Main Category Category Variable Anchor Cohort Label Units Type Comments Derivation Level
Clinical & Demographic Demographics Sex Participant's Sex String
Level Label
1 Male
2 Female
Clinical & Demographic Demographics Race Participant's Race String
Level Label
1 American Indian or Alaska Native
2 Asian
3 Black or African American
4 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
5 White
6 Multiple/Other/Unknown
Clinical & Demographic Demographics Education Participant's Education Years Integer
Cognition Visuospatial udsbentc Knight ADRC Benson Figure Copy Integer
Cognition Language minttots NACC Multilingual naming test (MINT) - total score Integer
Clinical & Demographic Demographics PHC_Age_Biomarker Particpant's Age at Biomarker Data Collection Years Number Note: In NIAGADS, any age equal to or above 90 was changed to "90+"
Clinical & Demographic Demographics PHC_Age_PET_Amyloid Participant's Age at PET Amyloid Data Collection Years Number Note: In NIAGADS, any age equal to or above 90 was changed to "90+"
Clinical & Demographic Demographics Ethnicity Participant's Ethnicity String
Level Label
1 Hispanic or Latino
2 Not Hispanic or Latino
PET Amyloid PHC_INJECTED_DOSE_Amyloid Measure of injected radioligand dose millicurie Number
PET Amyloid GAAIN_SUMMARY_SUVR GAAIN summary cortical SUVR normalized by GAAIN whole cerebellum Number
PET Amyloid NPDKA_CEREBELLUMGREYMATTER_SUVR Reference region - SUVR of NPDKA cerebellum grey matter normalized by NPDKA whole cerebellum Number
PET Amyloid CC_CENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid cc-central SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CC_MID_ANTERIOR_SUVR_Amyloid cc-mid-anterior SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_ENTORHINAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-entorhinal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_FRONTALPOLE_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-frontalpole SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_FUSIFORM_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-fusiform SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_ISTHMUSCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-isthmuscingulate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_PARACENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-paracentral SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_ENTORHINAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-entorhinal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_SUPERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-superiortemporal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LEFT_CAUDATE_SUVR_Amyloid left-caudate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LEFT_CEREBELLUM_CORTEX_SUVR_Amyloid left-cerebellum-cortex SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LEFT_CEREBELLUM_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Amyloid left-cerebellum-white-matter SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid RIGHT_CHOROID_PLEXUS_SUVR_Amyloid right-choroid-plexus SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid ENTORHINAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-entorhinal and ctx-rh-entorhinal normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid FUSIFORM_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-fusiform and ctx-rh-fusiform normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid MIDDLETEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-middletemporal and ctx-rh-middletemporal normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid PRECENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-precentral and ctx-rh-precentral normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid AMYGDALA_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-amygdala and right-amygdala normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CEREBELLUM_CORTEX_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-cerebellum-cortex and right-cerebellum-cortex normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CHOROID_PLEXUS_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-choroid-plexus and right-choroid-plexus normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LATERAL_VENTRICLE_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-lateral-ventricle and right-lateral-ventricle normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Right_Inf_Lat_Vent_combat Right Inferior Lateral Ventricle harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Right_Cerebellum_White_Matter_combat Right Cerebellum White Matter harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Right_Cerebellum_Cortex_combat Right Cerebellum Cortex harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Right_Putamen_combat Right Putamen harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Optic_Chiasm_combat Optic Chiasm harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer CC_Posterior_combat CC Posterior harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer CC_Central_combat CC Central Posterior harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer BrainSegVol_combat Brain Seg Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer BrainSegVolNotVent_combat Brain Segmentation Volume Without Ventricles harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer TotalGrayVol_combat Total Gray Matter Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_bankssts_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Bankssts Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Caudalmiddlefrontal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_lateralorbitofrontal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Lateralorbitofrontal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_lingual_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Lingual Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_rostralanteriorcingulate_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Rostralanteriorcingulate Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_medialorbitofrontal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Medialorbitofrontal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_middletemporal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Middletemporal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_paracentral_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Paracentral Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_postcentral_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Postcentral Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_superiorparietal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Superiorparietal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_frontalpole_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Frontalpole Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_cuneus_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Cuneus Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_inferiorparietal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Inferiorparietal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_isthmuscingulate_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Isthmuscingulate Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_parsorbitalis_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Parsorbitalis Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_postcentral_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Postcentral Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_rostralmiddlefrontal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Rostralmiddlefrontal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_insula_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Insula Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_caudalanteriorcingulate_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Caudalanteriorcingulate Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_entorhinal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Entorhinal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_isthmuscingulate_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Isthmuscingulate Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_parsopercularis_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Parsopercularis Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_postcentral_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Postcentral Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_posteriorcingulate_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Posteriorcingulate Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_precuneus_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Precuneus Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_parietal_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_parietal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_caudate_nucleus_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of caudate_nucleus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of angular_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pre_cuneus_wm_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of pre_cuneus_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cuneus_wm_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of cuneus_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_lingual_wm_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of lingual_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_caudate_nucleus_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of caudate_nucleus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_hippocampus_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of corticospinal_tract_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_medial_lemniscus_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of medial_lemniscus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_thalamic_radiation_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_thalamic_radiation_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_corona_radiata_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_corona_radiata_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_frontal_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_uncinate_fasciculus_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of uncinate_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_tapatum_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of tapatum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_midbrain_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of midbrain_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_parietal_wm_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_parietal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_frontal_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of postcentral_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of postcentral_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of postcentral_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_right_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of angular_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cerebral_peduncle_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of cerebral_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_thalamic_radiation_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_thalamic_radiation_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_corona_radiata_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of posterior_corona_radiata_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of external_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pontine_crossing_tract_a_part_of_mcp_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of pontine_crossing_tract_(a_part_of_mcp)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pons_right_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of pons_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of putamen_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_left_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of globus_pallidus_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of external_capsule_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_brain_stem_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of brain_stem in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_caudate_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_caudate in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebral_white_matter_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_cerebral_white_matter in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_inf_lat_vent_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_inf_lat_vent in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lateral_ventricle_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_lateral_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_putamen_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_putamen in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_putamen_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_putamen in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_putamen_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_putamen in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ventral_dc_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_ventral_dc in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_cerebellar_vermal_lobules_i_v_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of cerebellar_vermal_lobules_i_v in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ains_anterior_insula_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ains_anterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ains_anterior_insula_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_ains_anterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_aorg_anterior_orbital_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_aorg_anterior_orbital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_aorg_anterior_orbital_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_aorg_anterior_orbital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ang_angular_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_ang_angular_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_co_central_operculum_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_co_central_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cun_cuneus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_cun_cuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ent_entorhinal_area_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_ent_entorhinal_area in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ent_entorhinal_area_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ent_entorhinal_area in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ent_entorhinal_area_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_ent_entorhinal_area in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_fug_fusiform_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_gre_gyrus_rectus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_gre_gyrus_rectus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lig_lingual_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_lig_lingual_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lig_lingual_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_lig_lingual_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lig_lingual_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_lig_lingual_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ocp_occipital_pole_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ocp_occipital_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcu_precuneus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pcu_precuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcu_precuneus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pcu_precuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pins_posterior_insula_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_pins_posterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_po_parietal_operculum_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_po_parietal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pog_postcentral_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pp_planum_polare_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_pp_planum_polare in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pp_planum_polare_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pp_planum_polare in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pt_planum_temporale_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pt_planum_temporale in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pt_planum_temporale_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pt_planum_temporale in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_spl_superior_parietal_lobule_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_spl_superior_parietal_lobule in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_spl_superior_parietal_lobule_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_spl_superior_parietal_lobule in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_po_parietal_operculum_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_prg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_prg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
Cognition Memory fcfreet1 A4 Free and cued selective reminding test trial 1 free recall. Integer Item was multiplied by 2 and summed with fccuedt1 to get the variable used in the model.
Cognition Memory ldeltotal_A4 Memory Anchor A4 WMS-R Logical Memory immediate recall. Integer PARTIAL ANCHOR: Includes scores for all 4 versions of logical memory that were adminsitered but split into different variables using lmstory. The Anna Thompson Story is the anchor variable, the Robert Miller Story is a non-anchor.
Cognition Memory w_in_c3 ACT CERAD: Word list learning trial 3 total score Integer
Cognition Memory w_lm_dea Memory Anchor ACT WMS-R:Logical Mem II-delayed recall total story (AT) Integer
Cognition Memory w_vp_inh ACT WMS-R:Verbal Paired Associates I hard Integer
Cognition Memory avtot1 ADNI Rey: AVLT Trial 1 Total Integer
Cognition Memory avtot5 ADNI Rey: AVLT Trial 5 Total Integer
Cognition Memory mmday_ADNI Memory Anchor ADNI MMSE: What day of the week is today? String
Cognition Memory mmfloor_ADNI Memory Anchor ADNI MMSE: What floor are we on? String
Cognition Memory mmword3 ADNI MMSE: tree-immediate recall String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory q1score ADNI ADAS-Cog: Word Recall-score Number
Cognition Memory q4score ADNI ADAS-Cog: Delayed Word Recall Integer
Cognition Memory delw1 Memory Anchor ADNI Delayed: Face String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct (no cue)
2 Correct (category cue)
3 Correct (multiple choice cue)
Cognition Memory delw4 Memory Anchor ADNI Delayed: Daisy String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct (no cue)
2 Correct (category cue)
3 Correct (multiple choice cue)
Cognition Memory m1totalrecall Memory Anchor EFIGA SRT: total of immediate recall trails 1-6 Integer
Cognition Memory psy011 Knight ADRC WMS: Associate learning recall, hard Integer
Cognition Memory udsbentd_KnightADRC Memory Anchor Knight ADRC Benson complex figure, delayed Integer
Cognition Memory seas Memory Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: What season is it? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory date_mmse Memory Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: What is the date? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory tree2 Memory Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: Recall ball, flag, tree - tree String
Cognition Memory mocaoryr Memory Anchor NACC MoCA orientation - year String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mocaregi Memory Anchor NACC MoCA memory: registration (2 trials) Integer
Cognition Memory mmse30_item1 Memory Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: What is the year? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mmse30_item6 Memory Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: What state are we in? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mmse30_item11 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: apple (immediate recall) String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mmse30_item12 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: table (immediate recall) String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory wli_item4 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item7 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item13 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item21 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item27 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory h29_n Memory Anchor WHICAP SBT: what time is it? String h29_rp and h29_n: _rp is the research psysician short blessed (neuropsychological), _n is the neurological exam. These two items were combined, where _rp was the ideal item and _n was used when _rp was not available
Level Label
0 No Errors
1 Error
Cognition Memory mem03 WHICAP SRT: delayed recall Integer
Cognition Memory lbraw Memory Anchor WRAP AVLT List B Raw Integer
Cognition Memory wmsrbr Memory Anchor WRAP Logical Memory Immediate B Integer
Cognition Memory bvmt1r WRAP Brief Visuospatial Memory Test Revised Trial 1 Raw Integer
Neuropath Amyloid Deposition AMY_ANY Any Amyloid Presence String
Level Label
0 None
1 Some Amyloid
Neuropath Cerebrovascular Disease CVD_ART Arteriolosclerosis String
Level Label
0 None
1 Mild
2 Moderate
3 Severe
Vascular Risk Factors Heart Disease PHC_Heart History of Heart Disease String
Level Label
0 No Heart Disease
1 Heart Disease
PET Tau PHC_DISCORDANT_TYPE Sub-category of discordant images String "R>L" or "L>R" if uptake is laterally asymmetric, "threshold" if values lie close to the positivity threshold, "extra-axial signal" if signal bleeds in to ROIs, "MTL sparing/neocortical only", "atrophy" if participant has severely atrophied regions affecting SUVR, and "other atypical" for any cases that don't fit categorization.
PET Tau BRAINSTEM_SUVR_Tau brain-stem SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_CAUDALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-caudalmiddlefrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_ISTHMUSCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-isthmuscingulate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_LATERALOCCIPITAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-lateraloccipital SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_POSTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-posteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_PRECENTRAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-precentral SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_PRECUNEUS_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-precuneus SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_CUNEUS_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-cuneus SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_FRONTALPOLE_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-frontalpole SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_INFERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-inferiortemporal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_LATERALOCCIPITAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-lateraloccipital SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LEFT_CEREBELLUM_CORTEX_SUVR_Tau left-cerebellum-cortex SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LEFT_CEREBELLUM_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Tau left-cerebellum-white-matter SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau RIGHT_INF_LAT_VENT_SUVR_Tau right-inf-lat-vent SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau ENTORHINAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-entorhinal and ctx-rh-entorhinal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau PARSORBITALIS_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-parsorbitalis and ctx-rh-parsorbitalis normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
Cognition Executive Function mat_attn ACT DRS: Mattis Dementia Rating Scale, Attention score Integer
Cognition Executive Function mat_conc ACT DRS: Mattis Dementia Rating Scale, Concentration score Integer
Cognition Executive Function mat_ip ACT DRS: Mattis Dementia Rating Scale, initiation / perseveration score Integer
Cognition Executive Function q13score ADNI ADAS-Cog: Number cancellation task Integer
Cognition Executive Function absmeas Executive Function Anchor ADNI MoCA: Abstraction: watch-ruler String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Executive Function serial5 ADNI MoCA: Serial 7: 5th Subtraction String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 correct
Cognition Executive Function nsctt_time1 Executive Function Anchor EFIGA Color trail test A time Seconds Integer
Cognition Executive Function mentcont Knight ADRC WMS: Mental control summary score Integer
Cognition Executive Function stroopcolor Knight ADRC color only stroop Integer
Cognition Executive Function mocacloc NACC MoCA: Draw clock circle in place String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Executive Function digforct_NACC NACC Number Span Forward - correct Integer
Cognition Executive Function digib_NACC Executive Function Anchor NACC WAIS-R Digit Span Backward: Total correct Integer
Cognition Executive Function h31_n Executive Function Anchor WHICAP SBT: Months backwards - number of errors Integer h31_rp and h31_n: _rp is the research psysician short blessed (neuropsychological), _n is the neurological exam. These two items were combined, where _rp was the ideal item and _n was used when _rp was not available
Cognition Executive Function trlb Executive Function Anchor WRAP Trail Making Test - Trail B Seconds Integer
Cognition Executive Function PHC_EXF_SE Harmonized Standard Error of Harmonized Composite Executive Function Score Number
Cognition Executive Function PHC_EXF_PreciseFilter Harmonized Precision Filter to isolate Harmonized Composite Executive Function Scores String Precision filter criteria is met when the standard error is less than or equal to 0.6
Level Label
0 Does not meet PreciseFilter criteria
1 Does meet PreciseFilter criteria
Cognition Visuospatial draw_ACT Visuospatial Anchor ACT CASI: Copy interlocking pentagons Integer
Cognition Visuospatial copycirc ADNI Clock copy: Approximately circular face String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Visuospatial lopair_item1 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS JLO: Line orientation items (15 items) String
Cognition Visuospatial lopair_item5 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS JLO: Line orientation items (15 items) String
Fluid Biomarkers General Platform Immunoassay platform used for biomarker measurement String
MRI FLAIR CNR_GM Contrast-to-noise ratio for total gray matter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_31 Right Amygdala cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_72 Cerebellar Vermal Lobules VI-VII (B Hemisphere) cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_76 Right Basal Forebrain cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_93 Posterior limb of internal capsule inc. cerebral peduncle right cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_104 Right AOrG - anterior orbital gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_128 Right IOG - inferior occipital gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_129 Left IOG - inferior occipital gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_140 Right MFC - medial frontal cortex cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_141 Left MFC - medial frontal cortex cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_145 Left MOG - middle occipital gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_146 Right MOrG - medial orbital gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_151 Left MPrG - precentral gyrus medial segment cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_167 Left PCgG - posterior cingulate gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_178 Right POrG - posterior orbital gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_184 Right PT - planum temporale cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_191 Left SFG - superior frontal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_306 Limbic Cingulate Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_310 Occipital Medial Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_315 Temporal Supratemporal Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_321 Left Limbic Cingulate Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_327 Left Parietal Medial Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_329 Left Temporal Lateral Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_431 Right Occipital Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_433 Right Parietal Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_506 Occipital cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_508 Temporal cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_512 Left Frontal cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_521 Right Limbic cubic millimeter Number
Clinical & Demographic Clinical Diagnosis Status of Alzheimer's Diagnosis String
Level Label
1 No Cognitive Impairment
2 Mild Cognitive Impairment
3 Alzheimer's Dementia
Cognition Language cas_writ ACT CASI: write a sentence Integer
Cognition Language objb ACT CASI: identify objects - 2 Integer
Cognition Language mmonflr Language Anchor ADNI MMSE: Puts paper on floor String
Cognition Language repeat2 Language Anchor ADNI MoCA: Repeat Sentence String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Language lg13comprehension Language Anchor EFIGA Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination comprehension Integer
Cognition Language lg6cflsum Language Anchor EFIGA Letter Fluency Total: CFL Integer
Cognition Language animals_KnightADRC Language Anchor Knight ADRC Category Fluency: animals Integer
Cognition Language psy033 Knight ADRC Letter fluency: P Integer
Cognition Language fold Language Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: Fold paper in half String
Cognition Language veg_NACC Language Anchor NACC Category Fluency (Vegetables) - Total Correct Integer
Cognition Language mmse30_item26_wor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: Spell WORLD forwards String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Language idea_item1 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS Complex ideation: Will a board sink in water? String
Cognition Language idea_item4 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS Complex ideation: Can you use a hammer to pound nails? String
Cognition Language idea_item7 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS Complex ideation: Will water go through a good pair of rubber boots? String
Cognition Language idea_item8 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS Complex ideation: Will a good pair of rubber boots keep water out? String
Cognition Language flucfl WRAP Letter Fluency - C,F,L Raw Integer
Vascular Risk Factors Hypertension PHC_Hypertension History of Hypertension String
Level Label
0 No Hypertension
1 Hypertension
Clinical & Demographic Demographics PHC_Visit Harmonized Visit Number Integer
Vascular Risk Factors Diabetes PHC_Diabetes History of Diabetes String
Level Label
0 No Diabetes
1 Diabetes
PET Amyloid PHC_AMYLOID_STATUS_GMM GMM based amyloid status, computed within tracer and cohort groups. String Calculated based on GAAIN_SUMMARY_SUVR.
