Variable | Label |
PHC_TRACER_Amyloid | PET Radiotracer |
PHC_QC_IMAGE_Amyloid | Determination if scan passed or failed quality control-- image quality |
PHC_INJECTED_DOSE_Amyloid | Measure of injected radioligand dose |
PHC_CENTILOIDS | Centiloids (CLs) values converted from GAAIN summary cortical SUVR normalized by GAAIN whole cerebellum |
PHC_AMYLOID_STATUS | Amyloid positivity determined by applying thresholds to the GAAIN summary cortical SUVR normalized by GAAIN whole cerebellum |
PHC_AMYLOID_STATUS_GMM | GMM based amyloid status, computed within tracer and cohort groups. |
GAAIN_SUMMARY_SUVR | GAAIN summary cortical SUVR normalized by GAAIN whole cerebellum |
GAAIN_WHOLECEREBELLUM_SUVR | Reference region - SUVR of GAAIN whole cerebellum normalized by GAAIN whole cerebellum |
GAAIN_COMPOSITE_REF_SUVR | Reference region - SUVR of composite ref region (volume-weighted mean of GAAIN whole cerebellum, GAAIN brainstem and NPDKA eroded WM) normalized by GAAIN whole cerebellum |
GAAIN_CEREBELLUMGREYMATTER_SUVR | Reference region - SUVR of GAAIN cerebellum grey matter normalized by GAAIN whole cerebellum |
NPDKA_ERODED_SUBCORTICALWM_GAAIN_SUVR | Reference region - SUVR of NPDKA eroded subcortical white matter normalized by GAAIN whole cerebellum |
NPDKA_SUMMARY_SUVR | NPDKA summary cortical SUVR (volume-weighted mean of frontal, cingulate, parietal and temporal regions) normalized by NPDKA whole cerebellum |
NPDKA_WHOLECEREBELLUM_SUVR | Reference region - SUVR of NPDKA whole cerebellum normalized by NPDKA whole cerebellum |
NPDKA_COMPOSITE_REF_SUVR | Reference region - SUVR of composite ref region (volume-weighted mean of NPDKA whole cerebellum, NPDKA brainstem and NPDKA eroded WM) normalized by NPDKA whole cerebellum |
NPDKA_CEREBELLUMGREYMATTER_SUVR | Reference region - SUVR of NPDKA cerebellum grey matter normalized by NPDKA whole cerebellum |
NPDKA_ERODED_SUBCORTICALWM_SUVR | Reference region - SUVR of NPDKA eroded subcortical white matter normalized by NPDKA whole cerebellum. |
BRAINSTEM_SUVR_Amyloid | brain-stem SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
VENTRICLE_3RD_SUVR_Amyloid | 3rd-ventricle SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
VENTRICLE_4TH_SUVR_Amyloid | 4th-ventricle SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
VENTRICLE_5TH_SUVR_Amyloid | 5th-ventricle SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CC_ANTERIOR_SUVR_Amyloid | cc-anterior SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CC_CENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid | cc-central SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CC_MID_ANTERIOR_SUVR_Amyloid | cc-mid-anterior SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CC_MID_POSTERIOR_SUVR_Amyloid | cc-mid-posterior SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CC_POSTERIOR_SUVR_Amyloid | cc-posterior SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CSF_SUVR_Amyloid | csf SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
OPTIC_CHIASM_SUVR_Amyloid | optic-chiasm SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
NON_WM_HYPOINTENSITIES_SUVR_Amyloid | non-wm-hypointensities SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
WM_HYPOINTENSITIES_SUVR_Amyloid | wm-hypointensities SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_BANKSSTS_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-bankssts SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_CAUDALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-caudalanteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_CAUDALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-caudalmiddlefrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_CUNEUS_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-cuneus SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_ENTORHINAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-entorhinal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_FRONTALPOLE_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-frontalpole SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_FUSIFORM_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-fusiform SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_INFERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-inferiorparietal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_INFERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-inferiortemporal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_INSULA_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-insula SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_ISTHMUSCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-isthmuscingulate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_LATERALOCCIPITAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-lateraloccipital SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_LATERALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-lateralorbitofrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_LINGUAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-lingual SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_MEDIALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-medialorbitofrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_MIDDLETEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-middletemporal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_PARACENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-paracentral SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_PARAHIPPOCAMPAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-parahippocampal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_PARSOPERCULARIS_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-parsopercularis SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_PARSORBITALIS_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-parsorbitalis SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_PARSTRIANGULARIS_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-parstriangularis SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_PERICALCARINE_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-pericalcarine SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_POSTCENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-postcentral SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_POSTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-posteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_PRECENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-precentral SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_PRECUNEUS_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-precuneus SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_ROSTRALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-rostralanteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_ROSTRALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-rostralmiddlefrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_SUPERIORFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-superiorfrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_SUPERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-superiorparietal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_SUPERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-superiortemporal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_SUPRAMARGINAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-supramarginal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_TEMPORALPOLE_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-temporalpole SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_LH_TRANSVERSETEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-lh-transversetemporal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_BANKSSTS_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-bankssts SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_CAUDALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-caudalanteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_CAUDALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-caudalmiddlefrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_CUNEUS_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-cuneus SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_ENTORHINAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-entorhinal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_FRONTALPOLE_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-frontalpole SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_FUSIFORM_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-fusiform SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_INFERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-inferiorparietal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_INFERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-inferiortemporal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_INSULA_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-insula SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_ISTHMUSCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-isthmuscingulate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_LATERALOCCIPITAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-lateraloccipital SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_LATERALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-lateralorbitofrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_LINGUAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-lingual SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_MEDIALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-medialorbitofrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_MIDDLETEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-middletemporal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_PARACENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-paracentral SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_PARAHIPPOCAMPAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-parahippocampal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_PARSOPERCULARIS_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-parsopercularis SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_PARSORBITALIS_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-parsorbitalis SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_PARSTRIANGULARIS_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-parstriangularis SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_PERICALCARINE_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-pericalcarine SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_POSTCENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-postcentral SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_POSTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-posteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_PRECENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-precentral SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_PRECUNEUS_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-precuneus SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_ROSTRALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-rostralanteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_ROSTRALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-rostralmiddlefrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_SUPERIORFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-superiorfrontal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_SUPERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-superiorparietal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_SUPERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-superiortemporal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_SUPRAMARGINAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-supramarginal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_TEMPORALPOLE_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-temporalpole SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
CTX_RH_TRANSVERSETEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid | ctx-rh-transversetemporal SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
LEFT_ACCUMBENS_AREA_SUVR_Amyloid | left-accumbens-area SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
LEFT_AMYGDALA_SUVR_Amyloid | left-amygdala SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
LEFT_CAUDATE_SUVR_Amyloid | left-caudate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
LEFT_CEREBELLUM_CORTEX_SUVR_Amyloid | left-cerebellum-cortex SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
LEFT_CEREBELLUM_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Amyloid | left-cerebellum-white-matter SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
LEFT_CEREBRAL_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Amyloid | left-cerebral-white-matter SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
LEFT_CHOROID_PLEXUS_SUVR_Amyloid | left-choroid-plexus SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
LEFT_HIPPOCAMPUS_SUVR_Amyloid | left-hippocampus SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
LEFT_INF_LAT_VENT_SUVR_Amyloid | left-inf-lat-vent SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
LEFT_LATERAL_VENTRICLE_SUVR_Amyloid | left-lateral-ventricle SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
LEFT_PALLIDUM_SUVR_Amyloid | left-pallidum SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
LEFT_PUTAMEN_SUVR_Amyloid | left-putamen SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
LEFT_THALAMUS_PROPER_SUVR_Amyloid | left-thalamus-proper SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
LEFT_VENTRALDC_SUVR_Amyloid | left-ventraldc SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
LEFT_VESSEL_SUVR_Amyloid | left-vessel SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
RIGHT_ACCUMBENS_AREA_SUVR_Amyloid | right-accumbens-area SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
RIGHT_AMYGDALA_SUVR_Amyloid | right-amygdala SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
RIGHT_CAUDATE_SUVR_Amyloid | right-caudate SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
RIGHT_CEREBELLUM_CORTEX_SUVR_Amyloid | right-cerebellum-cortex SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
RIGHT_CEREBELLUM_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Amyloid | right-cerebellum-white-matter SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
RIGHT_CEREBRAL_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Amyloid | right-cerebral-white-matter SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
RIGHT_CHOROID_PLEXUS_SUVR_Amyloid | right-choroid-plexus SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
RIGHT_HIPPOCAMPUS_SUVR_Amyloid | right-hippocampus SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
