecall SRT: delayed recall trial EFIGA
m4delayedrecognition SRT: recognition EFIGA
m12bentonrecognition BVRT: recognition EFIGA
htablehwhattime SBT: what time is it? EFIGA
htablehrepeatname SBT: recall address - number of errors EFIGA
nsorientation MMSE: orientation composite EFIGA
srt1f Free and cued selective reminding test, trial 1 Knight ADRC
srt2f Free and cued selective reminding test, trial 2 Knight ADRC
srt3f Free and cued selective reminding test, trial 3 Knight ADRC
psy010 WMS: Associate learning recall, easy Knight ADRC
psy011 WMS: Associate learning recall, hard Knight ADRC
psy004 WMS (original): logical memory, immediate recall Knight ADRC
psy251 WMS (original): logical memory, delayed recall Knight ADRC
psy023 Benton visual retention test, recognition Knight ADRC
psy013 WMS: Associate learning recognition, easy Knight ADRC
psy014 WMS: Associate learning recognition, hard Knight ADRC
craftvrs_KnightADRC Craft story 21, immediate recall Knight ADRC
craftdvr_KnightADRC Craft story 21, delayed recall Knight ADRC
udsbentd_KnightADRC Benson complex figure, delayed Knight ADRC
udsbenrs_KnightADRC Benson complex figure, recognition Knight ADRC
logimem_KnightADRC WMS-R: logical memory, immediate recall Knight ADRC
memunits_KnightADRC WMS-R: logical memory, delayed recall Knight ADRC
ksbt3 What time is it? Knight ADRC
ksbt6 Repeat back John Brown memory phase Knight ADRC
msq07 Who is the current president? Knight ADRC
msq08 Who was the previous president? Knight ADRC
month_mmse MMSE: What month is it? Knight ADRC
year_mmse MMSE: What year is it? Knight ADRC
city_mmse MMSE: What city are we in? Knight ADRC
loca MMSE: What state are we in? Knight ADRC
seas MMSE: What season is it? Knight ADRC
date_mmse MMSE: What is the date? Knight ADRC
day_mmse MMSE: What day is it? Knight ADRC
place_mmse MMSE: What place is this? Knight ADRC
mmsetr1 MMSE: Repeat ball, flag, tree - combined Knight ADRC
ball MMSE: Repeat ball, flag, tree - ball Knight ADRC
flag MMSE: Repeat ball, flag, tree - flag Knight ADRC
tree MMSE: Repeat ball, flag, tree - tree Knight ADRC
ball2 MMSE: Recall ball, flag, tree - ball Knight ADRC
flag2 MMSE: Recall ball, flag, tree - flag Knight ADRC
tree2 MMSE: Recall ball, flag, tree - tree Knight ADRC
leve MMSE: What floor are we on? Knight ADRC
mmseorda MMSE Orientation subscale score - time NACC
mmseorlo MMSE Orientation subscale score - place NACC
mocaordt MoCA orientation - date NACC
mocaordy MoCA orientation - day NACC
mocaormo MoCA orientation - month NACC
mocaoryr MoCA orientation - year NACC
mocaorct MoCA orientation - city NACC
mocaorpl MoCA orientation - place NACC
mocarecn MoCA delayed recall - no cue NACC
logimem_NACC Logical Memory Immediate A: Story units recalled (Story A) NACC
memunits_NACC Logical Memory Delayed A: Story units recalled (Story A) NACC
mocaregi MoCA memory: registration (2 trials) NACC
craftdvr_NACC Craft story 21 recall (delayed): paraphrase NACC
craftvrs_NACC Craft story 21 recall (delayed): verbatim NACC
udsbentd_NACC Benson complex figure copy, delayed NACC
udsbenrs_NACC Benson complex figure recognition NACC
story logical memory IA -- story score (Anna Thompson) NIA-AD FBS
delay logical memory IIA -- story score (story recall) NIA-AD FBS
mmse30_item1 MMSE: What is the year? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item2 MMSE: What is the season of the year? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item3 MMSE: What is the date? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item4 MMSE: What is the day of the week? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item5 MMSE: What is the month? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item6 MMSE: What state are we in? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item7 MMSE: What County are we in? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item8 MMSE: What city are we in? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item9 MMSE: What room are we in? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item10 What is the address of this place? Street number and name? ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item11 MMSE: apple (immediate recall) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item12 MMSE: table (immediate recall) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item13 MMSE: penny (immediate recall) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item14 MMSE: apple (delayed recall) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item15 MMSE: table (delayed recall) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
mmse30_item16 MMSE: penny (delayed recall) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
cts_wliii CERAD: Word list recognition ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
cts_wlii CERAD: Word list recall ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
cts_ebmt East Boston Memory Test-immediate recall ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
cts_ebdr East Boston Memory Test-delayed recall ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
cts_story WMS-R: Logical memory (AT) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
cts_delay WMS-R: Tell me the story again (AT) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item1 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item2 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item3 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item4 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item5 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item6 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item7 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item8 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item9 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item10 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item11 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item12 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item13 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item14 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item15 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item16 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item17 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item18 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item19 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item20 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item21 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item22 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item23 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item24 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item25 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item26 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item27 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item28 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item29 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
wli_item30 CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS
orient MMSE: orientation composite WHICAP
h29_rp SBT: what time is it? WHICAP
h29_n SBT: what time is it? WHICAP
h32_rp SBT: John Brown address - number of errors WHICAP
h32_n SBT: John Brown address - number of errors WHICAP
mem01 SRT: immediate recall trials WHICAP
mem03 SRT: delayed recall WHICAP
mem04 SRT: recognition WHICAP
mem11 BVRT: recognition WHICAP
t1raw AVLT Trial 1 WRAP
t2raw AVLT Trial 2 WRAP
t3raw AVLT Trial 3 WRAP
t4raw AVLT Trial 4 WRAP
t5raw AVLT Trial 5 WRAP
t6raw AVLT Trial 6 WRAP
lbraw AVLT List B Raw WRAP
drraw AVLT Delayed Recall Raw WRAP
recraw AVLT Recognition raw WRAP
wmsrar Logical Memory Immediate A WRAP
wmsrbr Logical Memory Immediate B WRAP
wmsrar2 Logical Memory Delayed A WRAP
wmsrbr2 Logical Memory Delayed B WRAP
bvmt1r Brief Visuospatial Memory Test Revised Trial 1 Raw WRAP
bvmt2r Brief Visuospatial Memory Test Revised Trial 2 Raw WRAP
bvmt3r Brief Visuospatial Memory Test Revised Trial 3 Raw WRAP
bvmtdel BVMT-R delayed Raw WRAP
bvmtrec BVMT-R Rec hits WRAP