Level Label
0 Negative
1 Positive
PET Amyloid GAAIN_COMPOSITE_REF_SUVR Reference region - SUVR of composite ref region (volume-weighted mean of GAAIN whole cerebellum, GAAIN brainstem and NPDKA eroded WM) normalized by GAAIN whole cerebellum Number
PET Amyloid NPDKA_ERODED_SUBCORTICALWM_SUVR Reference region - SUVR of NPDKA eroded subcortical white matter normalized by NPDKA whole cerebellum. Number See ADSP MRI-Free PET Methods document.
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_BANKSSTS_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-bankssts SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_LATERALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-lateralorbitofrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_SUPERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-superiorparietal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_SUPERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-superiortemporal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_CAUDALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-caudalanteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_FUSIFORM_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-fusiform SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_INSULA_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-insula SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LEFT_INF_LAT_VENT_SUVR_Amyloid left-inf-lat-vent SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LEFT_LATERAL_VENTRICLE_SUVR_Amyloid left-lateral-ventricle SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LEFT_PALLIDUM_SUVR_Amyloid left-pallidum SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LEFT_VENTRALDC_SUVR_Amyloid left-ventraldc SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid RIGHT_VENTRALDC_SUVR_Amyloid right-ventraldc SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid PARAHIPPOCAMPAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-parahippocampal and ctx-rh-parahippocampal normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid PARSORBITALIS_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-parsorbitalis and ctx-rh-parsorbitalis normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid PRECUNEUS_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-precuneus and ctx-rh-precuneus normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid ROSTRALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-rostralmiddlefrontal and ctx-rh-rostralmiddlefrontal normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid ACCUMBENS_AREA_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-accumbens-area and right-accumbens-area normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer EstimatedTotalIntraCranialVol_combat Estimated Total Intracranial Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Left_Hippocampus_combat Left Hippocampus harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Left_Accumbens_area_combat Left Accumbens Area harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Right_Thalamus_Proper_combat Right Thalamus Proper harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Right_Amygdala_combat Right Amygdala harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer CC_Mid_Anterior_combat CC Mid-Anterior harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lhCortexVol_combat Left Hemisphere Cortex Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer SubCortGrayVol_combat Subcortical Gray Matter Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer SupraTentorialVol_combat Supratentrorial Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer MaskVol_combat Mask Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_postcentral_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Postcentral Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_precuneus_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Precuneus Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_cuneus_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Cuneus Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_isthmuscingulate_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Isthmuscingulate Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_posteriorcingulate_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Posteriorcingulate Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_transversetemporal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Transversetemporal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_entorhinal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Entorhinal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_lingual_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Lingual Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_superiorfrontal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Superiorfrontal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_transversetemporal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Transversetemporal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_inferiortemporal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Inferiortemporal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_superiorparietal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Superiorparietal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_transversetemporal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Transversetemporal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_occipital_wm_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_occipital_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_medial_lemniscus_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of medial_lemniscus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_splenium_of_corpus_callosum_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_cerebellar_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cerebral_peduncle_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of cerebral_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_thalamic_radiation_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_corticospinal_tract_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of external_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_uncinate_fasciculus_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of uncinate_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pontine_crossing_tract_a_part_of_mcp_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of pontine_crossing_tract_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_genu_of_corpus_callosum_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of genu_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornixcres_stria_terminalisleft_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of genu_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_splenium_of_corpus_callosum_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of splenium_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_splenium_of_corpus_callosum_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of splenium_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of globus_pallidus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_thalamus_right_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of thalamus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_frontal_wm_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_occipital_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_occipital_wm_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_medial_lemniscus_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of medial_lemniscus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_corona_radiata_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_corona_radiata_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornixcres_stria_terminalis_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of fornix(cres)_stria_terminalis_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of external_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_uncinate_fasciculus_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of uncinate_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_genu_of_corpus_callosum_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of genu_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pons_right_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of pons_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_thalamic_radiation_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of precentral_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of postcentral_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of angular_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_left_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of globus_pallidus_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of precentral_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of external_capsule_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_brain_stem_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of brain_stem in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_caudate_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_caudate in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebellum_exterior_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_cerebellum_exterior in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebral_white_matter_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_cerebral_white_matter in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_hippocampus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_hippocampus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_inf_lat_vent_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_inf_lat_vent in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_inf_lat_vent_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_inf_lat_vent in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lateral_ventricle_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_lateral_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lateral_ventricle_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_lateral_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_thalamus_proper_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_thalamus_proper in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_thalamus_proper_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_thalamus_proper in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ventral_dc_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ventral_dc in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ventral_dc_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ventral_dc in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ventral_dc_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ventral_dc in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ang_angular_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ang_angular_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_calc_calcarine_cortex_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_calc_calcarine_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ocp_occipital_pole_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_ocp_occipital_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ocp_occipital_pole_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ocp_occipital_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ocp_occipital_pole_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_ocp_occipital_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pins_posterior_insula_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_pins_posterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_po_parietal_operculum_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_po_parietal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pog_postcentral_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pog_postcentral_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pog_postcentral_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pp_planum_polare_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pp_planum_polare in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pp_planum_polare_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pp_planum_polare in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_sog_superior_occipital_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_sog_superior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_tmp_temporal_pole_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_tmp_temporal_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_tmp_temporal_pole_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_tmp_temporal_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcu_precuneus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_pcu_precuneus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
Cognition Memory mmflag Memory Anchor A4 MMSE repeat flag String
Cognition Memory fcfreet3 A4 Free and cued selective reminding test trial 3 free recall. Integer Item was multiplied by 2 and summed with fccuedt3 to get the variable used in the model.
Cognition Memory w_lm_ima Memory Anchor ACT WMS-R:Logical Mem I-immediate recall total story (AT*) Integer
Cognition Memory w_lm_imb ACT WMS-R:Logical Mem I-immediate recall total story (RM*) Integer
Cognition Memory rc1c ACT CASI: Word recall-personal quality - 1 String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct (multiple choice cue)
2 Correct (category cue)
3 Correct (no cue)
Cognition Memory day Memory Anchor ACT CASI: What day of week? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory avdeltot ADNI Rey: AVLT Recognition Score Integer
Cognition Memory mmyear_ADNI Memory Anchor ADNI MMSE: What is the year? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mmcity_ADNI Memory Anchor ADNI MMSE: What town or city are we in? String
Cognition Memory htablehrepeatname Memory Anchor EFIGA SBT: recall address - number of errors Integer
Cognition Memory srt1f Knight ADRC Free and cued selective reminding test, trial 1 Integer
Cognition Memory psy004 Knight ADRC WMS (original): logical memory, immediate recall Number
Cognition Memory psy014 Knight ADRC WMS: Associate learning recognition, hard Integer
Cognition Memory craftvrs_KnightADRC Memory Anchor Knight ADRC Craft story 21, immediate recall Integer
Cognition Memory craftdvr_KnightADRC Memory Anchor Knight ADRC Craft story 21, delayed recall Integer
Cognition Memory ksbt6 Knight ADRC Repeat back John Brown memory phase Integer
Cognition Memory mocaordy Memory Anchor NACC MoCA orientation - day String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mocaorct Memory Anchor NACC MoCA orientation - city String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory memunits_NACC Memory Anchor NACC Logical Memory Delayed A: Story units recalled (Story A) Integer
Cognition Memory craftdvr_NACC NACC Craft story 21 recall (delayed): paraphrase Integer
Cognition Memory cts_wliii ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list recognition Integer
Cognition Memory wli_item8 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item22 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory h29_rp Memory Anchor WHICAP SBT: what time is it? String h29_rp and h29_n: _rp is the research psysician short blessed (neuropsychological), _n is the neurological exam. These two items were combined, where _rp was the ideal item and _n was used when _rp was not available
Level Label
0 No Errors
1 Error
Cognition Memory h32_rp Memory Anchor WHICAP SBT: John Brown address - number of errors Integer h32_rp and h32_n: _rp is the research psysician short blessed (neuropsychological), _n is the neurological exam. These two items were combined, where _rp was the ideal item and _n was used when _rp was not available
Cognition Memory bvmt3r WRAP Brief Visuospatial Memory Test Revised Trial 3 Raw Integer
Neuropath Lewy Bodies LEWY_ANY PD Braak (dichotomous) String
Level Label
0 None
1 Brainstem, transitional, diffuse, olfactory bulb, or region unspecified
Neuropath Vascular Brain Injury WMRCAL White matter rarifaction (cerebral arteriosclerotic leukoencephalopthy) String
Level Label
0 No
1 Yes
Neuropath Vascular Brain Injury WMR White matter rarifaction String
Level Label
0 None
1 Mild
2 Moderate
3 Severe
Neuropath Hippocampal Sclerosis HS_S Hippocampal sclerosis (simplified) String
Level Label
0 No
1 Yes
PET Tau PHC_B5pos Threshold-based tau-positivity in B5 region String
Level Label
0 Negative
1 Positive
PET Tau PHC_B6pos Threshold-based tau-positivity in B6 region String
Level Label
0 Negative
1 Positive
PET Tau B12_SUVR SUVR of B1/B2 normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number
PET Tau B3_SUVR SUVR of B3 normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number
PET Tau VENTRICLE_3RD_SUVR_Tau 3rd-ventricle SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CC_POSTERIOR_SUVR_Tau cc-posterior SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_PARACENTRAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-paracentral SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_PARSOPERCULARIS_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-parsopercularis SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_PERICALCARINE_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-pericalcarine SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_SUPERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-superiorparietal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_INFERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-inferiorparietal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_PARSTRIANGULARIS_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-parstriangularis SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_TRANSVERSETEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-transversetemporal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LEFT_HIPPOCAMPUS_SUVR_Tau left-hippocampus SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LEFT_PALLIDUM_SUVR_Tau left-pallidum SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau RIGHT_VENTRALDC_SUVR_Tau right-ventraldc SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau INFERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-inferiorparietal and ctx-rh-inferiorparietal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau INSULA_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-insula and ctx-rh-insula normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau ISTHMUSCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-isthmuscingulate and ctx-rh-isthmuscingulate normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau PERICALCARINE_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-pericalcarine and ctx-rh-pericalcarine normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau POSTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-posteriorcingulate and ctx-rh-posteriorcingulate normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CEREBELLUM_CORTEX_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-cerebellum-cortex and right-cerebellum-cortex normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CEREBELLUM_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-cerebellum-white-matter and right-cerebellum-white-matter normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
Cognition Executive Function dbc ACT CASI: repeat numbers backward (3 trials collapsed) String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
2 Correct
Cognition Executive Function sim_ACT ACT CASI: similarities Integer
Cognition Executive Function trails Executive Function Anchor ADNI MoCA: Trails String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Executive Function digback_ADNI Executive Function Anchor ADNI MoCA: Digits Backward String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Executive Function serial1 ADNI MoCA: Serial 7: 1st Subtraction String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Executive Function mmltr1 Executive Function Anchor ADNI Indicate 1st letter (of WORLD backwards) String
Cognition Executive Function mmltr2 Executive Function Anchor ADNI Indicate 2nd letter (of WORLD backwards) String
Cognition Executive Function nsctt_time2 Executive Function Anchor EFIGA Color trail test B time Seconds Integer
Cognition Executive Function digbacct_KnightADRC Executive Function Anchor Knight ADRC Number span backward Integer
Cognition Executive Function ksbt5 Knight ADRC SBT: name the months of the year backwards - # of errors Integer
Cognition Executive Function mocalett Executive Function Anchor NACC MoCA: Attention - letter A String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Executive Function digfor_NIA_AD_FBS Executive Function Anchor NIA-AD FBS Digit span forwards (WMS-R) Integer
Cognition Executive Function abs01 Executive Function Anchor WHICAP WAIS-R: Similarities Integer PARTIAL ANCHOR: When the test was administered in English, this item was an anchor. When this test was administered in Spanish, it was not an anchor.