RIGHT_INF_LAT_VENT_SUVR_Amyloid | right-inf-lat-vent SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
RIGHT_LATERAL_VENTRICLE_SUVR_Amyloid | right-lateral-ventricle SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
RIGHT_PALLIDUM_SUVR_Amyloid | right-pallidum SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
RIGHT_PUTAMEN_SUVR_Amyloid | right-putamen SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
RIGHT_THALAMUS_PROPER_SUVR_Amyloid | right-thalamus-proper SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
RIGHT_VENTRALDC_SUVR_Amyloid | right-ventraldc SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
RIGHT_VESSEL_SUVR_Amyloid | right-vessel SUVR normalized by whole cerebellum |
BANKSSTS_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-bankssts and ctx-rh-bankssts normalized by whole cerebellum |
CAUDALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-caudalanteriorcingulate and ctx-rh-caudalanteriorcingulate normalized by whole cerebellum |
CAUDALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-caudalmiddlefrontal and ctx-rh-caudalmiddlefrontal normalized by whole cerebellum |
CUNEUS_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-cuneus and ctx-rh-cuneus normalized by whole cerebellum |
ENTORHINAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-entorhinal and ctx-rh-entorhinal normalized by whole cerebellum |
FRONTALPOLE_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-frontalpole and ctx-rh-frontalpole normalized by whole cerebellum |
FUSIFORM_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-fusiform and ctx-rh-fusiform normalized by whole cerebellum |
INFERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-inferiorparietal and ctx-rh-inferiorparietal normalized by whole cerebellum |
INFERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-inferiortemporal and ctx-rh-inferiortemporal normalized by whole cerebellum |
INSULA_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-insula and ctx-rh-insula normalized by whole cerebellum |
ISTHMUSCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-isthmuscingulate and ctx-rh-isthmuscingulate normalized by whole cerebellum |
LATERALOCCIPITAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-lateraloccipital and ctx-rh-lateraloccipital normalized by whole cerebellum |
LATERALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-lateralorbitofrontal and ctx-rh-lateralorbitofrontal normalized by whole cerebellum |
LINGUAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-lingual and ctx-rh-lingual normalized by whole cerebellum |
MEDIALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-medialorbitofrontal and ctx-rh-medialorbitofrontal normalized by whole cerebellum |
MIDDLETEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-middletemporal and ctx-rh-middletemporal normalized by whole cerebellum |
PARACENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-paracentral and ctx-rh-paracentral normalized by whole cerebellum |
PARAHIPPOCAMPAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-parahippocampal and ctx-rh-parahippocampal normalized by whole cerebellum |
PARSOPERCULARIS_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-parsopercularis and ctx-rh-parsopercularis normalized by whole cerebellum |
PARSORBITALIS_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-parsorbitalis and ctx-rh-parsorbitalis normalized by whole cerebellum |
PARSTRIANGULARIS_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-parstriangularis and ctx-rh-parstriangularis normalized by whole cerebellum |
PERICALCARINE_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-pericalcarine and ctx-rh-pericalcarine normalized by whole cerebellum |
POSTCENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-postcentral and ctx-rh-postcentral normalized by whole cerebellum |
POSTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-posteriorcingulate and ctx-rh-posteriorcingulate normalized by whole cerebellum |
PRECENTRAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-precentral and ctx-rh-precentral normalized by whole cerebellum |
PRECUNEUS_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-precuneus and ctx-rh-precuneus normalized by whole cerebellum |
ROSTRALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-rostralanteriorcingulate and ctx-rh-rostralanteriorcingulate normalized by whole cerebellum |
ROSTRALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-rostralmiddlefrontal and ctx-rh-rostralmiddlefrontal normalized by whole cerebellum |
SUPERIORFRONTAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-superiorfrontal and ctx-rh-superiorfrontal normalized by whole cerebellum |
SUPERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-superiorparietal and ctx-rh-superiorparietal normalized by whole cerebellum |
SUPERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-superiortemporal and ctx-rh-superiortemporal normalized by whole cerebellum |
SUPRAMARGINAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-supramarginal and ctx-rh-supramarginal normalized by whole cerebellum |
TEMPORALPOLE_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-temporalpole and ctx-rh-temporalpole normalized by whole cerebellum |
TRANSVERSETEMPORAL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-transversetemporal and ctx-rh-transversetemporal normalized by whole cerebellum |
ACCUMBENS_AREA_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-accumbens-area and right-accumbens-area normalized by whole cerebellum |
AMYGDALA_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-amygdala and right-amygdala normalized by whole cerebellum |
CAUDATE_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-caudate and right-caudate normalized by whole cerebellum |
CEREBELLUM_CORTEX_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-cerebellum-cortex and right-cerebellum-cortex normalized by whole cerebellum |
CEREBELLUM_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-cerebellum-white-matter and right-cerebellum-white-matter normalized by whole cerebellum |
CEREBRAL_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-cerebral-white-matter and right-cerebral-white-matter normalized by whole cerebellum |
CHOROID_PLEXUS_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-choroid-plexus and right-choroid-plexus normalized by whole cerebellum |
HIPPOCAMPUS_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-hippocampus and right-hippocampus normalized by whole cerebellum |
INF_LAT_VENT_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-inf-lat-vent and right-inf-lat-vent normalized by whole cerebellum |
LATERAL_VENTRICLE_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-lateral-ventricle and right-lateral-ventricle normalized by whole cerebellum |
PALLIDUM_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-pallidum and right-pallidum normalized by whole cerebellum |
PUTAMEN_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-putamen and right-putamen normalized by whole cerebellum |
THALAMUS_PROPER_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-thalamus-proper and right-thalamus-proper normalized by whole cerebellum |
VENTRALDC_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-ventraldc and right-ventraldc normalized by whole cerebellum |
VESSEL_SUVR_Amyloid | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-vessel and right-vessel normalized by whole cerebellum |