Cognition Executive Function abs05 WHICAP Identities and oddities, different Integer
Cognition Visuospatial cp_in_re ACT CERAD: Constructional Praxis-rectangles Integer
Cognition Visuospatial psy025 Knight ADRC Benton Visual Retention - number correct Integer
Cognition Visuospatial psy247 Knight ADRC Benton Visual Discrimination - number correct Integer
Cognition Visuospatial draw_KnightADRC Visuospatial Anchor Knight ADRC Copy interlocking pentagons String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Visuospatial lopair_item4 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS JLO: Line orientation items (15 items) String
Cognition Visuospatial lopair_item10 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS JLO: Line orientation items (15 items) String
Cognition Visuospatial lopair_item12 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS JLO: Line orientation items (15 items) String
MRI FLAIR SNR_WM Signal-to-noise ratio for total white matter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_11 4th Ventricle (B Hemisphere) cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_37 Left Caudate cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_55 Right Pallidum cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_58 Left Putamen cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_88 Temporal lobe WM left cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_90 Fornix left cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_92 Anterior limb of internal capsule left cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_105 Left AOrG - anterior orbital gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_112 Right CO - central operculum cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_120 Right FRP - frontal pole cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_121 Left FRP - frontal pole cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_153 Left MSFG - superior frontal gyrus medial segment cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_157 Left OCP - occipital pole cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_162 Right OpIFG opercular part of the inferior frontal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_166 Right PCgG - posterior cingulate gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_172 Right PIns - posterior insula cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_174 Right PO - parietal operculum cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_177 Left PoG - postcentral gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_193 Left SMC - supplementary motor cortex cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_311 Parietal Lateral Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_318 Left Frontal Lateral Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_332 Right Frontal Insular Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_422 Left Parietal White Matter cubic millimeter Number
Clinical & Demographic Clinical ADSP_CaseControl Status of ADSP's Alzheimer's Diagnosis String
Level Label
0 Case
1 Control
Cognition Language lion Language Anchor ADNI MoCA: Lion naming String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Language lg12repetition Language Anchor EFIGA Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination repetition Integer
Cognition Language sent Language Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: Write a sentence. String
Cognition Language redo Language Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: read and do String
Cognition Language bnt Language Anchor Knight ADRC Boston Naming Test - 60 item total Integer
Cognition Language cts_clothing ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS Category Fluency (Clothing) - Total Correct Integer
Cognition Language cts_fruits ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS Category Fluency (Fruits) - Total Correct Integer
Cognition Language idea_item2 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS Complex ideation: Will a stone sink in water? String
Cognition Language idea_item6 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS Complex ideation: Is one pound of flour heavier than two? String
Cognition Language lan06 Language Anchor WHICAP Letter Fluency: CFL Integer
Cognition Language numberscoresl Language Anchor WRAP Phonemic fluency - Letter L Integer
Neuropath General Neuropath PMI Post-mortem interval Hours Number
Clinical & Demographic Demographics PHC_Age_PET_Tau Participant's Age at PET Tau Data Collection Years Number Note: In NIAGADS, any age equal to or above 90 was changed to "90+"
Clinical & Demographic Demographics PHC_Age_FLAIR Participant's Age at FLAIR Data Collection Years Number Note: In NIAGADS, any age equal to or above 90 was changed to "90+"
Clinical & Demographic Demographics FollowUp_Time Follow up time from first cognitive visit. Years Number
Vascular Risk Factors BMI PHC_BMI Body Mass Index (BMI) Number
PET Amyloid PHC_AMYLOID_STATUS Amyloid positivity determined by applying thresholds to the GAAIN summary cortical SUVR normalized by GAAIN whole cerebellum String See ADSP MRI-Free PET Methods document
Level Label
0 Negative
1 Positive
99 Unknown
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_PRECENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-precentral SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_CUNEUS_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-cuneus SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_ISTHMUSCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-isthmuscingulate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_PARAHIPPOCAMPAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-parahippocampal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_PERICALCARINE_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-pericalcarine SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_ROSTRALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-rostralanteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_SUPERIORFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-superiorfrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LEFT_CHOROID_PLEXUS_SUVR_Amyloid left-choroid-plexus SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid RIGHT_CEREBELLUM_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Amyloid right-cerebellum-white-matter SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid INFERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-inferiortemporal and ctx-rh-inferiortemporal normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid MEDIALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-medialorbitofrontal and ctx-rh-medialorbitofrontal normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid PARSOPERCULARIS_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-parsopercularis and ctx-rh-parsopercularis normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid PERICALCARINE_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-pericalcarine and ctx-rh-pericalcarine normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid SUPERIORFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-superiorfrontal and ctx-rh-superiorfrontal normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CEREBELLUM_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-cerebellum-white-matter and right-cerebellum-white-matter normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid VENTRALDC_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-ventraldc and right-ventraldc normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Left_Cerebellum_White_Matter_combat Left Cerebellum White Matter harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Left_Thalamus_Proper_combat Left Thalamus Proper harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Left_Amygdala_combat Left Amygdala harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer MaskVol_to_eTIV_combat Mask Volume to Estimated Total Intracranial Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_cuneus_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Cuneus Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_fusiform_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Fusiform Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_paracentral_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Paracentral Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_parsopercularis_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Parsopercularis Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_parstriangularis_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Parstriangularis Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_superiorparietal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Superiorparietal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_superiortemporal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Superiortemporal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_entorhinal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Entorhinal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_lingual_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Lingual Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_pericalcarine_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Pericalcarine Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_rostralmiddlefrontal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Rostralmiddlefrontal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_superiorfrontal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Superiorfrontal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_superiortemporal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Superiortemporal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_insula_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Insula Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_MeanThickness_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Mean Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_paracentral_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Paracentral Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_rostralanteriorcingulate_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Rostralanteriorcingulate Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_paracentral_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Paracentral Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_rostralanteriorcingulate_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Rostralanteriorcingulate Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_supramarginal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Supramarginal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_occipital_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_parietal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_caudate_nucleus_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of caudate_nucleus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cuneus_wm_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of cuneus_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of putamen_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_corticospinal_tract_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of corticospinal_tract_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_corticospinal_tract_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of corticospinal_tract_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_corticospinal_tract_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of corticospinal_tract_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_occipital_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of medial_lemniscus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cerebral_peduncle_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of cerebral_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_cingulate_gyrus_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of cingulum_(cingulate_gyrus)_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornixcres_stria_terminalisleft_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of fornix(cres)_stria_terminalisleft in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of external_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of external_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pontine_crossing_tract_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of pontine_crossing_tract_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_cerebellar_peduncle_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_cerebellar_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of globus_pallidus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of globus_pallidus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of globus_pallidus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_thalamus_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of thalamus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_parietal_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_parietal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_right_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of precentral_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fusiform_wm_right_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of fusiform_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fusiform_wm_right_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of fusiform_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_occipital_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_occipital_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_corticospinal_tract_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of corticospinal_tract_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_medial_lemniscus_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of medial_lemniscus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cerebral_peduncle_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of cerebral_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_thalamic_radiation_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of posterior_thalamic_radiation_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_cingulate_gyrus_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(cingulate_gyrus)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_cingulate_gyrus_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(cingulate_gyrus)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_hippocampus_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(hippocampus)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of pontine_crossing_tract_(a_part_of_mcp)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_genu_of_corpus_callosum_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of genu_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_body_of_corpus_callosum_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of body_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_midbrain_right_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of midbrain_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of precentral_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of precentral_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of external_capsule_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of globus_pallidus_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of globus_pallidus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of precentral_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of precentral_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_brain_stem_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of brain_stem in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_caudate_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_caudate in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebral_white_matter_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_cerebral_white_matter in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_hippocampus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_hippocampus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lateral_ventricle_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_lateral_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ventral_dc_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ventral_dc in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_cerebellar_vermal_lobules_i_v_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of cerebellar_vermal_lobules_i_v in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_cerebellar_vermal_lobules_i_v_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of cerebellar_vermal_lobules_i_v in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ains_anterior_insula_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_ains_anterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ains_anterior_insula_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ains_anterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ang_angular_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ang_angular_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_calc_calcarine_cortex_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_calc_calcarine_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_co_central_operculum_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_co_central_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_co_central_operculum_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_co_central_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_co_central_operculum_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_co_central_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ent_entorhinal_area_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ent_entorhinal_area in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_fug_fusiform_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_gre_gyrus_rectus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_gre_gyrus_rectus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_gre_gyrus_rectus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_gre_gyrus_rectus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lig_lingual_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_lig_lingual_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lorg_lateral_orbital_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_lorg_lateral_orbital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mprg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mprg_precentral_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mprg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pins_posterior_insula_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pins_posterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pins_posterior_insula_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pins_posterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pins_posterior_insula_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pins_posterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_po_parietal_operculum_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_po_parietal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_po_parietal_operculum_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_po_parietal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_po_parietal_operculum_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_po_parietal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_prg_precentral_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_prg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pt_planum_temporale_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_pt_planum_temporale in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pt_planum_temporale_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pt_planum_temporale in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_spl_superior_parietal_lobule_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_spl_superior_parietal_lobule in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_trifg_triangular_part_of_the_ifg_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_trifg_triangular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_ticv_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of ticv in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_ticv_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of ticv in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_posteriorfossa_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of posteriorfossa in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_posteriorfossa_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of posteriorfossa in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_po_parietal_operculum_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_po_parietal_operculum_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_po_parietal_operculum_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_prg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
Cognition Memory mmarea_A4 Memory Anchor A4 MMSE What county (district, borough, area) are we in? String
Cognition Memory fcfreet2 A4 Free and cued selective reminding test trial 2 free recall. Integer Item was multiplied by 2 and summed with fccuedt2 to get the variable used in the model.
Cognition Memory cp_re_ci ACT CERAD: Constructional Praxis Delay-circle Integer
Cognition Memory cp_re_di ACT CERAD: Constructional Praxis Delay-diamond Integer
Cognition Memory cp_re_cu ACT CERAD: Constructional Praxis Delay-cube Integer
Cognition Memory rc1a ACT CASI: Word recall-something to wear - 1 String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct (multiple choice cue)
2 Correct (category cue)
3 Correct (no cue)
Cognition Memory spa Memory Anchor ACT CASI: What state and city? String
Level Label
0 City and State Incorrect
2 City or State Correct
4 City and State Correct
Cognition Memory rc2a ACT CASI: Word recall-something to wear - 2 String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct (multiple choice cue)
2 Correct (category cue)
3 Correct (no cue)
Cognition Memory rc2c ACT CASI: Word recall-personal quality - 2 String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct (multiple choice cue)
2 Correct (category cue)
3 Correct (no cue)
Cognition Memory avtot6 ADNI Rey: AVLT Trial 6 Total Integer
Cognition Memory mmseason_ADNI Memory Anchor ADNI MMSE: What season is it? String
Cognition Memory mmword2dl ADNI MMSE: flag-delayed recall String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mmword3dl ADNI MMSE: tree-delayed recall String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory immt2w1 Memory Anchor ADNI Immediate (#2): Face String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory m4delayedrecognition Memory Anchor EFIGA SRT: recognition Integer
Cognition Memory msq07 Knight ADRC Who is the current president? String
Cognition Memory month_mmse Memory Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: What month is it? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory tree Memory Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: Repeat ball, flag, tree - tree String
Cognition Memory udsbentd_NACC NACC Benson complex figure copy, delayed Integer
Cognition Memory cts_delay Memory Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS WMS-R: Tell me the story again (AT) Integer
Cognition Memory wli_item11 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item14 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item20 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item26 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory t2raw Memory Anchor WRAP AVLT Trial 2 Integer
Cognition Memory wmsrar Memory Anchor WRAP Logical Memory Immediate A Integer
Cognition Memory PHC_MEM_SE Harmonized Standard Error of Harmonized Composite Memory Score Number
Neuropath Lewy Bodies LEWY_full PD Braak Staging String
Level Label
0 None
1 Brainstem predom.
2 Limbic/amygdala (transitional)
3 Neocortical (diffuse)
4 Olfactory bulb or Region unspecified
Neuropath Vascular Brain Injury MICR Microinfarcts String
Level Label
0 No
1 Yes
Neuropath Vascular Brain Injury WBVD Whole brain vascular disease String
Level Label
0 No
1 Yes
Neuropath Hippocampal Sclerosis HS_L Hippocampal sclerosis (with laterality) String
Level Label
0 None
1 Unilateral
2 Bilateral
3 Present, Location UK
Neuropath Cerebrovascular Disease CVD_S Cerebrovascular Disease (simplified) String
Level Label
0 None
1 Presence
Neuropath Cerebrovascular Disease CVD_CAA_ANY Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (CAA) (dichotomous) String
Level Label
0 No
1 Yes
PET Tau PHC_B4pos Threshold-based tau-positivity in B4 region String
Level Label
0 Negative
1 Positive
PET Tau B5_SUVR SUVR of B5 normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number
PET Tau CC_MID_ANTERIOR_SUVR_Tau cc-mid-anterior SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CC_MID_POSTERIOR_SUVR_Tau cc-mid-posterior SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau OPTIC_CHIASM_SUVR_Tau optic-chiasm SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau NON_WM_HYPOINTENSITIES_SUVR_Tau non-wm-hypointensities SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_LINGUAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-lingual SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_POSTCENTRAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-postcentral SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_TEMPORALPOLE_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-temporalpole SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_INSULA_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-insula SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_MEDIALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-medialorbitofrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_PERICALCARINE_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-pericalcarine SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_SUPERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-superiorparietal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_SUPERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-superiortemporal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LEFT_PUTAMEN_SUVR_Tau left-putamen SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LEFT_THALAMUS_PROPER_SUVR_Tau left-thalamus-proper SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau RIGHT_CEREBELLUM_CORTEX_SUVR_Tau right-cerebellum-cortex SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau RIGHT_PALLIDUM_SUVR_Tau right-pallidum SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau FUSIFORM_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-fusiform and ctx-rh-fusiform normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LATERALOCCIPITAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-lateraloccipital and ctx-rh-lateraloccipital normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau POSTCENTRAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-postcentral and ctx-rh-postcentral normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau PRECUNEUS_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-precuneus and ctx-rh-precuneus normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau TEMPORALPOLE_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-temporalpole and ctx-rh-temporalpole normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau THALAMUS_PROPER_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-thalamus-proper and right-thalamus-proper normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
Cognition Executive Function tr_a_tm Executive Function Anchor ACT Trails A time to complete Seconds Integer
Cognition Executive Function clockdr ACT Clock drawing Integer
Cognition Executive Function dbb ACT CASI: repeat numbers backward (3 trials collapsed) String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
2 Correct
Cognition Executive Function clockcirc ADNI Approximately circular face String
Cognition Executive Function clocksym ADNI Symmetry of number placement String
Cognition Executive Function serial4 ADNI MoCA: Serial 7: 4th Subtraction String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Executive Function mmoltr Executive Function Anchor ADNI MMSE: Spell WORLD backward: Letter 4 String
Cognition Executive Function mmwltr Executive Function Anchor ADNI MMSE: Spell WORLD backward: Letter 5 String
Cognition Executive Function ab4identitiesoditiessame Executive Function Anchor EFIGA identities/oddities: same Integer
Cognition Executive Function digfor_KnightADRC Knight ADRC WMS: Digit span forward Integer
Cognition Executive Function trailb_NACC Executive Function Anchor NACC Trails B: Time to complete Seconds Integer
Cognition Executive Function mocadigi Executive Function Anchor NACC MoCA: Attention - digits Integer
Cognition Executive Function mocaclon NACC MoCA: Draw clock numbers in place String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Executive Function digbacct_NACC NACC Number Span Backward - correct Integer
Cognition Executive Function h30_n Executive Function Anchor WHICAP SBT: Counting backwards from 20 - number of errors Integer h30_rp and h30_n: _rp is the research psysician short blessed (neuropsychological), _n is the neurological exam. These two items were combined, where _rp was the ideal item and _n was used when _rp was not available
Cognition Executive Function iqlnsr WRAP Letter/Number Sequence - Raw score Integer
Cognition Visuospatial mat_cons ACT DRS: Mattis Dementia Rating Scale-constructional praxis score Integer
Cognition Visuospatial lopair_item2 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS JLO: Line orientation items (15 items) String
Cognition Visuospatial lopair_item15 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS JLO: Line orientation items (15 items) String
Fluid Biomarkers General AT_class A+/- and T+/- class as identified from CSF biomarker levels String
MRI FLAIR PHC_WMHVOL Total volume of white matter hyperintensities (WMH) in the brain cubic centimeters Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_39 Left Cerebellum Exterior cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_41 Left Cerebellum White Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_49 Right Inf Lat Vent cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_52 Left Lateral Ventricle cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_87 Temporal lobe WM right cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_91 Anterior limb of internal capsule right cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_95 Corpus callosum (B Hemisphere) cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_100 Right ACgG - anterior cingulate gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_107 Left AnG - angular gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_118 Right FO - frontal operculum cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_133 Left ITG - inferior temporal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_144 Right MOG - middle occipital gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_149 Left MPoG - postcentral gyrus medial segment cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_155 Left MTG - middle temporal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_161 Left OFuG - occipital fusiform gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_163 Left OpIFG opercular part of the inferior frontal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_170 Right PHG - parahippocampal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_171 Left PHG - parahippocampal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_179 Left POrG - posterior orbital gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_195 Left SMG - supramarginal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_201 Left STG - superior temporal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_205 Left TrIFG triangular part of the inferior frontal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_206 Right TTG - transverse temporal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_302 Frontal Insular Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_303 Frontal Lateral Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_307 Limbic Medialtemporal Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_312 Parietal Medial Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_313 Temporal Inferior Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_316 Left Frontal Inferior Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_320 Left Frontal Opercular Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_328 Left Temporal Inferior Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_330 Left Temporal Supratemporal Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_337 Right Limbic Medialtemporal Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_342 Right Parietal Medial Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_345 Right Temporal Supratemporal Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_404 Frontal Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_406 Limbic Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_408 Occipital White Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_409 Parietal Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_426 Right Deep Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_428 Right Frontal Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_429 Right Frontal White Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_430 Right Limbic Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_434 Right Parietal White Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_435 Right Temporal Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_503 Deep White Matter Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_505 Limbic cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_516 Left Temporal cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_518 Right Cerebellum cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_607 Left White Matter cubic millimeter Number
Cognition Language v_flu_t Language Anchor ACT Category Fluency (Animals) - Total Correct Integer
Cognition Language animal ACT CASI: animals with 4 legs Integer
Cognition Language bnttotal Language Anchor ADNI BNT: Boston Naming Test: Total Number Correct (1+3) Integer
Cognition Language q2score ADNI ADAS-Cog: Commands Integer
Cognition Language q6score ADNI ADAS-Cog: Ideational Praxis-score Integer
Cognition Language mmfold Language Anchor ADNI MMSE: Folds paper in half String
Cognition Language mmwrite Language Anchor ADNI MMSE: Write a sentence. String
Cognition Language ffluency Language Anchor ADNI MoCA: Letter Fluency-F (total number of correct words) Integer
Cognition Language righ Language Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: Take paper in right hand String
Cognition Language mocarepe Language Anchor NACC MoCA: language - repetition Integer
Cognition Language boston Language Anchor NACC Boston Naming Test: Total number correct (1+3) Integer
Cognition Language mmse30_item22 Language Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: Fold paper in half String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Language mmse30_item23 Language Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: Puts paper on lap String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Language cts_animals Language Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS Category Fluency (Animals) - Total Correct Integer
Cognition Language idea_item5 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS Complex ideation: Do two pounds of flour weigh more than one? String
Cognition Language PHC_LAN_PreciseFilter Harmonized Precision Filter to isolate Harmonized Composite Language Scores String Precision filter criteria is met when the standard error is less than or equal to 0.6
Level Label
0 Does not meet PreciseFilter criteria
1 Does meet PreciseFilter criteria
Clinical & Demographic Demographics PHC_Age_T1_FS Participant's Age at T1 FreeSurfer Data Collection Years Number Note: In NIAGADS, any age equal to or above 90 was changed to "90+"
PET Amyloid PHC_TRACER_Amyloid PET Radiotracer String
PET Amyloid NPDKA_WHOLECEREBELLUM_SUVR Reference region - SUVR of NPDKA whole cerebellum normalized by NPDKA whole cerebellum Number
PET Amyloid BRAINSTEM_SUVR_Amyloid brain-stem SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid VENTRICLE_5TH_SUVR_Amyloid 5th-ventricle SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CC_MID_POSTERIOR_SUVR_Amyloid cc-mid-posterior SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_INFERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-inferiorparietal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_PERICALCARINE_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-pericalcarine SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_POSTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-posteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_PRECUNEUS_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-precuneus SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_INFERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-inferiorparietal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_MEDIALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-medialorbitofrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_MIDDLETEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-middletemporal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_PARSORBITALIS_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-parsorbitalis SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_PARSTRIANGULARIS_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-parstriangularis SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LEFT_CEREBRAL_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Amyloid left-cerebral-white-matter SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LEFT_HIPPOCAMPUS_SUVR_Amyloid left-hippocampus SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid RIGHT_AMYGDALA_SUVR_Amyloid right-amygdala SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid RIGHT_CAUDATE_SUVR_Amyloid right-caudate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid RIGHT_THALAMUS_PROPER_SUVR_Amyloid right-thalamus-proper SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid INSULA_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-insula and ctx-rh-insula normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid TEMPORALPOLE_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-temporalpole and ctx-rh-temporalpole normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CAUDATE_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-caudate and right-caudate normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid PALLIDUM_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-pallidum and right-pallidum normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid VESSEL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-vessel and right-vessel normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Left_Inf_Lat_Vent_combat Left Inferior Lateral Ventricle harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Left_Caudate_combat Left Caudate harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Left_Pallidum_combat Left Pallidum harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Left_VentralDC_combat Left Ventral Diencephalon harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Left_vessel_combat Left Vessel harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Right_Pallidum_combat Right Pallidum harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Right_VentralDC_combat Right Ventral Diencephalon harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Right_vessel_combat Right Vessel harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer CC_Mid_Posterior_combat CC Mid-Posterior harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer CC_Anterior_combat CC Anterior harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer BrainSegVol_to_eTIV_combat Brain Seg Volume to Estimated Total Intracranial Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_lateraloccipital_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Lateraloccipital Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_medialorbitofrontal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Medialorbitofrontal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_middletemporal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Middletemporal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_temporalpole_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Temporalpole Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_transversetemporal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Transversetemporal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_caudalanteriorcingulate_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Caudalanteriorcingulate Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_bankssts_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Bankssts Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_inferiortemporal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Inferiortemporal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_parahippocampal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Parahippocampal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_precuneus_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Precuneus Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_superiortemporal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Superiortemporal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_fusiform_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Fusiform Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_lingual_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Lingual Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_medialorbitofrontal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Medialorbitofrontal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_middletemporal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Middletemporal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_parahippocampal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Parahippocampal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_parietal_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_parietal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pre_cuneus_wm_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of pre_cuneus_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cuneus_wm_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of cuneus_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_caudate_nucleus_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of caudate_nucleus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_caudate_nucleus_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of caudate_nucleus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of putamen_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_cerebellar_peduncle_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_cerebellar_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_cerebellar_peduncle_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_cerebellar_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cerebral_peduncle_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of cerebral_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_thalamic_radiation_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_thalamic_radiation_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cerebral_peduncle_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(cingulate_gyrus)_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_hippocampus_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(hippocampus)_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornixcres_stria_terminalis_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of fornix(cres)_stria_terminalisleft in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_uncinate_fasciculus_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of uncinate_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_body_of_corpus_callosum_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of body_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of body_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_right_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of putamen_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_right_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of putamen_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_tapatum_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of tapatum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_occipital_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_occipital_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_medial_lemniscus_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of medial_lemniscus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_thalamic_radiation_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_thalamic_radiation_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_cingulate_gyrus_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(cingulate_gyrus)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornix_column_and_body_right_md_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of fornix(cres)_stria_terminalis_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_genu_of_corpus_callosum_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of genu_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_body_of_corpus_callosum_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of body_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_body_of_corpus_callosum_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of body_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_tapatum_right_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of tapatum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of precentral_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pontine_crossing_tract_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of postcentral_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of putamen_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of putamen_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of external_capsule_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of precentral_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of external_capsule_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_3rd_ventricle_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of 3rd_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_3rd_ventricle_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of 3rd_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_brain_stem_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of brain_stem in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebral_white_matter_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_cerebral_white_matter in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_hippocampus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_hippocampus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_putamen_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_putamen in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_putamen_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_putamen in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_thalamus_proper_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_thalamus_proper in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_thalamus_proper_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_thalamus_proper in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ains_anterior_insula_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ains_anterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ains_anterior_insula_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ains_anterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ang_angular_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ang_angular_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_calc_calcarine_cortex_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_calc_calcarine_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_co_central_operculum_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_co_central_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cun_cuneus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_cun_cuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cun_cuneus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_cun_cuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ent_entorhinal_area_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ent_entorhinal_area in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lig_lingual_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_lig_lingual_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lig_lingual_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_lig_lingual_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mpog_postcentral_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mpog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mprg_precentral_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mprg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcu_precuneus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pcu_precuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pins_posterior_insula_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pins_posterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pp_planum_polare_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pp_planum_polare in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_prg_precentral_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_prg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pt_planum_temporale_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pt_planum_temporale in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_spl_superior_parietal_lobule_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_spl_superior_parietal_lobule in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_tmp_temporal_pole_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_tmp_temporal_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_tmp_temporal_pole_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_tmp_temporal_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_trifg_triangular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_putamen_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_putamen_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_putamen_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_putamen_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_putamen_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_putamen_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_putamen_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_putamen_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcu_precuneus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_pcu_precuneus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
Cognition Memory mmfloor_A4 Memory Anchor A4 MMSE What floor are we on? String
Cognition Memory mmhospit_A4 Memory Anchor A4 MMSE What is the name of this hospital (clinic, place)? String
Cognition Memory mmtree Memory Anchor A4 MMSE repeat tree String
Cognition Memory fccuedt3 A4 Free and cued selective reminding test trial 3 cued recall. Integer Item was summed with 2 x fcfreet3 to get the variable used in the model.
Cognition Memory limmtotal_A4 Memory Anchor A4 WMS-R Logical Memory delayed recall. Integer PARTIAL ANCHOR: Includes scores for all 4 versions of logical memory that were adminsitered but split into different variables using lmstory. The Anna Thompson Story is the anchor variable, the Robert Miller Story is a non-anchor.
Cognition Memory w_rcl_c ACT CERAD: Word List Recall-correct Integer
Cognition Memory casi_dat Memory Anchor ACT CASI: What is today's date?-day String
Level Label
0 Missed by 6 or more days
1 Missed by 3-5 days
2 Missed by 1 or 2 days
3 Correct
Cognition Memory avtot3 ADNI Rey: AVLT Trial 3 Total Integer
Cognition Memory avtot4 ADNI Rey: AVLT Trial 4 Total Integer
Cognition Memory mmdate_ADNI Memory Anchor ADNI MMSE: What is today's date? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mmmonth_ADNI Memory Anchor ADNI MMSE: What is the month? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mmarea_ADNI Memory Anchor ADNI MMSE: What County (district, borough, area) are we in? String
Cognition Memory mmstate_ADNI Memory Anchor ADNI MMSE: What state are we in? String
Cognition Memory delw3 Memory Anchor ADNI Delayed: Church String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct (no cue)
2 Correct (category cue)
3 Correct (multiple choice cue)
Cognition Memory srt3f Knight ADRC Free and cued selective reminding test, trial 3 Integer
Cognition Memory psy010 Knight ADRC WMS: Associate learning recall, easy Integer
Cognition Memory psy251 Knight ADRC WMS (original): logical memory, delayed recall Number
Cognition Memory psy023 Knight ADRC Benton visual retention test, recognition Integer
Cognition Memory logimem_KnightADRC Memory Anchor Knight ADRC WMS-R: logical memory, immediate recall Integer
Cognition Memory memunits_KnightADRC Memory Anchor Knight ADRC WMS-R: logical memory, delayed recall Integer
Cognition Memory msq08 Knight ADRC Who was the previous president? String
Cognition Memory flag2 Memory Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: Recall ball, flag, tree - flag String
Cognition Memory mmseorda Memory Anchor NACC MMSE Orientation subscale score - time Integer
Cognition Memory mmseorlo Memory Anchor NACC MMSE Orientation subscale score - place Integer
Cognition Memory craftvrs_NACC NACC Craft story 21 recall (delayed): verbatim Integer
Cognition Memory delay Memory Anchor NIA-AD FBS logical memory IIA -- story score (story recall) Integer
Cognition Memory mmse30_item4 Memory Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: What is the day of the week? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mmse30_item14 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: apple (delayed recall) String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mmse30_item15 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: table (delayed recall) String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mmse30_item16 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: penny (delayed recall) String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory cts_ebmt ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS East Boston Memory Test-immediate recall Integer
Cognition Memory cts_story Memory Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS WMS-R: Logical memory (AT) Integer
Cognition Memory wli_item1 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item2 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item3 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item12 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item25 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory mem01 WHICAP SRT: immediate recall trials Integer
Neuropath Amyloid Deposition AMY_CERAD CERAD String
Level Label
0 None
1 Sparse/Possible
2 Moderate/Probable
3 Definite/Frequent
Neuropath Vascular Brain Injury INFA Infarcts and lacunes String
Level Label
0 No
1 Yes
Fluid Biomarkers Tau PHC_Tau Harmonized Z-Score for Tau Biomarker Levels Number
Neuropath TDP43 TDP_5 TDP Stage String Assumes that TDP progresses from brainstem>amygdala>hippocampus>inferior temporal cortex>neocortex
Level Label
0 None
1 Brainstem/Spinal Cord
2 Amygdala
3 Hippocampus
4 Entorhinal
5 Neocortex
PET Tau PHC_INJECTED_DOSE_Tau Measure of injected radioligand dose millicurie Number
PET Tau B6_SUVR SUVR of B6 normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number
PET Tau VENTRICLE_4TH_SUVR_Tau 4th-ventricle SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_INFERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-inferiorparietal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_PARSORBITALIS_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-parsorbitalis SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_ROSTRALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-rostralanteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_BANKSSTS_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-bankssts SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_LATERALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-lateralorbitofrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_PARACENTRAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-paracentral SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_PRECUNEUS_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-precuneus SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_SUPERIORFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-superiorfrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_SUPRAMARGINAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-supramarginal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LEFT_CAUDATE_SUVR_Tau left-caudate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LEFT_CHOROID_PLEXUS_SUVR_Tau left-choroid-plexus SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau RIGHT_CAUDATE_SUVR_Tau right-caudate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau FRONTALPOLE_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-frontalpole and ctx-rh-frontalpole normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau INFERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-inferiortemporal and ctx-rh-inferiortemporal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau PARSOPERCULARIS_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-parsopercularis and ctx-rh-parsopercularis normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau SUPRAMARGINAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-supramarginal and ctx-rh-supramarginal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CEREBRAL_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-cerebral-white-matter and right-cerebral-white-matter normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
Cognition Executive Function sub3a ACT CASI: Subtraction (3 trials collapsed) String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Executive Function clocktime ADNI Presence of the two hands, set to ten after eleven String
Cognition Executive Function htablehcountbackwards Executive Function Anchor EFIGA SBT: count 20 to 1 - number of errors Integer
Cognition Executive Function tma Executive Function Anchor Knight ADRC Trail Making A Seconds Integer traila_KnightADRC and tma are combined into one variable
Cognition Executive Function digib_KnightADRC Executive Function Anchor Knight ADRC WMS-R: Digit span backward Integer
Cognition Executive Function digback_KnightADRC Knight ADRC WMS: Digit span backwards Integer
Cognition Executive Function stroopswitch Knight ADRC color/word stroop Integer
Cognition Executive Function switchoe Knight ADRC odd/even Integer
Cognition Executive Function readtot Knight ADRC reading total Integer
Cognition Executive Function digbak Executive Function Anchor NIA-AD FBS Digit span backwards (WMS-R) Integer
Cognition Executive Function digord Executive Function Anchor NIA-AD FBS Digits ordering Integer
Cognition Executive Function cts_pmat ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS Raven Progressive Matrices composite Integer
Cognition Executive Function cts_sdmt ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS Symbol digit modality test (oral) Integer
Cognition Executive Function trla Executive Function Anchor WRAP Trail Making Test - Trail A Seconds Integer
Cognition Executive Function PHC_EXF Harmonized Harmonized Composite Executive Function Score Number This is a composite measure of the Executive Function scores that were harmonized across nine datasets.