Variable | Label |
PHC_TRACER_Tau | PET Radiotracer |
PHC_QC_IMAGE_Tau | Determination if scan passed or failed quality control-- image quality |
PHC_INJECTED_DOSE_Tau | Measure of injected radioligand dose |
PHC_B12pos | Threshold-based tau-positivity in B1/B2region |
PHC_B3pos | Threshold-based tau-positivity in B3 region |
PHC_B4pos | Threshold-based tau-positivity in B4 region |
PHC_B5pos | Threshold-based tau-positivity in B5 region |
PHC_B6pos | Threshold-based tau-positivity in B6 region |
PHC_HIBRAAKpos | Hierarchical Braak positivity |
PHC_DISCORDANT_TYPE | Sub-category of discordant images |
B12_SUVR | SUVR of B1/B2 normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
B3_SUVR | SUVR of B3 normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
B4_SUVR | SUVR of B4 normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
B5_SUVR | SUVR of B5 normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
B6_SUVR | SUVR of B6 normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
BRAINSTEM_SUVR_Tau | brain-stem SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
VENTRICLE_3RD_SUVR_Tau | 3rd-ventricle SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
VENTRICLE_4TH_SUVR_Tau | 4th-ventricle SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
VENTRICLE_5TH_SUVR_Tau | 5th-ventricle SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CC_ANTERIOR_SUVR_Tau | cc-anterior SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CC_CENTRAL_SUVR_Tau | cc-central SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CC_MID_ANTERIOR_SUVR_Tau | cc-mid-anterior SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CC_MID_POSTERIOR_SUVR_Tau | cc-mid-posterior SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CC_POSTERIOR_SUVR_Tau | cc-posterior SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CSF_SUVR_Tau | csf SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
OPTIC_CHIASM_SUVR_Tau | optic-chiasm SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
NON_WM_HYPOINTENSITIES_SUVR_Tau | non-wm-hypointensities SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
WM_HYPOINTENSITIES_SUVR_Tau | wm-hypointensities SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_BANKSSTS_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-bankssts SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_CAUDALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-caudalanteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_CAUDALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-caudalmiddlefrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_CUNEUS_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-cuneus SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_FRONTALPOLE_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-frontalpole SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_FUSIFORM_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-fusiform SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_INFERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-inferiorparietal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_INFERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-inferiortemporal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_INSULA_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-insula SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_ISTHMUSCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-isthmuscingulate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_LATERALOCCIPITAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-lateraloccipital SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_LATERALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-lateralorbitofrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_LINGUAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-lingual SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_MEDIALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-medialorbitofrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_MIDDLETEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-middletemporal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_PARACENTRAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-paracentral SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_PARAHIPPOCAMPAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-parahippocampal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_PARSOPERCULARIS_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-parsopercularis SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_PARSORBITALIS_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-parsorbitalis SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_PARSTRIANGULARIS_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-parstriangularis SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_PERICALCARINE_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-pericalcarine SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_POSTCENTRAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-postcentral SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_POSTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-posteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_PRECENTRAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-precentral SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_PRECUNEUS_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-precuneus SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_ROSTRALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-rostralanteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_ROSTRALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-rostralmiddlefrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_SUPERIORFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-superiorfrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_SUPERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-superiorparietal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_SUPERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-superiortemporal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_SUPRAMARGINAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-supramarginal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_TEMPORALPOLE_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-temporalpole SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_LH_TRANSVERSETEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-lh-transversetemporal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_BANKSSTS_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-bankssts SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_CAUDALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-caudalanteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_CAUDALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-caudalmiddlefrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_CUNEUS_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-cuneus SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_ENTORHINAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-entorhinal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_FRONTALPOLE_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-frontalpole SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_FUSIFORM_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-fusiform SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_INFERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-inferiorparietal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_INFERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-inferiortemporal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_INSULA_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-insula SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_ISTHMUSCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-isthmuscingulate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_LATERALOCCIPITAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-lateraloccipital SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_LATERALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-lateralorbitofrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_LINGUAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-lingual SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_MEDIALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-medialorbitofrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_MIDDLETEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-middletemporal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_PARACENTRAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-paracentral SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_PARAHIPPOCAMPAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-parahippocampal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_PARSOPERCULARIS_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-parsopercularis SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_PARSORBITALIS_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-parsorbitalis SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_PARSTRIANGULARIS_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-parstriangularis SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_PERICALCARINE_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-pericalcarine SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_POSTCENTRAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-postcentral SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_POSTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-posteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_PRECENTRAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-precentral SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_PRECUNEUS_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-precuneus SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_ROSTRALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-rostralanteriorcingulate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_ROSTRALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-rostralmiddlefrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_SUPERIORFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-superiorfrontal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_SUPERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-superiorparietal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_SUPERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-superiortemporal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_SUPRAMARGINAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-supramarginal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_TEMPORALPOLE_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-temporalpole SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CTX_RH_TRANSVERSETEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau | ctx-rh-transversetemporal SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LEFT_ACCUMBENS_AREA_SUVR_Tau | left-accumbens-area SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LEFT_AMYGDALA_SUVR_Tau | left-amygdala SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LEFT_CAUDATE_SUVR_Tau | left-caudate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LEFT_CEREBELLUM_CORTEX_SUVR_Tau | left-cerebellum-cortex SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LEFT_CEREBELLUM_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Tau | left-cerebellum-white-matter SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LEFT_CEREBRAL_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Tau | left-cerebral-white-matter SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LEFT_CHOROID_PLEXUS_SUVR_Tau | left-choroid-plexus SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LEFT_HIPPOCAMPUS_SUVR_Tau | left-hippocampus SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LEFT_INF_LAT_VENT_SUVR_Tau | left-inf-lat-vent SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LEFT_LATERAL_VENTRICLE_SUVR_Tau | left-lateral-ventricle SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LEFT_PALLIDUM_SUVR_Tau | left-pallidum SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LEFT_PUTAMEN_SUVR_Tau | left-putamen SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LEFT_THALAMUS_PROPER_SUVR_Tau | left-thalamus-proper SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LEFT_VENTRALDC_SUVR_Tau | left-ventraldc SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LEFT_VESSEL_SUVR_Tau | left-vessel SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
RIGHT_ACCUMBENS_AREA_SUVR_Tau | right-accumbens-area SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
RIGHT_AMYGDALA_SUVR_Tau | right-amygdala SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
RIGHT_CAUDATE_SUVR_Tau | right-caudate SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
RIGHT_CEREBELLUM_CORTEX_SUVR_Tau | right-cerebellum-cortex SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
RIGHT_CEREBELLUM_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Tau | right-cerebellum-white-matter SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
RIGHT_CEREBRAL_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Tau | right-cerebral-white-matter SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
RIGHT_CHOROID_PLEXUS_SUVR_Tau | right-choroid-plexus SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
RIGHT_HIPPOCAMPUS_SUVR_Tau | right-hippocampus SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
RIGHT_INF_LAT_VENT_SUVR_Tau | right-inf-lat-vent SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
RIGHT_LATERAL_VENTRICLE_SUVR_Tau | right-lateral-ventricle SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
RIGHT_PALLIDUM_SUVR_Tau | right-pallidum SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
RIGHT_PUTAMEN_SUVR_Tau | right-putamen SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
RIGHT_THALAMUS_PROPER_SUVR_Tau | right-thalamus-proper SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
RIGHT_VENTRALDC_SUVR_Tau | right-ventraldc SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
RIGHT_VESSEL_SUVR_Tau | right-vessel SUVR normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
BANKSSTS_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-bankssts and ctx-rh-bankssts normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CAUDALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-caudalanteriorcingulate and ctx-rh-caudalanteriorcingulate normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CAUDALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-caudalmiddlefrontal and ctx-rh-caudalmiddlefrontal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CUNEUS_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-cuneus and ctx-rh-cuneus normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
ENTORHINAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-entorhinal and ctx-rh-entorhinal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
FRONTALPOLE_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-frontalpole and ctx-rh-frontalpole normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
FUSIFORM_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-fusiform and ctx-rh-fusiform normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
INFERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-inferiorparietal and ctx-rh-inferiorparietal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
INFERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-inferiortemporal and ctx-rh-inferiortemporal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
INSULA_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-insula and ctx-rh-insula normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
ISTHMUSCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-isthmuscingulate and ctx-rh-isthmuscingulate normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LATERALOCCIPITAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-lateraloccipital and ctx-rh-lateraloccipital normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LATERALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-lateralorbitofrontal and ctx-rh-lateralorbitofrontal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LINGUAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-lingual and ctx-rh-lingual normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
MEDIALORBITOFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-medialorbitofrontal and ctx-rh-medialorbitofrontal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
MIDDLETEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-middletemporal and ctx-rh-middletemporal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
PARACENTRAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-paracentral and ctx-rh-paracentral normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
PARAHIPPOCAMPAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-parahippocampal and ctx-rh-parahippocampal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
PARSOPERCULARIS_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-parsopercularis and ctx-rh-parsopercularis normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
PARSORBITALIS_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-parsorbitalis and ctx-rh-parsorbitalis normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
PARSTRIANGULARIS_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-parstriangularis and ctx-rh-parstriangularis normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
PERICALCARINE_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-pericalcarine and ctx-rh-pericalcarine normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
POSTCENTRAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-postcentral and ctx-rh-postcentral normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
POSTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-posteriorcingulate and ctx-rh-posteriorcingulate normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
PRECENTRAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-precentral and ctx-rh-precentral normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
PRECUNEUS_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-precuneus and ctx-rh-precuneus normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
ROSTRALANTERIORCINGULATE_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-rostralanteriorcingulate and ctx-rh-rostralanteriorcingulate normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
ROSTRALMIDDLEFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-rostralmiddlefrontal and ctx-rh-rostralmiddlefrontal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
SUPERIORFRONTAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-superiorfrontal and ctx-rh-superiorfrontal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
SUPERIORPARIETAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-superiorparietal and ctx-rh-superiorparietal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
SUPERIORTEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-superiortemporal and ctx-rh-superiortemporal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
SUPRAMARGINAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-supramarginal and ctx-rh-supramarginal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
TEMPORALPOLE_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-temporalpole and ctx-rh-temporalpole normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
TRANSVERSETEMPORAL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of ctx-lh-transversetemporal and ctx-rh-transversetemporal normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
ACCUMBENS_AREA_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-accumbens-area and right-accumbens-area normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
AMYGDALA_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-amygdala and right-amygdala normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CAUDATE_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-caudate and right-caudate normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CEREBELLUM_CORTEX_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-cerebellum-cortex and right-cerebellum-cortex normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CEREBELLUM_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-cerebellum-white-matter and right-cerebellum-white-matter normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CEREBRAL_WHITE_MATTER_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-cerebral-white-matter and right-cerebral-white-matter normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
CHOROID_PLEXUS_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-choroid-plexus and right-choroid-plexus normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
HIPPOCAMPUS_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-hippocampus and right-hippocampus normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
INF_LAT_VENT_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-inf-lat-vent and right-inf-lat-vent normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
LATERAL_VENTRICLE_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-lateral-ventricle and right-lateral-ventricle normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
PALLIDUM_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-pallidum and right-pallidum normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
PUTAMEN_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-putamen and right-putamen normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
THALAMUS_PROPER_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-thalamus-proper and right-thalamus-proper normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
VENTRALDC_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-ventraldc and right-ventraldc normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |
VESSEL_SUVR_Tau | Volume-weighted mean SUVR of left-vessel and right-vessel normalized by NPDKA inferior cerebellum |