Cognition Visuospatial cp_in_di ACT CERAD: Constructional Praxis-diamond Integer
Cognition Visuospatial cp_in_cu ACT CERAD: Constructional Praxis-cube Integer
Cognition Visuospatial mmdraw Visuospatial Anchor ADNI MMSE: Copy interlocking pentagons String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Visuospatial lopair_item3 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS JLO: Line orientation items (15 items) String
Cognition Visuospatial lopair_item6 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS JLO: Line orientation items (15 items) String
Cognition Visuospatial lopair_item7 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS JLO: Line orientation items (15 items) String
Cognition Visuospatial lopair_item9 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS JLO: Line orientation items (15 items) String
MRI FLAIR Contrast_WM_GM Measure of the contrast difference between white matter and gray matter in the MRI scan. Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_23 Right Accumbens Area cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_35 Brain Stem (B Hemisphere) cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_40 Right Cerebellum White Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_61 Right Ventral DC cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_71 Cerebellar Vermal Lobules I-V (B Hemisphere) cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_82 Frontal lobe WM left cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_83 Occipital lobe WM right cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_94 Posterior limb of internal capsule inc. cerebral peduncle left cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_124 Right GRe - gyrus rectus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_125 Left GRe - gyrus rectus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_136 Right LOrG - lateral orbital gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_139 Left MCgG - middle cingulate gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_147 Left MOrG - medial orbital gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_160 Right OFuG - occipital fusiform gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_175 Left PO - parietal operculum cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_190 Right SFG - superior frontal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_198 Right SPL - superior parietal lobule cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_202 Right TMP - temporal pole cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_203 Left TMP - temporal pole cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_207 Left TTG - transverse temporal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_322 Left Limbic Medialtemporal Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_334 Right Frontal Medial Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_339 Right Occipital Lateral Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_402 Deep Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_413 Left Basal Ganglia cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_416 Left Frontal Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_418 Left Limbic Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_421 Left Parietal Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_423 Left Temporal Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_436 Right Temporal White Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_513 Left Limbic cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_524 Right Temporal cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_525 Right Ventricle cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_601 Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_606 Left Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
Cognition Language rptb ACT CASI: repeat phrase - 2 Integer
Cognition Language obja ACT CASI: identify objects - 1 Integer
Cognition Language mmhand Language Anchor ADNI MMSE: Takes paper in right hand String
Cognition Language psy032 Language Anchor Knight ADRC Letter fluency: S Integer
Cognition Language mocanami Language Anchor NACC MoCA: language - naming (lion, camel, rhino) Integer
Cognition Language mmse30_item19 Language Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: Repeat a phrase String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Language cts_bname Language Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Boston Naming Test ‒ 15-item version Integer
Cognition Language bntspon Language Anchor WRAP Boston Naming Test - Total-spontaneous (raw) Integer
Cognition Language numberscoresf Language Anchor WRAP Phonemic fluency - Letter F Integer
Cognition Language PHC_LAN_SE Harmonized Standard Error of Harmonized Composite Language Score Number
Clinical & Demographic Demographics PHC_Age_Cognition Participant's Age at Cognitive Visit Years Number Note: In NIAGADS, any age equal to or above 90 was changed to "90+"
Clinical & Demographic Demographics PHC_Age_DTI Participant's Age at Diffusion Data Collection Years Number Note: In NIAGADS, any age equal to or above 90 was changed to "90+"
Neuropath Neurofibirillary Degeneration BRAA Braak Stage String
Level Label
0 None
1 BRAAK Stage I
2 BRAAK Stage II
4 BRAAK Stage IV
5 BRAAK Stage V
6 BRAAK Stage VI
PET Amyloid PHC_QC_IMAGE_Amyloid Determination if scan passed or failed quality control-- image quality String
PET Amyloid GAAIN_WHOLECEREBELLUM_SUVR Reference region - SUVR of GAAIN whole cerebellum normalized by GAAIN whole cerebellum Number
PET Amyloid VENTRICLE_3RD_SUVR_Amyloid 3rd-ventricle SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid NON_WM_HYPOINTENSITIES_SUVR_Amyloid non-wm-hypointensities SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_CAUDALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-caudalmiddlefrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_LATERALOCCIPITAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-lateraloccipital SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_PARAHIPPOCAMPAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-parahippocampal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_PARSOPERCULARIS_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-parsopercularis SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_ROSTRALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-rostralmiddlefrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_BANKSSTS_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-bankssts SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_INFERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-inferiortemporal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_LINGUAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-lingual SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_PARSOPERCULARIS_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-parsopercularis SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_POSTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-posteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LEFT_VESSEL_SUVR_Amyloid left-vessel SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid RIGHT_HIPPOCAMPUS_SUVR_Amyloid right-hippocampus SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid RIGHT_INF_LAT_VENT_SUVR_Amyloid right-inf-lat-vent SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid RIGHT_LATERAL_VENTRICLE_SUVR_Amyloid right-lateral-ventricle SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid RIGHT_PALLIDUM_SUVR_Amyloid right-pallidum SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid RIGHT_PUTAMEN_SUVR_Amyloid right-putamen SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CUNEUS_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-cuneus and ctx-rh-cuneus normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid INFERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-inferiorparietal and ctx-rh-inferiorparietal normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid PARACENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-paracentral and ctx-rh-paracentral normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid POSTCENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-postcentral and ctx-rh-postcentral normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid SUPERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-superiorparietal and ctx-rh-superiorparietal normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid SUPRAMARGINAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-supramarginal and ctx-rh-supramarginal normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid TRANSVERSETEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-transversetemporal and ctx-rh-transversetemporal normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CEREBRAL_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-cerebral-white-matter and right-cerebral-white-matter normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Left_Putamen_combat Left Putamen harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer X4th_Ventricle_combat Fourth Ventricle harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Right_choroid_plexus_combat Right Choroid Plexus harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer CortexVol_combat Cortex Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer SupraTentorialVolNotVent_combat Supratentrorial Volume excluding ventricles, CSF, and dura, harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lhSurfaceHoles_combat Left Hemisphere Surface Holes harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rhSurfaceHoles_combat Right Hemisphere Surface Holes harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer SurfaceHoles_combat Surface Holes harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_parahippocampal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Parahippocampal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_bankssts_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Bankssts Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_caudalmiddlefrontal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Caudalmiddlefrontal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_lateraloccipital_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Lateraloccipital Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_lateralorbitofrontal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Lateralorbitofrontal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_parsopercularis_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Parsopercularis Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_parsorbitalis_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Parsorbitalis Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_parstriangularis_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Parstriangularis Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_precentral_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Precentral Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_supramarginal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Supramarginal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_temporalpole_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Temporalpole Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Caudalanteriorcingulate Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_lateraloccipital_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Lateraloccipital Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_lateralorbitofrontal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Lateralorbitofrontal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_middletemporal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Middletemporal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_parsopercularis_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Parsopercularis Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_supramarginal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Supramarginal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_cuneus_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Cuneus Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_inferiorparietal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Inferiorparietal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_pericalcarine_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Pericalcarine Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_precentral_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Precentral Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_insula_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Insula Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of precentral_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of postcentral_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of postcentral_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of postcentral_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of angular_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pre_cuneus_wm_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of pre_cuneus_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_lingual_wm_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of lingual_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_occipital_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_parietal_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of putamen_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_thalamic_radiation_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of posterior_thalamic_radiation_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_hippocampus_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of cingulum_(hippocampus)_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_hippocampus_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(hippocampus)_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornixcres_stria_terminalisleft_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of fornix(cres)_stria_terminalisleft in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornixcres_stria_terminalisleft_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of fornix(cres)_stria_terminalisleft in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of external_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_right_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of putamen_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_tapatum_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of tapatum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_frontal_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_right_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of angular_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fusiform_wm_right_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of fusiform_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_occipital_wm_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_cerebellar_peduncle_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_cerebellar_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_cerebellar_peduncle_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_cerebellar_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_corona_radiata_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_corona_radiata_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornixcres_stria_terminalis_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of fornix(cres)_stria_terminalis_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornixcres_stria_terminalis_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of fornix(cres)_stria_terminalis_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_uncinate_fasciculus_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of uncinate_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pontine_crossing_tract_a_part_of_mcp_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of pontine_crossing_tract_(a_part_of_mcp)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornix_column_and_body_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of fornix_(column_and_body)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fornix_column_and_body_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of fornix_(column_and_body)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_genu_of_corpus_callosum_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of genu_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_splenium_of_corpus_callosum_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of splenium_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_splenium_of_corpus_callosum_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of splenium_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_left_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of postcentral_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of postcentral_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of external_capsule_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_caudate_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_caudate in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_caudate_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_caudate in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebellum_exterior_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_cerebellum_exterior in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebellum_exterior_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_cerebellum_exterior in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebral_white_matter_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_cerebral_white_matter in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebral_white_matter_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_cerebral_white_matter in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_hippocampus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_hippocampus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_inf_lat_vent_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_inf_lat_vent in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lateral_ventricle_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_lateral_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_putamen_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_putamen in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_putamen_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_putamen in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_thalamus_proper_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_thalamus_proper in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_thalamus_proper_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_thalamus_proper in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ventral_dc_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ventral_dc in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ains_anterior_insula_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ains_anterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_aorg_anterior_orbital_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_aorg_anterior_orbital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ang_angular_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_ang_angular_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_co_central_operculum_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_co_central_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cun_cuneus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_cun_cuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cun_cuneus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_cun_cuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ent_entorhinal_area_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ent_entorhinal_area in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fo_frontal_operculum_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_fo_frontal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_fug_fusiform_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_fug_fusiform_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_fug_fusiform_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lig_lingual_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_lig_lingual_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mpog_postcentral_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_mpog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mpog_postcentral_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mpog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mpog_postcentral_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_mpog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mpog_postcentral_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mpog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_mprg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ocp_occipital_pole_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ocp_occipital_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcu_precuneus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_pcu_precuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcu_precuneus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pcu_precuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcu_precuneus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pcu_precuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_po_parietal_operculum_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_po_parietal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pp_planum_polare_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_pp_planum_polare in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_prg_precentral_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_prg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_prg_precentral_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_prg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pt_planum_temporale_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pt_planum_temporale in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_smg_supramarginal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_sog_superior_occipital_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_sog_superior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_sog_superior_occipital_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_sog_superior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_spl_superior_parietal_lobule_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_spl_superior_parietal_lobule in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_tmp_temporal_pole_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_tmp_temporal_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_tmp_temporal_pole_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_tmp_temporal_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_trifg_triangular_part_of_the_ifg_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_trifg_triangular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_posteriorfossa_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of posteriorfossa in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_putamen_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_putamen_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_prg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_prg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
Cognition Memory mmballdl Memory Anchor A4 MMSE recall ball String
Cognition Memory mmcity_A4 Memory Anchor A4 MMSE What city are we in? String
Cognition Memory w_vp_ree ACT WMS-R:Verbal Paired Associates II easy Integer
Cognition Memory rc2b ACT CASI: Word recall-a color - 2 String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct (multiple choice cue)
2 Correct (category cue)
3 Correct (no cue)
Cognition Memory avdel30min ADNI Rey: AVLT 30 Minute Delay Total Integer
Cognition Memory mmword1 ADNI MMSE: ball-immediate recall String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory immt1w3 Memory Anchor ADNI Immediate (#1): Church String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory immt2w2 Memory Anchor ADNI Immediate (#2): Velvet String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory immt2w5 Memory Anchor ADNI Immediate (#2): Red String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory delw5 Memory Anchor ADNI Delayed: Red String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct (no cue)
2 Correct (category cue)
3 Correct (multiple choice cue)
Cognition Memory flag Memory Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: Repeat ball, flag, tree - flag String
Cognition Memory mocarecn Memory Anchor NACC MoCA delayed recall - no cue Integer
Cognition Memory udsbenrs_NACC NACC Benson complex figure recognition String
Cognition Memory mmse30_item2 Memory Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: What is the season of the year? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mmse30_item5 Memory Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: What is the month? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mmse30_item13 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: penny (immediate recall) String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory wli_item5 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item10 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item15 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item16 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item18 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item28 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory orient Memory Anchor WHICAP MMSE: orientation composite Integer
Cognition Memory t1raw Memory Anchor WRAP AVLT Trial 1 Integer
Cognition Memory t5raw Memory Anchor WRAP AVLT Trial 5 Integer
Cognition Memory t6raw Memory Anchor WRAP AVLT Trial 6 Integer
Cognition Memory wmsrar2 Memory Anchor WRAP Logical Memory Delayed A Integer
Cognition Memory bvmt2r WRAP Brief Visuospatial Memory Test Revised Trial 2 Raw Integer
Cognition Memory bvmtrec WRAP BVMT-R Rec hits Integer
Neuropath Vascular Brain Injury HEMOR Hemorrhages String
Level Label
0 No
1 Yes
Fluid Biomarkers Tau Tau_RAW Raw Tau Biomarker Levels Number
Neuropath TDP43 TDP43 TDP Whole Brain (dichotomous) String
Level Label
0 No
1 Yes (positive in amygdala/ hippocampus/etorhinal/neocortex)
PET Tau PHC_TRACER_Tau PET Radiotracer String
PET Tau PHC_B3pos Threshold-based tau-positivity in B3 region String
Level Label
0 Negative
1 Positive
PET Tau WM_HYPOINTENSITIES_SUVR_Tau wm-hypointensities SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_BANKSSTS_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-bankssts SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_CUNEUS_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-cuneus SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_FUSIFORM_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-fusiform SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_INFERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-inferiortemporal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_LATERALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-lateralorbitofrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_MEDIALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-medialorbitofrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_LINGUAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-lingual SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_PARSORBITALIS_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-parsorbitalis SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau RIGHT_CHOROID_PLEXUS_SUVR_Tau right-choroid-plexus SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau BANKSSTS_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-bankssts and ctx-rh-bankssts normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau PARACENTRAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-paracentral and ctx-rh-paracentral normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau PRECENTRAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-precentral and ctx-rh-precentral normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau SUPERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-superiorparietal and ctx-rh-superiorparietal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CAUDATE_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-caudate and right-caudate normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau PUTAMEN_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-putamen and right-putamen normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau VENTRALDC_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-ventraldc and right-ventraldc normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
Cognition Executive Function sub3c ACT CASI: Subtraction (3 trials collapsed) Integer
Cognition Executive Function jgmt ACT CASI: judgement Integer
Cognition Executive Function digitscor Executive Function Anchor ADNI WAIS-R: Digit Symbol Total Correct Integer
Cognition Executive Function abstran Executive Function Anchor ADNI MoCA: Abstraction: train-bicycle String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Executive Function digfor_ADNI Executive Function Anchor ADNI MoCA: Digits Forward String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Executive Function serial2 ADNI MoCA: Serial 7: 2nd Subtraction String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Executive Function mmlltr Executive Function Anchor ADNI MMSE: Spell WORLD backward: Letter 2 String
Cognition Executive Function digif_KnightADRC Executive Function Anchor Knight ADRC WMS-R: Digit span forward Integer
Cognition Executive Function worldback Executive Function Anchor Knight ADRC Spell WORLD backwards Integer
Cognition Executive Function switchmixed Knight ADRC switch c/v and o/e Integer
Cognition Executive Function mocatrai Executive Function Anchor NACC MoCA: Trails String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Executive Function mocacloh NACC MoCA: Draw clock hands in place String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Executive Function mmse30_item26_dlr Executive Function Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: Spell WORLD backwards Integer
Cognition Executive Function h30_rp Executive Function Anchor WHICAP SBT: Counting backwards from 20 - number of errors Integer h30_rp and h30_n: _rp is the research psysician short blessed (neuropsychological), _n is the neurological exam. These two items were combined, where _rp was the ideal item and _n was used when _rp was not available
Cognition Executive Function abs04 WHICAP Identities and oddities, same Integer
Cognition Executive Function iqdspf Executive Function Anchor WRAP Digit Span - Forward (WAIS-III) Integer
Cognition Executive Function cdtts Executive Function Anchor WRAP Clock Draw - CDT Total Score Integer
Cognition Executive Function waisrtot Executive Function Anchor WRAP Digit Symbol - Total Raw Integer
Cognition Visuospatial psy021 Knight ADRC WAIS: Block Design Integer
Cognition Visuospatial lopair_item13 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS JLO: Line orientation items (15 items) String
Cognition Visuospatial lopair_item14 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS JLO: Line orientation items (15 items) String
MRI T1 - MUSE PHC_ICV Intra-Cranial Volume cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_4 3rd Ventricle (B Hemisphere) cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_36 Right Caudate cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_51 Right Lateral Ventricle cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_73 Cerebellar Vermal Lobules VIII-X (B Hemisphere) cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_84 Occipital lobe WM left cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_114 Right Cun - cuneus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_156 Right OCP - occipital pole cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_164 Right OrIFG orbital part of the inferior frontal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_168 Right PCu - precuneus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_186 Right SCA - subcallosal area cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_196 Right SOG - superior occipital gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_204 Right TrIFG triangular part of the inferior frontal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_317 Left Frontal Insular Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_319 Left Frontal Medial Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_326 Left Parietal Lateral Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_331 Right Frontal Inferior Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_335 Right Frontal Opercular Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_341 Right Parietal Lateral Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_414 Left Deep Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_415 Left Deep White Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_417 Left Frontal White Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_419 Left Occipital Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_420 Left Occipital White Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_502 Cerebellum cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_504 Fronal cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_514 Left Occipital cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_522 Right Occipital cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_604 White Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_701 Total Brain cubic millimeter Number
Cognition Language bnt_cer Language Anchor ACT CERAD: Boston Naming Test - 15-item version Integer
Cognition Language cas_read Language Anchor ACT CASI: read and follow a command String
Level Label
0 Neither reads nor obeys
1 Reads correctly, but does not obey
2 Obeys after prompting
3 Obeys without prompting
Cognition Language body ACT CASI: identify parts of body Integer
Cognition Language veg_KnightADRC Language Anchor Knight ADRC Category Fluency: vegetables Integer
Cognition Language udsverfc_NACC Language Anchor NACC MAE: Letter Fluency - F (total number of correct words) Integer
Cognition Language mmse30_item24 Language Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: Write any complete sentence String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Language idea_item3 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS Complex ideation: Is a hammer good for cutting wood? String
Cognition Language lan01 WHICAP Boston Naming Test: Naming Total Integer
Cognition Language animtotraw Language Anchor WRAP Animal Naming - Total Raw Integer
Cognition Language numberscoresc WRAP Phonemic fluency - Letter C Integer
Fluid Biomarkers AB42 AB42_RAW Raw AB42 Biomarker Levels Number
Fluid Biomarkers pTau PHC_pTau Harmonized Z-Score for pTau Biomarker Levels Number
Neuropath General Neuropath BRAINWT Brain Weight Grams Number
Neuropath General ADNC ADNC ADNC severity score String
Level Label
0 Not AD
1 Low
2 Intermediate
3 High
PET Amyloid NPDKA_COMPOSITE_REF_SUVR Reference region - SUVR of composite ref region (volume-weighted mean of NPDKA whole cerebellum, NPDKA brainstem and NPDKA eroded WM) normalized by NPDKA whole cerebellum Number
PET Amyloid WM_HYPOINTENSITIES_SUVR_Amyloid wm-hypointensities SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_LINGUAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-lingual SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_MEDIALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-medialorbitofrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_MIDDLETEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-middletemporal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_PARSORBITALIS_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-parsorbitalis SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_PARSTRIANGULARIS_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-parstriangularis SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_ROSTRALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-rostralanteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_TEMPORALPOLE_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-temporalpole SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_CAUDALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-caudalmiddlefrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LEFT_PUTAMEN_SUVR_Amyloid left-putamen SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LEFT_THALAMUS_PROPER_SUVR_Amyloid left-thalamus-proper SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid RIGHT_CEREBELLUM_CORTEX_SUVR_Amyloid right-cerebellum-cortex SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid RIGHT_CEREBRAL_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Amyloid right-cerebral-white-matter SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid RIGHT_VESSEL_SUVR_Amyloid right-vessel SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid FRONTALPOLE_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-frontalpole and ctx-rh-frontalpole normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LATERALOCCIPITAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-lateraloccipital and ctx-rh-lateraloccipital normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LATERALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-lateralorbitofrontal and ctx-rh-lateralorbitofrontal normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid PARSTRIANGULARIS_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-parstriangularis and ctx-rh-parstriangularis normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid SUPERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-superiortemporal and ctx-rh-superiortemporal normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Left_Lateral_Ventricle_combat Left Lateral Ventricle harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer X3rd_Ventricle_combat Third Ventricle harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer CSF_combat CSF harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Left_choroid_plexus_combat Left Choroid Plexus harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Right_Caudate_combat Right Caudate harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Right_Accumbens_area_combat Right Accumbens area harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rhCerebralWhiteMatterVol_combat Right Hemisphere Cerebral White Matter Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_entorhinal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Entorhinal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_isthmuscingulate_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Isthmuscingulate Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_parsorbitalis_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Parsorbitalis Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_rostralmiddlefrontal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Rostralmiddlefrontal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_superiorfrontal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Superiorfrontal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_frontalpole_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Frontalpole Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_insula_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Insula Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_MeanThickness_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Mean Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_parahippocampal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Parahippocampal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_precuneus_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Precuneus Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_fusiform_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Fusiform Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_medialorbitofrontal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Medialorbitofrontal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_pericalcarine_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Pericalcarine Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_posteriorcingulate_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Posteriorcingulate Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_precentral_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Precentral Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_frontalpole_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Frontalpole Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_caudalmiddlefrontal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Caudalmiddlefrontal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_superiorfrontal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Superiorfrontal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_frontalpole_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Frontalpole Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_temporalpole_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Temporalpole Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_parietal_wm_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_parietal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_frontal_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of inferior_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of precentral_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pre_cuneus_wm_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of pre_cuneus_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_lingual_wm_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of lingual_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_caudate_nucleus_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of caudate_nucleus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_occipital_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_occipital_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of inferior_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_occipital_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of middle_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_medial_lemniscus_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of medial_lemniscus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_corona_radiata_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of posterior_corona_radiata_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_corona_radiata_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_corona_radiata_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_cingulate_gyrus_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(cingulate_gyrus)_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_retrolenticular_part_of_internal_capsule_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of uncinate_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pontine_crossing_tract_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of pontine_crossing_tract_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_cerebellar_peduncle_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of middle_cerebellar_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_cerebellar_peduncle_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_cerebellar_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_genu_of_corpus_callosum_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of genu_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of globus_pallidus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of globus_pallidus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_thalamus_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of thalamus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_thalamus_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of thalamus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_thalamus_right_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of thalamus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_midbrain_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of midbrain_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_midbrain_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of midbrain_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_right_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of precentral_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of postcentral_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_fusiform_wm_right_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of fusiform_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_corona_radiata_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_corona_radiata_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_hippocampus_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of cingulum_(hippocampus)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_hippocampus_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(hippocampus)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_hippocampus_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(hippocampus)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of external_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_cerebellar_peduncle_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_cerebellar_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_splenium_of_corpus_callosum_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of splenium_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_tapatum_right_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of tapatum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_tapatum_right_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of tapatum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_midbrain_right_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of midbrain_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_midbrain_right_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of midbrain_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_left_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of angular_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of angular_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of putamen_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of globus_pallidus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_3rd_ventricle_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of 3rd_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebellum_exterior_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_cerebellum_exterior in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebellum_exterior_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_cerebellum_exterior in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_hippocampus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_hippocampus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lateral_ventricle_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_lateral_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lateral_ventricle_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_lateral_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lateral_ventricle_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_lateral_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_putamen_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_putamen in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ventral_dc_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ventral_dc in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_cerebellar_vermal_lobules_i_v_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of cerebellar_vermal_lobules_i_v in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_calc_calcarine_cortex_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_calc_calcarine_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_co_central_operculum_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_co_central_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_co_central_operculum_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_co_central_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cun_cuneus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_cun_cuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ent_entorhinal_area_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ent_entorhinal_area in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ent_entorhinal_area_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ent_entorhinal_area in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fo_frontal_operculum_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_fo_frontal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fo_frontal_operculum_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_fo_frontal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_fug_fusiform_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mpog_postcentral_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mpog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_msfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ocp_occipital_pole_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ocp_occipital_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcu_precuneus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_pcu_precuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcu_precuneus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pcu_precuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pins_posterior_insula_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pins_posterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pins_posterior_insula_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pins_posterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pog_postcentral_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_pog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pog_postcentral_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_prg_precentral_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_prg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_prg_precentral_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_prg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_prg_precentral_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_prg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pt_planum_temporale_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_pt_planum_temporale in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_prg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_smg_supramarginal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_sog_superior_occipital_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_sog_superior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_ticv_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of ticv in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_ticv_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of ticv in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_posteriorfossa_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of posteriorfossa in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_putamen_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_putamen_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcu_precuneus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_pcu_precuneus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_po_parietal_operculum_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_po_parietal_operculum_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
Cognition Memory mmseason_A4 Memory Anchor A4 MMSE What season is it? String
Cognition Memory mmtreedl Memory Anchor A4 MMSE recall tree String
Cognition Memory fccuedt2 A4 Free and cued selective reminding test trial 2 cued recall. Integer Item was summed with 2 x fcfreet2 to get the variable used in the model.
Cognition Memory w_in_c1 ACT CERAD: Word list learning trial 1 total score Integer
Cognition Memory w_in_c2 ACT CERAD: Word list learning trial 2 total score Integer
Cognition Memory w_lm_deb ACT WMS-R:Logical Mem II-delayed recall total story (RM) Integer
Cognition Memory rgs1 ACT CASI: repeat words Integer
Cognition Memory rcobj ACT CASI: Recall of 5 objects Integer
Cognition Memory avtot2 ADNI Rey: AVLT Trial 2 Total Integer
Cognition Memory avtotb ADNI Rey: AVLT List B Total Integer
Cognition Memory q7score ADNI ADAS-Cog: Orientation-score Integer
Cognition Memory q8score ADNI ADAS-Cog: Word Recognition-score Integer
Cognition Memory immt2w3 Memory Anchor ADNI Immediate (#2): Church String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory immt2w4 Memory Anchor ADNI Immediate (#2): Daisy String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory m12bentonrecognition Memory Anchor EFIGA BVRT: recognition Integer
Cognition Memory psy013 Knight ADRC WMS: Associate learning recognition, easy Integer
Cognition Memory year_mmse Memory Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: What year is it? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory place_mmse Memory Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: What place is this? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory leve Memory Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: What floor are we on? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory logimem_NACC Memory Anchor NACC Logical Memory Immediate A: Story units recalled (Story A) Integer
Cognition Memory mmse30_item7 Memory Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: What County are we in? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory wli_item17 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory t3raw Memory Anchor WRAP AVLT Trial 3 Integer
Cognition Memory recraw Memory Anchor WRAP AVLT Recognition raw Integer
Vascular Risk Factors Cardiovascular Risk Factor Score PHC_CVRScore Harmonized Cardiovascular Risk Factor Score Number
Neuropath Cerebrovascular Disease CVD_ATH_ANY Atherosclerosis (dichotomous) String
Level Label
0 No
1 Yes
PET Tau PHC_QC_IMAGE_Tau Determination if scan passed or failed quality control-- image quality String
PET Tau CTX_LH_FRONTALPOLE_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-frontalpole SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_INSULA_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-insula SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_PARAHIPPOCAMPAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-parahippocampal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_SUPRAMARGINAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-supramarginal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_TRANSVERSETEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-transversetemporal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_ENTORHINAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-entorhinal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_PARSOPERCULARIS_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-parsopercularis SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_ROSTRALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-rostralanteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_TEMPORALPOLE_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-temporalpole SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LEFT_LATERAL_VENTRICLE_SUVR_Tau left-lateral-ventricle SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LEFT_VENTRALDC_SUVR_Tau left-ventraldc SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau RIGHT_LATERAL_VENTRICLE_SUVR_Tau right-lateral-ventricle SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau RIGHT_THALAMUS_PROPER_SUVR_Tau right-thalamus-proper SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau RIGHT_VESSEL_SUVR_Tau right-vessel SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CAUDALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-caudalmiddlefrontal and ctx-rh-caudalmiddlefrontal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau MIDDLETEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-middletemporal and ctx-rh-middletemporal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau PARAHIPPOCAMPAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-parahippocampal and ctx-rh-parahippocampal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau PARSTRIANGULARIS_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-parstriangularis and ctx-rh-parstriangularis normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau ROSTRALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-rostralmiddlefrontal and ctx-rh-rostralmiddlefrontal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau AMYGDALA_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-amygdala and right-amygdala normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau HIPPOCAMPUS_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-hippocampus and right-hippocampus normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LATERAL_VENTRICLE_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-lateral-ventricle and right-lateral-ventricle normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
Cognition Executive Function dba ACT CASI: repeat numbers backward (3 trials collapsed) String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Executive Function sub3b ACT CASI: Subtraction (3 trials collapsed) String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Executive Function clockhand ADNI Presence of the two hands String
Cognition Executive Function mmdltr Executive Function Anchor ADNI MMSE: Spell WORLD backward: Letter 1 String
Cognition Executive Function mmltr5 Executive Function Anchor ADNI Indicate 5th letter (of WORLD backwards) String
Cognition Executive Function ab5identitiesoditiesdiffe Executive Function Anchor EFIGA identities/oddities: different Integer
Cognition Executive Function traila_KnightADRC Executive Function Anchor Knight ADRC Trail Making A Seconds Integer traila_KnightADRC and tma are combined into one variable
Cognition Executive Function digforct_KnightADRC Executive Function Anchor Knight ADRC Number span forward Integer
Cognition Executive Function msq10 Knight ADRC Pfeiffer: subtract 3s from 20 String
Cognition Executive Function traila_NACC Executive Function Anchor NACC Trails A: Time to complete Seconds Integer
Cognition Executive Function mocaabst Executive Function Anchor NACC MoCA: Abstraction Integer
Cognition Executive Function wais Executive Function Anchor NACC WAIS-R Digit Symbol Integer
Cognition Executive Function color2t WHICAP Color trails 2 Seconds Integer
Cognition Executive Function iqdspb Executive Function Anchor WRAP Digit Span - Backward (WAIS-III) Integer
Cognition Visuospatial lopair_item11 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS JLO: Line orientation items (15 items) String
MRI FLAIR CNR_WM Contrast-to-noise ratio for total white matter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_48 Left Hippocampus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_50 Left Inf Lat Vent cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_56 Left Pallidum cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_59 Right Thalamus Proper cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_60 Left Thalamus Proper cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_62 Left Ventral DC cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_75 Left Basal Forebrain cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_102 Right AIns - anterior insula cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_109 Left Calc - calcarine cortex cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_113 Left CO - central operculum cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_116 Right Ent - entorhinal area cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_119 Left FO - frontal operculum cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_135 Left LiG - lingual gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_138 Right MCgG - middle cingulate gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_142 Right MFG - middle frontal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_143 Left MFG - middle frontal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_150 Right MPrG - precentral gyrus medial segment cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_154 Right MTG - middle temporal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_180 Right PP - planum polare cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_182 Right PrG - precentral gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_187 Left SCA - subcallosal area cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_324 Left Occipital Lateral Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_401 Basal Ganglia cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_405 Frontal White Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_407 Occipital Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_411 Temporal Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_412 Temporal White Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_511 Left Deep White Matter Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_515 Left Parietal cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_517 Left Ventricle cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_519 Right Deep White Matter Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_523 Right Parietal cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_613 Right Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_614 Right White Matter cubic millimeter Number
Cognition Language bnt_adpr ACT Boston Naming Test - 10-item version Integer
Cognition Language mmrepeat Language Anchor ADNI MMSE: Repeat after me: no ifs, ands, or buts. String
Cognition Language mmread Language Anchor ADNI MMSE: Present the piece of paper which reads String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Language camel Language Anchor ADNI MoCA: Camel naming String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Language rhino Language Anchor ADNI MoCA: Rhinoceros naming String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Language lg10numberofanimals Language Anchor EFIGA Animal category fluency Integer
Cognition Language udsverlc_KnightADRC Language Anchor Knight ADRC Letter fluency: L Integer
Cognition Language udsverlc_NACC NACC MAE: Letter Fluency - L (total number of correct words) Integer
Cognition Language lan13 WHICAP BDAE Comprehension Integer
Fluid Biomarkers pTau pTau_RAW Raw pTau Biomarker Levels Number
Neuropath General Neuropath INT Interval between last exam and death Months Integer
Clinical & Demographic Demographics PHC_Age_CardiovascularRisk Participant's Age at Cardiovascular Risk Data Collection Years Number Note: In NIAGADS, any age equal to or above 90 was changed to "90+"
Clinical & Demographic Demographics PHC_AgeDeath Participant's Age at Death Years Number Note: In NIAGADS, any age equal to or above 90 was changed to "90+"
Neuropath Neurofibirillary Degeneration B_SCORE B score String
Level Label
0 None
1 BRAAK Stage I-II
3 BRAAK Stage V-VI
PET Amyloid PHC_CENTILOIDS Centiloids (CLs) values converted from GAAIN summary cortical SUVR normalized by GAAIN whole cerebellum centiloids String See ADSP MRI-Free PET Methods document
PET Amyloid GAAIN_CEREBELLUMGREYMATTER_SUVR Reference region - SUVR of GAAIN cerebellum grey matter normalized by GAAIN whole cerebellum Number
PET Amyloid NPDKA_ERODED_SUBCORTICALWM_GAAIN_SUVR Reference region - SUVR of NPDKA eroded subcortical white matter normalized by GAAIN whole cerebellum Number See ADSP MRI-Free PET Methods document.
PET Amyloid CC_ANTERIOR_SUVR_Amyloid cc-anterior SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid OPTIC_CHIASM_SUVR_Amyloid optic-chiasm SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_INFERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-inferiortemporal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_POSTCENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-postcentral SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_SUPERIORFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-superiorfrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_SUPRAMARGINAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-supramarginal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_TRANSVERSETEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-transversetemporal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_FRONTALPOLE_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-frontalpole SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_LATERALOCCIPITAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-lateraloccipital SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_PARACENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-paracentral SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_POSTCENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-postcentral SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_PRECUNEUS_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-precuneus SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_ROSTRALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-rostralmiddlefrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_SUPERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-superiorparietal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_TEMPORALPOLE_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-temporalpole SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_TRANSVERSETEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-transversetemporal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LEFT_ACCUMBENS_AREA_SUVR_Amyloid left-accumbens-area SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid ISTHMUSCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-isthmuscingulate and ctx-rh-isthmuscingulate normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LINGUAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-lingual and ctx-rh-lingual normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid POSTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-posteriorcingulate and ctx-rh-posteriorcingulate normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid ROSTRALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-rostralanteriorcingulate and ctx-rh-rostralanteriorcingulate normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid HIPPOCAMPUS_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-hippocampus and right-hippocampus normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid PUTAMEN_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-putamen and right-putamen normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Brain_Stem_combat Brain Stem harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Right_Lateral_Ventricle_combat Right Lateral Ventricle harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer WM_hypointensities_combat White Matter Hypointensities harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer BrainSegVolNotVentSurf_combat Brain Segmentation Volume Without Ventricles from Surf harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rhCortexVol_combat Right Hemisphere Cortex Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer CerebralWhiteMatterVol_combat Cerebral White Matter Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_inferiortemporal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Inferiortemporal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_pericalcarine_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Pericalcarine Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_posteriorcingulate_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Posteriorcingulate Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_fusiform_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Fusiform Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_inferiorparietal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Inferiorparietal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_inferiortemporal_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Inferiortemporal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_rostralanteriorcingulate_thickness_combat Right Hemisphere Rostralanteriorcingulate Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_caudalmiddlefrontal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Caudalmiddlefrontal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_parstriangularis_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Parstriangularis Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_lateraloccipital_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Lateraloccipital Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_parsorbitalis_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Parsorbitalis Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_body_of_corpus_callosum_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of caudate_nucleus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_cerebellar_peduncle_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_frontal_wm_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of precentral_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of postcentral_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of angular_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_lingual_wm_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of lingual_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_occipital_wm_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_occipital_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_cerebellar_peduncle_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_cerebellar_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_corona_radiata_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_cerebellar_peduncle_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_cingulate_gyrus_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(hippocampus)_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_genu_of_corpus_callosum_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of genu_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_body_of_corpus_callosum_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of body_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_body_of_corpus_callosum_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of body_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_right_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of putamen_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_left_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of globus_pallidus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_parietal_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_parietal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_right_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of precentral_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_right_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of angular_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_occipital_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_occipital_wm_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_occipital_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of inferior_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_temporal_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_temporal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_corticospinal_tract_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of corticospinal_tract_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_corticospinal_tract_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of corticospinal_tract_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_corticospinal_tract_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of corticospinal_tract_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_medial_lemniscus_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of medial_lemniscus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cerebral_peduncle_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of cerebral_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_thalamic_radiation_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_thalamic_radiation_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_cingulate_gyrus_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of cingulum_(cingulate_gyrus)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of external_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_uncinate_fasciculus_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of uncinate_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pontine_crossing_tract_a_part_of_mcp_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of pontine_crossing_tract_(a_part_of_mcp)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_cerebellar_peduncle_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of middle_cerebellar_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_cerebellar_peduncle_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_cerebellar_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of fornix_(column_and_body)_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_splenium_of_corpus_callosum_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of splenium_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_midbrain_right_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of midbrain_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pons_right_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of pons_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_left_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of postcentral_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of angular_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of sagittal_stratum_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_left_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of external_capsule_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of putamen_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of putamen_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of putamen_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of globus_pallidus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of globus_pallidus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_3rd_ventricle_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of 3rd_ventricle in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_caudate_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_caudate in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebellum_exterior_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_cerebellum_exterior in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_hippocampus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_hippocampus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_hippocampus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_hippocampus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_hippocampus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_hippocampus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_inf_lat_vent_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_inf_lat_vent in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_thalamus_proper_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_thalamus_proper in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ang_angular_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ang_angular_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ang_angular_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ang_angular_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_calc_calcarine_cortex_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_calc_calcarine_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_calc_calcarine_cortex_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_calc_calcarine_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cun_cuneus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_cun_cuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fo_frontal_operculum_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_fo_frontal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fo_frontal_operculum_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_fo_frontal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fo_frontal_operculum_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_fo_frontal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fo_frontal_operculum_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_fo_frontal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_gre_gyrus_rectus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_gre_gyrus_rectus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lig_lingual_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_lig_lingual_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lorg_lateral_orbital_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_lorg_lateral_orbital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lorg_lateral_orbital_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_lorg_lateral_orbital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mpog_postcentral_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mpog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mprg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ocp_occipital_pole_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ocp_occipital_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_opifg_opercular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_po_parietal_operculum_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_po_parietal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pp_planum_polare_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pp_planum_polare in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_prg_precentral_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_prg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pt_planum_temporale_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pt_planum_temporale in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_smg_supramarginal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_smg_supramarginal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_spl_superior_parietal_lobule_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_spl_superior_parietal_lobule in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_tmp_temporal_pole_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_tmp_temporal_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ttg_transverse_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_putamen_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_putamen_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_putamen_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_putamen_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcu_precuneus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_pcu_precuneus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_po_parietal_operculum_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_po_parietal_operculum_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_prg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_prg_precentral_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
Cognition Memory mmdate_A4 Memory Anchor A4 MMSE What is today's date? String
Cognition Memory w_rcg_t ACT CERAD: Word Recognition-total correct Integer
Cognition Memory cp_re_re ACT CERAD: Constructional Praxis Delay-rectangles Integer
Cognition Memory w_vp_reh ACT WMS-R:Verbal Paired Associates II hard Integer
Cognition Memory yr Memory Anchor ACT CASI: What is today's date?-year String
Level Label
0 Missed by 6 or more years
1 Missed by 2-5 years
2 Missed by 1 year
4 Correct
Cognition Memory mo Memory Anchor ACT CASI: What is today's date?-month String
Level Label
0 Missed by 2 or more months
1 Missed by 1 month
2 Correct
Cognition Memory casi_ssn Memory Anchor ACT CASI: What season is it? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mmhospit_ADNI Memory Anchor ADNI MMSE: What is the name of this hospital (clinic, place)? String
Cognition Memory mmword2 ADNI MMSE: flag-immediate recall String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mmword1dl ADNI MMSE: ball-delayed recall String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory immt1w2 Memory Anchor ADNI Immediate (#1): Velvet String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory delw2 Memory Anchor ADNI Delayed: Velvet String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct (no cue)
2 Correct (category cue)
3 Correct (multiple choice cue)
Cognition Memory m3delayedrecall Memory Anchor EFIGA SRT: delayed recall trial Integer
Cognition Memory htablehwhattime Memory Anchor EFIGA SBT: what time is it? String
Level Label
0 No Errors
1 Error
Cognition Memory nsorientation Memory Anchor EFIGA MMSE: orientation composite Integer
Cognition Memory srt2f Knight ADRC Free and cued selective reminding test, trial 2 Integer
Cognition Memory ksbt3 Knight ADRC What time is it? String
Cognition Memory city_mmse Memory Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: What city are we in? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory loca Memory Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: What state are we in? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mmsetr1 Memory Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: Repeat ball, flag, tree - combined Integer
Cognition Memory ball Memory Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: Repeat ball, flag, tree - ball String
Cognition Memory ball2 Memory Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: Recall ball, flag, tree - ball String
Cognition Memory mocaordt Memory Anchor NACC MoCA orientation - date String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mocaorpl Memory Anchor NACC MoCA orientation - place String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mmse30_item8 Memory Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: What city are we in? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mmse30_item10 Memory Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS What is the address of this place? Street number and name? String Previously separated into 10a (Street Number) and 10b (Street Name)
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory wli_item6 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item9 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 1 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item19 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 2 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item30 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory mem04 WHICAP SRT: recognition Integer
Cognition Memory t4raw Memory Anchor WRAP AVLT Trial 4 Integer
Cognition Memory PHC_MEM_PreciseFilter Harmonized Precision Filter to isolate Harmonized Composite Memory Scores String Precision filter criteria is met when the standard error is less than or equal to 0.6
Level Label
0 Does not meet PreciseFilter criteria
1 Does meet PreciseFilter criteria
Neuropath Amyloid Deposition AMY_THAL Thal Phase String
Level Label
0 None
1 Phase 1
2 Phase 2
3 Phase 3
4 Phase 4
5 Phase 5
Neuropath Amyloid Deposition AMY_A A Score String
Level Label
0 None
1 Thal Phase 1 or 2
2 Thal Phase 3
3 Thal Phase 4 or 5
Neuropath Cerebrovascular Disease CVD_ART_ANY Arteriolosclerosis (dichotomous) String
Level Label
0 No
1 Yes
PET Tau PHC_HIBRAAKpos Hierarchical Braak positivity String
PET Tau CC_ANTERIOR_SUVR_Tau cc-anterior SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_CAUDALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-caudalanteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_MIDDLETEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-middletemporal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_PARSTRIANGULARIS_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-parstriangularis SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_ROSTRALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-rostralmiddlefrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_SUPERIORFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-superiorfrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_CAUDALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-caudalanteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_CAUDALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-caudalmiddlefrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_FUSIFORM_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-fusiform SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_PARAHIPPOCAMPAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-parahippocampal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_PRECENTRAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-precentral SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_ROSTRALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-rostralmiddlefrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LEFT_INF_LAT_VENT_SUVR_Tau left-inf-lat-vent SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau RIGHT_ACCUMBENS_AREA_SUVR_Tau right-accumbens-area SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau RIGHT_AMYGDALA_SUVR_Tau right-amygdala SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau RIGHT_PUTAMEN_SUVR_Tau right-putamen SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LINGUAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-lingual and ctx-rh-lingual normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau MEDIALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-medialorbitofrontal and ctx-rh-medialorbitofrontal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau TRANSVERSETEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-transversetemporal and ctx-rh-transversetemporal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau ACCUMBENS_AREA_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-accumbens-area and right-accumbens-area normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau VESSEL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-vessel and right-vessel normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
Cognition Executive Function tr_b_tm Executive Function Anchor ACT Trails B time to complete Seconds Integer
Cognition Executive Function clocknum ADNI Correctness of numbers String
Cognition Executive Function dspanfor Executive Function Anchor ADNI WAIS-R: Digit Span Forward Total Correct Integer
Cognition Executive Function serial3 ADNI MoCA: Serial 7: 3rd Subtraction String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Executive Function mmrltr Executive Function Anchor ADNI MMSE: Spell WORLD backward: Letter 3 String
Cognition Executive Function mmltr4 Executive Function Anchor ADNI Indicate 4th letter (of WORLD backwards) String
Cognition Executive Function ab1similaritiesraw Executive Function Anchor EFIGA WAIS-R: similarities, Spanish Integer
Cognition Executive Function htablehmonthsinreverse Executive Function Anchor EFIGA SBT: month in reverse - number of errors Integer
Cognition Executive Function ksbt4 Knight ADRC SBT: count aloud backward - # of errors Integer
Cognition Executive Function sim_KnightADRC Knight ADRC WAIS-III: similarities Integer
Cognition Executive Function simonnumber Knight ADRC Simon task: number of correct responses on 120 trials Integer
Cognition Executive Function tapping Knight ADRC median tapping response out of 109 trials Integer
Cognition Executive Function cts_doperf ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS Digit Ordering composite Integer
Cognition Executive Function cts_db Executive Function Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS WAIS-R: Digit Span Backward Total Correct Integer
Cognition Executive Function stroocw WRAP STROOP - Number named for Color-Word Integer
Cognition Visuospatial cp_in_ci ACT CERAD: Constructional Praxis-circle Integer
Cognition Visuospatial copysym ADNI Clock copy: Symmetry of number placement String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Visuospatial copynum ADNI Clock copy: Correctness of numbers String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Visuospatial q3score ADNI ADAS-Cog: Constructional Praxis-score Integer
Cognition Visuospatial mmse30_item25 Visuospatial Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: Copy interlocking pentagons String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Visuospatial PHC_VSP_PreciseFilter Harmonized Precision Filter to isolate Harmonized Composite Visuospatial Scores String Precision filter criteria is met when the standard error is less than or equal to 0.6
Level Label
0 Does not meet PreciseFilter criteria
1 Does meet PreciseFilter criteria
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_32 Left Amygdala cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_81 Frontal lobe WM right cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_85 Parietal lobe WM right cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_106 Right AnG - angular gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_115 Left Cun - cuneus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_123 Left FuG - fusiform gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_132 Right ITG - inferior temporal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_137 Left LOrG - lateral orbital gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_165 Left OrIFG orbital part of the inferior frontal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_169 Left PCu - precuneus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_173 Left PIns - posterior insula cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_181 Left PP - planum polare cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_199 Left SPL - superior parietal lobule cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_301 Frontal Inferior Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_304 Frontal Medial Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_308 Occipital Inferior Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_323 Left Occipital Inferior Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_325 Left Occipital Medial Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_333 Right Frontal Lateral Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_343 Right Temporal Inferior Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_344 Right Temporal Lateral Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_410 Parietal White cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_425 Right Basal Ganglia cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_427 Right Deep White Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_432 Right Occipital White Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_501 Corpus Callosum cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_507 Parietal cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_520 Right Frontal cubic millimeter Number
Cognition Language rpta ACT CASI: repeat phrase - 1 String
Level Label
0 Three or more missed or wrong words
1 One or two missed or wrong words
2 Correct
Cognition Language q5score ADNI ADAS-Cog: Naming Integer
Cognition Language repeat1 Language Anchor ADNI MoCA: Repeat Sentence String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Language udsverfc_KnightADRC Language Anchor Knight ADRC Letter fluency: F Integer
Cognition Language lap Language Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: Puts paper on lap String
Cognition Language mmse30_item20 Language Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: Read the words on this card, then do what it says String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Language PHC_LAN Harmonized Harmonized Composite Language Score Number This is a composite measure of the Language scores that were harmonized across nine datasets.
Clinical & Demographic Demographics PHC_Age_T1_MUSE Participant's Age at T1 MUSE Data Collection Years Number Note: In NIAGADS, any age equal to or above 90 was changed to "90+"
PET Amyloid NPDKA_SUMMARY_SUVR NPDKA summary cortical SUVR (volume-weighted mean of frontal, cingulate, parietal and temporal regions) normalized by NPDKA whole cerebellum Number See ADSP MRI-Free PET Methods document.
PET Amyloid VENTRICLE_4TH_SUVR_Amyloid 4th-ventricle SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CC_POSTERIOR_SUVR_Amyloid cc-posterior SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CSF_SUVR_Amyloid csf SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_CAUDALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-caudalanteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_CUNEUS_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-cuneus SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_LH_INSULA_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-lh-insula SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_LATERALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-lateralorbitofrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_PRECENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-precentral SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CTX_RH_SUPRAMARGINAL_SUVR_Amyloid ctx-rh-supramarginal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid LEFT_AMYGDALA_SUVR_Amyloid left-amygdala SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid RIGHT_ACCUMBENS_AREA_SUVR_Amyloid right-accumbens-area SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid BANKSSTS_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-bankssts and ctx-rh-bankssts normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CAUDALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-caudalanteriorcingulate and ctx-rh-caudalanteriorcingulate normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid CAUDALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-caudalmiddlefrontal and ctx-rh-caudalmiddlefrontal normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid INF_LAT_VENT_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-inf-lat-vent and right-inf-lat-vent normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Amyloid THALAMUS_PROPER_SUVR_Amyloid Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-thalamus-proper and right-thalamus-proper normalized by whole cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Left_Cerebellum_Cortex_combat Left Cerebellum Cortex harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer Right_Hippocampus_combat Right Hippocampus harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lhCerebralWhiteMatterVol_combat Left Hemisphere Cerebral White Matter Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer SupraTentorialVolNotVentVox_combat Brain Segmentation Volume Without Ventricles from Vox harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_caudalanteriorcingulate_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Caudalanteriorcingulate Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_inferiorparietal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Inferiorparietal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_precentral_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Precentral Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_supramarginal_thickness_combat Left Hemisphere Supramarginal Thickness harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_superiorparietal_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Superiorparietal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer lh_temporalpole_volume_combat Left Hemisphere Temporalpole Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_bankssts_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Bankssts Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_lateralorbitofrontal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Lateralorbitofrontal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_parstriangularis_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Parstriangularis Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_rostralmiddlefrontal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Rostralmiddlefrontal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI T1 - FreeSurfer rh_superiortemporal_volume_combat Right Hemisphere Superiortemporal Volume harmonized with combat Number
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_caudate_nucleus_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of caudate_nucleus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_frontal_wm_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_frontal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_left_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of precentral_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of angular_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cuneus_wm_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of cuneus_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_occipital_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_occipital_wm_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_occipital_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_temporal_wm_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of middle_temporal_wm_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_left_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of putamen_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_caudate_nucleus_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of cerebral_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_left_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_corona_radiata_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_corona_radiata_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_corona_radiata_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cingulum_cingulate_gyrus_left_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of cingulum_(cingulate_gyrus)_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pontine_crossing_tract_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of pontine_crossing_tract_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_medial_lemniscus_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_cerebellar_peduncle_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_sagittal_stratum_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of splenium_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_splenium_of_corpus_callosum_left_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of splenium_of_corpus_callosum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_tapatum_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of tapatum_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_genu_of_corpus_callosum_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of globus_pallidus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_thalamus_left_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of thalamus_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_thalamus_right_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of thalamus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_thalamus_right_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of thalamus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_midbrain_left_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of midbrain_left in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_parietal_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_parietal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_frontal_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of inferior_frontal_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_precentral_wm_right_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of precentral_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_angular_wm_right_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of angular_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_occipital_wm_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of inferior_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_occipital_wm_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of middle_occipital_wm_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_cerebellar_peduncle_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_cerebellar_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_cerebellar_peduncle_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_cerebellar_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_cerebral_peduncle_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of cerebral_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of anterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of posterior_limb_of_internal_capsule_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of superior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_uncinate_fasciculus_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of uncinate_fasciculus_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_cerebellar_peduncle_right_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of middle_cerebellar_peduncle_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_body_of_corpus_callosum_left_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of body_of_corpus_callosum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_tapatum_right_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of tapatum_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_pons_right_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of pons_right in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of postcentral_wm_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_putamen_left_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of putamen_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_external_capsule_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of external_capsule_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_globus_pallidus_left_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of globus_pallidus_left_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_middle_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected_ad_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of middle_frontal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of postcentral_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_postcentral_wm_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of postcentral_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_supramarginal_wm_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of supramarginal_wm_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of superior_longitudinal_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of inferior_fronto_occipital_fasciculus_right_fwcorrected in the Johns Hopkins Eve Type 3 white matter atlas (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_caudate_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_caudate in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_caudate_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_caudate in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebellum_exterior_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_cerebellum_exterior in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebellum_exterior_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_cerebellum_exterior in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebral_white_matter_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_cerebral_white_matter in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_cerebral_white_matter_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_cerebral_white_matter in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_inf_lat_vent_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_inf_lat_vent in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_inf_lat_vent_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_inf_lat_vent in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_inf_lat_vent_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_inf_lat_vent in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_thalamus_proper_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_thalamus_proper in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ventral_dc_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_ventral_dc in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_trifg_triangular_part_of_the_ifg_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_acgg_anterior_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ains_anterior_insula_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ains_anterior_insula in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_aorg_anterior_orbital_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_aorg_anterior_orbital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_ang_angular_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_ang_angular_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_calc_calcarine_cortex_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_calc_calcarine_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_calc_calcarine_cortex_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_calc_calcarine_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cun_cuneus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_cun_cuneus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_fo_frontal_operculum_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_fo_frontal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_fug_fusiform_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_fug_fusiform_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_iog_inferior_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_itg_inferior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lorg_lateral_orbital_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_lorg_lateral_orbital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mcgg_middle_cingulate_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mfg_middle_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_mog_middle_occipital_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mpog_postcentral_gyrus_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mpog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_mprg_precentral_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_mprg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mprg_precentral_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_mprg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_mprg_precentral_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_mprg_precentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_ocp_occipital_pole_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_ocp_occipital_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_phg_parahippocampal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_po_parietal_operculum_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_po_parietal_operculum in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pog_postcentral_gyrus_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_pog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pog_postcentral_gyrus_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of left_pog_postcentral_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pp_planum_polare_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_pp_planum_polare in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of right_sfg_superior_frontal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_spl_superior_parietal_lobule_ad_median The median of Axial Diffusivity for the ROI of right_spl_superior_parietal_lobule in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_spl_superior_parietal_lobule_rd_median The median of Radial Diffusivity for the ROI of left_spl_superior_parietal_lobule in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_md_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_tmp_temporal_pole_fa_median The median of Fractional Anisotropy for the ROI of right_tmp_temporal_pole in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_trifg_triangular_part_of_the_ifg_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity for the ROI of left_trifg_triangular_part_of_the_ifg in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_atlas_jhu_mni_ss_wmpm_type_iii_uncinate_fasciculus_right_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_calc_calcarine_cortex_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_cerebral_white_matter_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected_md_median The median of Radial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_lig_lingual_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_fug_fusiform_gyrus_fwcorrected_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_mtg_middle_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fa_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_pcgg_posterior_cingulate_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of right_smg_supramarginal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected_fa_median The median of Mean Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
MRI DTI PHC_t1_segmentation_left_smc_supplementary_motor_cortex_rd_median The median of Axial Diffusivity (Free Water Corrected) for the ROI of left_stg_superior_temporal_gyrus_fwcorrected in the SLANT-TICV segmentation maps (PHC Harmonized) Numeric PHC Harmonized with Cross-Sectional ComBat
Cognition Memory mmday_A4 Memory Anchor A4 MMSE What day of the week is today? String
Cognition Memory mmball Memory Anchor A4 MMSE repeat ball String
Cognition Memory mmflagdl Memory Anchor A4 MMSE recall flag String
Cognition Memory fccuedt1 A4 Free and cued selective reminding test trial 1 cued recall. Integer Item was summed with 2 x fcfreet1 to get the variable used in the model.
Cognition Memory mmstate_A4 Memory Anchor A4 MMSE What state are we in? String
Cognition Memory mmmonth_A4 Memory Anchor A4 MMSE What is the month? String
Cognition Memory mmyear_A4 Memory Anchor A4 MMSE What is the year? String
Cognition Memory mat_mem ACT DRS: Mattis Dementia Rating Scale Memory score Integer
Cognition Memory w_vp_ine ACT WMS-R:Verbal Paired Associates I easy Integer
Cognition Memory rc1b ACT CASI: Word recall-a color - 1 String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct (multiple choice cue)
2 Correct (category cue)
3 Correct (no cue)
Cognition Memory spb ACT CASI: What is this place? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory limmtotal_ADNI Memory Anchor ADNI WMS-R: Logical Memory-Immediate Recall (AT) Integer
Cognition Memory ldeltotal_ADNI Memory Anchor ADNI WMS-R: Logical Memory-Delayed Recall (AT) Integer
Cognition Memory immt1w1 Memory Anchor ADNI Immediate (#1): Face String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory immt1w4 Memory Anchor ADNI Immediate (#1): Daisy String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory immt1w5 Memory Anchor ADNI Immediate (#1): Red String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory udsbenrs_KnightADRC Memory Anchor Knight ADRC Benson complex figure, recognition String
Level Label
0 Yes, recognized
1 No, not recognized
Cognition Memory day_mmse Memory Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: What day is it? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mocaormo Memory Anchor NACC MoCA orientation - month String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory story Memory Anchor NIA-AD FBS logical memory IA -- story score (Anna Thompson) Integer
Cognition Memory mmse30_item3 Memory Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: What is the date? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory mmse30_item9 Memory Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: What room are we in? String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Memory cts_wlii ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list recall Integer
Cognition Memory cts_ebdr ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS East Boston Memory Test-delayed recall Integer
Cognition Memory wli_item23 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item24 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory wli_item29 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS CERAD: Word list learning Trial 3 (10 items collapsed) String
Cognition Memory h32_n Memory Anchor WHICAP SBT: John Brown address - number of errors Integer h32_rp and h32_n: _rp is the research psysician short blessed (neuropsychological), _n is the neurological exam. These two items were combined, where _rp was the ideal item and _n was used when _rp was not available
Cognition Memory mem11 WHICAP BVRT: recognition Integer
Cognition Memory drraw Memory Anchor WRAP AVLT Delayed Recall Raw Integer
Cognition Memory wmsrbr2 Memory Anchor WRAP Logical Memory Delayed B Integer
Cognition Memory bvmtdel WRAP BVMT-R delayed Raw Integer
Cognition Memory PHC_MEM Harmonized Harmonized Composite Memory Score Number This is a composite measure of the memory scores that were harmonized across ten datasets.
Neuropath Lewy Bodies LEWY_grp PD Braak (grouped) String
Level Label
0 None
1 Brainstem predom.
2 Transitional, diffuse, olfactory bulb, or region unspecified
Neuropath Cerebrovascular Disease CVD_ATH Atherosclerosis String
Level Label
0 None
1 Mild
2 Moderate
3 Severe
Neuropath Cerebrovascular Disease CVD_CAA Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (CAA) String
Level Label
0 None
1 Mild
2 Moderate
3 Severe
Neuropath TDP43 TDP_3 TDP - 3 Component String
Level Label
0 None
1 Amygdala
2 Hippocampus or Etorhinal
3 Neocortex
PET Tau PHC_B12pos Threshold-based tau-positivity in B1/B2region String
Level Label
0 Negative
1 Positive
PET Tau B4_SUVR SUVR of B4 normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number
PET Tau VENTRICLE_5TH_SUVR_Tau 5th-ventricle SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CC_CENTRAL_SUVR_Tau cc-central SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CSF_SUVR_Tau csf SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_LH_SUPERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-lh-superiortemporal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_ISTHMUSCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-isthmuscingulate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_MIDDLETEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-middletemporal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_POSTCENTRAL_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-postcentral SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CTX_RH_POSTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau ctx-rh-posteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LEFT_ACCUMBENS_AREA_SUVR_Tau left-accumbens-area SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LEFT_AMYGDALA_SUVR_Tau left-amygdala SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LEFT_CEREBRAL_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Tau left-cerebral-white-matter SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LEFT_VESSEL_SUVR_Tau left-vessel SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau RIGHT_CEREBELLUM_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Tau right-cerebellum-white-matter SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau RIGHT_CEREBRAL_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Tau right-cerebral-white-matter SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau RIGHT_HIPPOCAMPUS_SUVR_Tau right-hippocampus SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CAUDALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-caudalanteriorcingulate and ctx-rh-caudalanteriorcingulate normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CUNEUS_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-cuneus and ctx-rh-cuneus normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau LATERALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-lateralorbitofrontal and ctx-rh-lateralorbitofrontal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau ROSTRALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-rostralanteriorcingulate and ctx-rh-rostralanteriorcingulate normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau SUPERIORFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-superiorfrontal and ctx-rh-superiorfrontal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau SUPERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-superiortemporal and ctx-rh-superiortemporal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau CHOROID_PLEXUS_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-choroid-plexus and right-choroid-plexus normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau INF_LAT_VENT_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-inf-lat-vent and right-inf-lat-vent normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
PET Tau PALLIDUM_SUVR_Tau Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-pallidum and right-pallidum normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum Number ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)
Cognition Executive Function dspanbac Executive Function Anchor ADNI WAIS-R: Digit Span Backward Total Correct Integer
Cognition Executive Function traascor Executive Function Anchor ADNI Trails A Time to Complete Seconds Integer
Cognition Executive Function trabscor Executive Function Anchor ADNI Trails B Time to complete Seconds Integer
Cognition Executive Function letters Executive Function Anchor ADNI MoCA: List of Letters/Tapping: # Errors Integer
Cognition Executive Function mmltr3 Executive Function Anchor ADNI Indicate 3rd letter (of WORLD backwards) String
Cognition Executive Function trailb_KnightADRC Executive Function Anchor Knight ADRC Trail Making B Seconds Integer
Cognition Executive Function digsym Executive Function Anchor Knight ADRC WAIS-R: Digit Symbol Integer
Cognition Executive Function tmb Knight ADRC Trail Making B Seconds Integer
Cognition Executive Function switchcv Knight ADRC consonant/vowel Integer
Cognition Executive Function mocaser7 NACC MoCA: Attention - serial 7s Integer
Cognition Executive Function digif_NACC Executive Function Anchor NACC WAIS-R Digit Span Forward: Total correct Integer
Cognition Executive Function cts_nccrtd ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS Number comparison Integer
Cognition Executive Function cts_df Executive Function Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS WAIS-R: Digit Span Forward Total Correct Integer
Cognition Executive Function h31_rp Executive Function Anchor WHICAP SBT: Months backwards - number of errors Integer h31_rp and h31_n: _rp is the research psysician short blessed (neuropsychological), _n is the neurological exam. These two items were combined, where _rp was the ideal item and _n was used when _rp was not available
Cognition Executive Function color1t WHICAP Color trails 1 Seconds Integer
Cognition Visuospatial copytime ADNI Clock copy: Presence of the two hands, set to ten after eleven String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Visuospatial lopair_item8 ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS JLO: Line orientation items (15 items) String
Cognition Visuospatial PHC_VSP Harmonized Harmonized Composite Visuospatial Score Number This is a composite measure of the Visuospatial scores that were harmonized across four datasets.
Cognition Visuospatial PHC_VSP_SE Harmonized Standard Error of Harmonized Composite Visuospatial Score Number
MRI FLAIR SNR_GM Signal-to-noise ratio for total gray matter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_30 Left Accumbens Area cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_38 Right Cerebellum Exterior cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_47 Right Hippocampus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_57 Right Putamen cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_86 Parietal lobe WM left cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_89 Fornix right cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_101 Left ACgG - anterior cingulate gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_103 Left AIns - anterior insula cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_108 Right Calc - calcarine cortex cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_117 Left Ent - entorhinal area cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_122 Right FuG - fusiform gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_134 Right LiG - lingual gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_148 Right MPoG - postcentral gyrus medial segment cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_152 Right MSFG - superior frontal gyrus medial segment cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_176 Right PoG - postcentral gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_183 Left PrG - precentral gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_185 Left PT - planum temporale cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_192 Right SMC - supplementary motor cortex cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_194 Right SMG - supramarginal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_197 Left SOG - superior occipital gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_200 Right STG - superior temporal gyrus cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_305 Frontal Opercular Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_309 Occipital Lateral Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_314 Temporal Lateral Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_336 Right Limbic Cingulate Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_338 Right Occipital Inferior Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_340 Right Occipital Medial Gray Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_403 Deep White Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_424 Left Temporal White Matter cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_509 Ventricle cubic millimeter Number
MRI T1 - MUSE HMUSE_510 Left Cerebellum cubic millimeter Number
Cognition Language cmd Language Anchor ACT CASI: obey oral commands Integer
Cognition Language catanimsc Language Anchor ADNI Category Fluency (Animals) -Total Correct Integer
Cognition Language catvegesc Language Anchor ADNI Category Fluency (Vegetables) -Total Correct Integer
Cognition Language lg1namingtotal Language Anchor EFIGA BNT 15 item Integer
Cognition Language phra Language Anchor Knight ADRC MMSE: repeat phrase String
Cognition Language animals_NACC Language Anchor NACC Category Fluency (Animals) - Total Correct Integer
Cognition Language animals_NIA_AD_FBS Language Anchor NIA-AD FBS Category Fluency: animals Integer
Cognition Language veg_NIA_AD_FBS Language Anchor NIA-AD FBS Category Fluency: vegetables Integer
Cognition Language mmse30_item21 Language Anchor ROS, MAP - Rush, MARS MMSE: Take paper in right hand String
Level Label
0 Incorrect
1 Correct
Cognition Language lan10 Language Anchor WHICAP Category fluency: animals Integer
Cognition Language lan12 WHICAP BDAE Repetition Integer
Cognition Language strooc WRAP STROOP - Number named for Color Integer
Fluid Biomarkers AB42 PHC_AB42 Harmonized Z-Score for AB42 Biomarker Levels Number
Neuropath General ADNC REAG NIA-REAGAN criteria for AD String
Level Label
0 None
1 Low Likelihood
2 Intermediate Likelihood
3 High Likelihood

Variable Details

HIPPOCAMPUS_SUVR_Amyloid -- Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-hippocampus and right-hippocampus normalized by whole cerebellum

Description: ROI volume is provided in MRI-Free NPDKA Appendix (CSV)